二十笔实用成语 368

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二十笔实用成语 368

帖子 royl » 周四 7月 05, 2012 12:23 am

二十笔实用成语 368

01. fallen woman, to
定义: 堕落的女子, 妓女. (注: 由于近代两性平等的诉求, 这个措词已经被视为过时)
例句: The priest was trying to save the fallen women in his parish. (这位神父试图拯救他教区内的堕落女子)

02. falling-out, a
定义: 吵架, 争吵.
例句: Tommy and Jeanie had a falling-out last night. They argued about money. (汤米和珍妮昨晚吵了一架. 他们是为钱争吵)

03. false alarm, an
定义: 假警报, 错误警报, 假警告, 错误警告.
例句: Over time, repeated false alarms in a certain area may cause occupants to start to ignore all alarms. (随着时间的过去, 在某地区重复出现的假警报会造成当地居民开始不理会所有的警报)

04. false move, a
定义: 错误行动, 轻举妄动, 鲁莽动作, 欺骗性的威胁行动.
例句: If the driver had m​​ade one false move there would have been an accident. (如果这个驾驶人做了一个鲁莽动作的​​话, 当时有可能会发生一个车祸. 注: 因为这是个假设语气, if之后的动词时态是过去式)

05. false sense of security, a
定义: 虚假, 自我安慰的安全感.
例句: We gave the enemy a false sense of security by pretending to retreat. Then we launched an attack. (我们假装撤退给予这些敌人一个虚假的安全感. 随后我们发动攻击. 注: 孙子兵法的"佯北勿从", 意指敌军形势未衰便撤退必有奇伏, 切勿追之就是这个道理)

06. false start, a
定义: 非法起步, 起步犯规; 非法开球; 被误导的或不成功的工作, 生意起步.
例句: During the 2008 Olympics occurred when Jiaying Pang was disqualified due to a false start. (于二零零八年奥运期间, 游泳选手庞佳颖由于起步犯规被取消资格)

07. false statement, a
定义: 虚假, 误导或诈欺性的陈述/证词/声明/供词.
例句: When a person has a duty to speak, silence may be treated as a false statement. (如果某人有义务说明的话, 沉默不语也可以被视为诈欺性的陈述)

08. false step, a
定义: 失足, 错误的一步, 严重错误或过失.
例句: Ashley was walking and texting at the same time when she took one false step and stubbed her foot on the sidewalk and she broke her toe. (当艾许莉同时一面走路一面传简讯的时候, 她不小心失足, 脚踢到人行道不平的路面伤到了她的脚趾头)

09. falsely accused, be
定义: 被人错误地指控, 被误控.
例句: It's been 10 years since Banks, then 16, pleaded no contest to a rape charge brought after a friend falsely accused him of attacking her, shattering his dreams of a pro career. (自从当时是十六岁的班克斯被一名友人误控性侵后放弃了辩护他的强奸罪指控已经十年了, 因此也粉碎了他的职业生涯梦)

10. familiar with, be
定义: 熟悉, 内行.
例句: Are you familiar with changing a flat tire? (更换一个泄气轮胎你熟不熟悉?)

11. familiarity breeds contempt
定义: 亲则生狎, 近则不逊; 与人交往过密会产生随便言行. (注: 意指交往过密会忘了尊重别人)
例句: Don't call Margaret Maggie. Remember, familiarity breeds contempt. (别叫玛格莉特玛姬. 记住, 交往过密会产生随便言行)

12. family day, a
定义: 亲子日. (注: 意指父母与子女团聚的一天)
例句: Family Day is a state holiday in Nevada, celebrated on the day after Thanksgiving. (亲子日是内华达州的假日, 于感恩节后的第二天庆祝)

13. family doctor, a
定义: 家庭全科医生.
例句: In a nutshell, the role of a family doctor is to care for the physical, mental and emotional needs of patients of all ages. (简言之, 家庭全科医生的角色是提供各种年龄病人身体上, 精神上以及情绪上所需的医疗照顾)

14. family jewels, the
定义: [诙谐俚语]命根子, 传家之宝. (注: 意指男人传宗接代的生殖器)
例句: Sure I wear a jockstrap to protect the family jewels! (没错我是穿了下体护具来保护我的传家之宝!)

15. family to maintain, a
定义: 维持家计, 养家活口.
例句: I can understand how it is a big deal for a 30-year old applicant who has a family to maintain and the 10K pay cut would put his family in a financial hardship. (我可以理解对于一个要养家活口的三十岁申请人来说薪水减少一万元将会造成他家庭财务困难是一桩严峻的问题)

16. family tree, the
定义: 家谱, 族谱, 家族树: 列出祖先的记录.
例句: The longest family tree in the world today is that of the Chinese educator Confucius. He is the descendant of King Tang. (目前世界上最长的族谱是中国教育家孔夫子的族谱. 他是商汤的后裔)

17. famous for ..., be
定义: 以...著名或扬名.
例句: Wolong is famous for the giant panda reserve and breeding station. (卧龙以大熊猫保护区与繁殖中心扬名世界)

18. famous last words, the
定义: 著名的结语, 常用于表示不信, 拒绝或自贬.
例句: One of famous final words, "It's stopped." was said by Joseph Henry Green, a distinguished 19th century British surgeon, upon checking his own pulse. (著名的结语之一, "它停下来了."是十九世纪杰出的英国外科医师约色夫•亨利•葛林在检查他自己脉搏时所说的)

19. fan club, a
定义: 爱好者后援会, (歌迷, 影迷, 车迷, 等等)俱乐部, 粉丝团.
例句: Most fan clubs are run by fans who devote considerable time and resources to supporting them. (大部分的爱好者俱乐部是由爱好者经营, 他们投入大量的时间以及资源来维护它们)

20. fan out, to
定义: 散开, 分散.
例句: A multi-agency task force fanned out across the city this morning in search of 41 suspects. (今晨, 一支由多个治安机关组成的特遣部队分散于这座城市各处搜捕四十一名嫌犯)



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