二十笔实用成语 363

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二十笔实用成语 363

帖子 royl » 周日 6月 10, 2012 12:18 am

二十笔实用成语 363

01. fair and square, be
定义: 公平, 诚实, 光明磊落.
例句: Our team won the game fair and square but still the other team complained. (我们这一队赢得公平诚实但仍有其他队伍抱怨)

02. fair bit, a
定义: [英国]显然大量的, 相当的.
例句: There's still a fair bit of the cake left. Go ahead, help yourself. (还剩下相当多的蛋糕. 来, 别客气, 随便吃)

03. fair deal, a
定义: 公正, 公平的交易/待遇.
例句: "Every American has a right to expect from our government a fair deal." – Harry S. Truman ("每个美国人都有权力要求我们政府提供公平待遇." – 哈瑞•杜鲁门)

04. fair dinkum, be
定义: [澳洲俚语]真实, 诚​​实.
例句: I didn't believe her at first but she swore the story was fair dinkum. (我原先不相信她但她发誓这个故事是真实的)

05. fair do's
定义: 这样才公平, 公平待遇, 公平处理.
例句: Fair do's, Tom. You've been on the Internet for hours; it's your sister's turn to use it now. (汤姆, 这样才公平. 你已经上互联网好几个钟头了; 现在该轮到你妹妹来使用它)

06. fair enough, be
定义: 可以接受的, 满意的, 可行的, 没问题.
例句: If you want to buy that Beemer with your money, fair enough, but don't borrow it from me. (如果你用你的钱买那辆宝马车, 没问题, 但别跟我借这笔钱买车)

07. fair game, a
定义: 公平比赛, 尤其是所有参与者都可能有斩获; 可以被猎捕, 攻击或嘲讽的目标/对象.
例句: The company is fair game as a takeover target by other international consortiums. (这家公司是其他国际财团收购的对象)

08. fair play, a
定义: 诚实/守法/公平竞争; 机会均等.
例句: They don't believe in fair game at all, even though they would like us to believe that they do. (尽管他们想要我们认为他们相信公平竞争, 其实他们根本不相信这一套)

09. fair sex, the
定义: 女性, 女人.
例句: My father hated the idea of​​ me joining the army. He always said it wasn't a suitable job for the fair sex. (我父亲很不喜欢我参加陆军这个想法. 他总是说它不是一份适合女性的工作)

10. fair shake, a
定义: 诚实和公正的交易, 公平的待遇, 不错的成功机会.
例句: He was not given a fair shake. We made a big mistake letting him go. (他没有受到公平的待遇. 我们辞退他是一个大错误)

11. fair to middling, be
定义: 中等, 普通, 还可以.
例句: "How's the barley crop this year?" "O​​h, fair to middling. Could use a good rain." ("你今年大麦的种植还好吗?" "哦, 普通. 还需要一场大雨.")

12. fair to say, be
定义: 说句公道话, 合理/公平/公道地说. (注: 经常用于问人: 是不是合理的推论)
例句: It's fair to say Tom was unprepared for this job. (说句公道话, 汤姆并没有准备好这个工作)

13. fair-haired boy, a
定义: 宠儿, 红人, 特别受人照顾的人; 金发的男孩.
例句: He's the fair-haired boy in this office. They think he's perfect. (他是这个办公室的宠儿. 他们认为他是完美的)

14. Fair's fair.
定义: 该公平就要公平, 这样才公平, 说句公道话, 合理/公平/公道地说.
例句: Fair's fair: I washed the dishes yesterday, so it's your turn to do them today. ​​(该公平就要公平: 昨天是我洗碗, 所以今天该轮到你洗)

15. fair-weather friend, a
定义: 只共享安乐但不会共患难的朋友; 酒肉朋友.
例句: He is a fair-weather friend only and you can't rely on him if you run into trouble. (他只是个酒肉朋友, 你如果碰到麻烦的话, 别指望他帮你忙)

16. fairy godmother, a
定义: (传说中)有法力的守护者, 救星或仙女教母.
例句: I need a fairy godmother to do all my work so I could catch up on about four weeks worth of sleep that I lost. (我需要一位有法力的救星来做我所有的工作, 这样我才能弥补我失去的大约四个星期的睡眠)

17. fairy tale, a
定义: 童话故事, 用来误导别人所编出的神话.
例句: I have heard enough of these fairy tales. I don't believe anything until I see it. (我已经听腻了这些神话. 直到我看到它之前, 我什么都不相当)

18. fait accompli, a
定义: 既成而且不可挽回事实.
例句: My mother stressed to me from a very early age the fact that I would be going to college. It was more than an expectation. It was a fait accompli. (我母亲在我很小的时候就耳提面命我要去上大学. 它不只是个冀望. 它是个既成事实)

19. faith healing, the
定义: 以宗教信仰治病.
例句: Unlike faith healing, advocates of spiritual healing make no attempt to seek divine intervention, instead believing in divine energy. (跟信仰治病不同, 心灵治疗提倡者并不强求神迹降临, 而是依赖​​神灵的能量)

20. fake it, to
定义: 假装, 装懂, 装傻, 编造, 冒充.
例句: If he forgets the words, he fakes it. He thinks of new words. (如果他不记得这些字汇, 他就编造. 他会想出一些新字汇)



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