二十笔实用成语 379

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二十笔实用成语 379

帖子 royl » 周三 8月 15, 2012 4:42 am

二十笔实用成语 379

01. few odd dollars, a
定义: (剩下的)一点钱, 几块钱.
例句: Then, someone from the layaway department will call and tell you that your microwave is paid for, save a few odd dollars, and that you can pick it up anytime. (随后, 有人会从分期预付部门打电话通知你, 你的微波炉已经付清, 省下一点钱, 你可以随时去提货)

02. few weeks/years back, a
定义: 几个星期/几年以前.
例句: I took this shot from a few years back during some pretty severe bushfires, but it still gets me every time. (这张照片是我在几年前发生的几场丛林大火时候拍摄下来的, 但它仍总是让我情绪激动)

03. fewer and fewer
定义: 越来越少.
例句: Sadly, fewer and fewer people are looking for work or unemployment rate would be significantly higher. (很遗憾, 越来越少人在找工作, 否则失业率将会大幅高涨)

04. fiat (paper) money/currency, the
定义: 不兑现纸币. (注: 意指没有黄金或其他有价值作准备所发行的纸币; 不能转换为黄金的纸币)
例句: The Nixon Shock of 1971 ended the direct convertibility of the US dollar to gold. Since then, all reserve currencies have been fiat currencies. (一九七一年尼克森的突然改变结束了美元与黄金直接兑换. 自此之后, 所有的储备货币都成为不兑现纸币)

05. Fibber McGee's closet, a
定义: 塞满了凌乱东西的储藏室/橱柜. (注: 意指有时一开橱门东西会掉下来)
例句: Your purse is like Fibber McGee's closet, it's got everything in there but I can't find anything. (妳的皮包像一团凌乱的储藏室, 什么东西都有但我什么东西都找不着)

06. fibbie, a
定义: [俚语]联邦调查局干员.
例句: I find it hard to shed a tear for a convicted fibbie, the same way inmates of Auschwitz would find it hard to lose sleep for the guard being pushed out of the watchtower. (我很难为一个被判罪的调查局干员难过, 就像奥斯威辛集中营的被囚禁者很难会为一个从岗哨楼被人推下来的狱卒难过一样)

07. fickle finger of fate, the
定义: 人生际遇变幻无常, 祸福无常.
例句: He lost his job last week, wrecked his car, and got mugged last night. The poor guy must have been touched by the fickle finger of fate. (他上星期失业, 车子被撞毁, 昨日又遭人抢劫.这个可怜人肯定受到厄运的捉弄)

08. fickle friend, a
定义: 反覆无常的朋友.
例句: When my fickle friend cancelled lunch for the third time, I decided to give up trying to get together with her. (当我反覆无常的朋友第三次取消午餐约会之后, 我决定放弃跟她再聚会的尝试)

09. fiddle about/around, to
定义: 鬼混, 无所事事, 游手好闲; 玩弄, 漫无目的拨动东西.
例句: You spent hours just fiddling around this afternoon when you should have been studying. (你今天下午鬼混了几个钟头而你本应该读书)

10. fiddle away something, to
定义: 浪费时间, 无所事事, 游手好闲.
例句: Billy fiddles away hours on end arranging his model cars. (比利整天无所事事地摆放他的模型车)

11. fiddle with something, to
定义: 漫无目的拨动东西; 试图笨手笨脚地修理复杂东西; 戏弄, 挑逗.
例句: Please don't fiddle with the stereo controls. (请不要拨动这个立体音响的调控)

12. field its first carrier, to
定义: 派遣第一艘航空母舰于战地操作.
例句: China is pursuing longer-term plans to field its first carrier. (中国正追求其派遣它第一艘航空母舰于战地操作的长期计划)

13. FIFO
定义: 先进先出法. (注: FIFO是first in, first out的缩写; 仓库管理会计方法之一就是以先进货的先出售来计算成本与收益)
例句: FIFO means the oldest inventory items are recorded as sold first but do not necessarily mean that the exact oldest physical object has been tracked and sold. (先进先出法是指最旧的存货项目被登录为首先被售出但并不必然意味着正好​​是这个最旧的货品被找出来卖出)

14. fifth column, a
定义: 第五纵队. (注: 战时在敌人后方从事间谍, 破坏工作的奸细)
例句: A key tactic of the fifth column is the secret introduction of supporters into the whole fabric of the entity under attack. (第五纵队的一个主要的策略是秘密地把他们的拥护者渗透入他们攻击目标的整个社会结构里)

15. fifth wheel, a
定义: 电灯泡. (注: 一对恋人旁的一个人意指多余没用的阻碍人或物; 一辆汽车只有四只轮子, 那么第五个轮子当然是多余的)
例句: I don't like living with my son and daughter-in-law. I feel like a fifth wheel. (我不喜欢跟我的儿子与媳妇住在一块. 我感到像个电灯泡一样)

16. fifty-fifty
定义: 五十五十, 平均分配, 平均分摊.
例句: We divided the cost of the trip fifty-fifty. (我们平均分摊旅游的花费)

17. fight an uphill battle, to
定义: 一路苦战, 一路苦撑.
例句: We've asked the government to protect children's rights, we've fought an uphill battle in getting people to be aware the truth. (我们一直要求政府保护儿童的权利, 我们为了使人们了解真相一路苦战)

18. fight back tears, to
定义: 忍住眼泪.
例句: Told to spread his legs while being searched, Magos fought back tears when he was asked to describe how he felt being patted down in the underarms and groin. (被命令在被搜身时张开双腿, 梅哥斯忍住眼泪当他被要求描述他被搜身至腋下和鼠蹊部位时他的感觉)

19. fight back, to
定义: 反击, 反驳; 重新振作;抑制, 忍住.
例句: They fell behind early in the game, but they were able to fight back and tie the score in the second half. (他们在这个比赛初期落后, 但他们却能够重新振作并在下半场与对方打成平手)

20. fight fire with fire, to
定义: 以牙还牙, 以火攻火, 以其人之道, 还治其人之身.
例句: In the face of stiff competition from rival firms, we had to fight fire with fire and slash our prices. (面临竞争业者的艰巨挑战, 我们不得不以其人之道, 还治其人之身, 我们也大幅减价)



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