二十笔实用成语 380

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二十笔实用成语 380

帖子 royl » 周日 8月 19, 2012 11:25 pm

二十笔实用成语 380

01. fight for one's life, to
定义: 死里求生, 为生存而战.
例句: I hope to be able to get on with my life but will never forget the day that I had to fight for my life. (我希望继续过我的生活但永远不会忘记那个我不得不死里求生的日子)

02. fight for what is right, to
定义: 为正义而战斗, 为该做的事奋斗.
例句: It's time that our spirits of courage need to stand strong, and fight for what is right. (这正是我们需要鼓起屹立不摇的勇气, 为正义而战的时候)

03. fight for, to
定义: 极力维护, 捍卫; 极力地争取, 维持或达成; 尽力/吃力地做某事.
例句: When we brought him to the hospital, he was fighting for breath. (当我们把他送到医院的时候, 他那时正吃力地呼吸)

04. fight it out, to
定义: 打一假或吵一架来解决纷争.
例句: These people were fighting it out over parking spaces. (这些人那时正为了争停车位打架)

05. fight like a man, and die like a man, to
定义: 战斗要像个男子汉, 死也要像个男子汉. (注: 意指不要退缩或懦弱)
例句: Fight like a man, and die like a man. A coward dies a thousand deaths, a soldier dies but once. (战斗要像个男子汉, 死也要像个男子汉. 一个懦夫死一千遍, 一个军人只会死一次)

06. fight like cat and dog/fight like cats and dogs, to
定义: 整天吵吵闹闹, 斗成一团.
例句: My children fight like cat and dog but there's only one person they turn to when they need a hug. (我儿女整天吵吵闹闹, 但当他们需要有人疼爱的时候他们只会找一个人)

07. fight like hell, to
定义: 拼命地搏斗, 努力争取.
例句: She will fight like hell to keep her children with her, and to raise the children exactly she wants them to be. (她会拼命地争取留住她的儿女, 并完全照她的期望抚养这些儿女)

08. fight like Kilkenny cats, to
定义: 拼得两败俱伤, 同归于尽; 拼命地搏斗, 努力争取.
例句: We're going to fight like Kilkenny cats to ensure those amendments go through because it's absolutely vital. (我们将要努力争取来确保这些修正案的通过因为这是至关重要的)

09. fight off, to
定义: 抵抗, 击退, 赶走.
例句: As soon as we fought the mosquitoes off, they returned almost immediately. (每当我们把这些蚊子赶走之后, 它们没多久又跑回来)

10. fight on, to
定义: 持续不懈地战斗/奋斗/对抗/争取/抗争/竞争/竞赛.
例句: We fought on until we were exhausted. (我们持续不懈地竞赛直到我们精疲力竭为止)

11. fight one's corner, to
定义: 保卫自己立场或利益, 为自己据理力争, 为自己辩护.
例句: Standing up for yourself means putting your ideas forward, being relaxed and confident, and being prepared to fight your corner if necessary. (坚持自己立场就是提出你的意见, 放轻松和保持自信, 如果有必要的话, 准备为你的意见辩护)

12. fight one's way, to
定义: 一路向前推挤, 一路使劲移动, 一路闯出重围, 一路打拼奋斗.
例句: After she was assaulted by the three men, she fought her way out of their grasp and ran for help. (被三名男子性侵之后, 她一路闯出重围, 奔求救援)

13. fight shy of, to
定义: 极力避免, 极不愿意做某事, 避不见面, 避开冲突, 避重就轻.
例句: He fought shy of entering his poems in the competition, although everyone said he should. (尽管每个人都说他应该参赛, 他仍极不愿意拿他的诗词参加给这个比赛)

14. fight the good fight, to
定义: 打过那美好的仗.
例句: He fought the good fight and left the company with a clear conscience. (他曾打过那美好的仗, 问心无愧地离开这家公司)

15. fight to a standstill, to
定义: 打成平手, 打至胶着状态, 阻止对方进展​​.
例句: When he did not defeat them outright, he fought to a standstill the best generals Rome produced, and he sustained his army in the field for sixteen long years. (虽然他没有彻底地击败他们, 他却跟罗马共和国派遣出的最好将领打成平手, 他的部队与敌人周旋长达十六年之久. 注: 这里的他是指汉尼拔)
迦太基帝国著名军事家 – 汉尼拔

16. fight to stay awake/alive, to
定义: 尽力保持清醒/求生.
例句: I'm always fighting to stay awake in class but at lunch I'm wide awake. (我总是在课堂上尽力保持清醒, 但一到午餐时间我却完全清醒)

17. fight to the bitter end, to
定义: 坚持到最后关头, 一路拼到底, 奋斗到底.
例句: On assignment, you work till the job is done. You fight to the bitter end. (在任务中, 你不到工作完成不停止. 你要一路拼到底)

18. fight tooth and nail, to
定义: 殊死拼搏, 拼全力搏斗, 极力争取.
例句: He is fighting tooth and nail to get a transfer to another department. (他正拼全力地争取被调职到另一部门)

19. fight with, to
定义: 与...吵架, 打斗或作战(跟fight against同义); 与...并肩作战, 与...共同抵御(跟fight together with同义); 以某个武器或器械作战或斗殴.
例句: I don't want to fight with you anymore. (我不想再跟你争吵)

20. fighting a losing battle, be
定义: 作困兽之斗, 明知不可为而为之, 作毫无希望的挣扎.
例句: In this old house, we're always fighting a losing battle with dust and dirt. (在这栋老房子里, 我们一直跟灰土作毫无希望的挣扎)



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