法律术语 21

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法律术语 21

帖子 royl » 周四 8月 23, 2012 10:26 pm

法律术语 21

01. plea bargain
定义: 认罪协商(意指, 坦白从宽, 从轻发落)
例句: A plea bargain allows both parties to avoid a lengthy criminal trial and may allow criminal defendants to avoid the risk of conviction at trial on a more serious charge. (认罪协商允许双方避免冗长的刑事审判, 也可以让刑事被告免于更严重罪名的审判上被判有罪的风险)

02. pleading
定义: 任何诉讼文件, 包括起诉书, 申请书, 答辩书, 抗辩书, 动议, 书面声明, 等等
例句: In the United States, a complaint is the first pleading filed by a plaintiff which initiates a lawsuit. (在美国, 一份诉状是原告起诉所提出的第一份诉讼文件)

03. post bail / bond
定义: 缴付保释金
例句: Court-ordered cash bonds require the total amount of bail to be posted in cash. The court holds this money until the case is concluded. (法庭裁决的现金保释要求以现金来缴付全额保释金. 这个法庭扣留住这份金额直到这笔官司结束为止)

04. postpetition transfer
定义: (破产申请后)债务人财产的转让
例句: An unauthorized postpetition transfer will not discharge a debtor from his/he​​r debts. Postpetition transfers must be made after gaining advice of a qualified attorney. (一件未授权的破产申请后财产转让并不会解除债务人的债务. 破产申请后财产转让必须取得合格律师的咨询后才可以执行)

05. prebankruptcy planning
定义: (把不能免除债务财产转变为可免除债务财产的)破产前计画
例句: Negotiate with creditors to avoid bankruptcy if possible. If you have to, it is advisable to consult an attorney for prebankruptcy planning before filing a bankruptcy petition. (最好是跟债权人协商来避免申请破产. 如果你不得不申请破产的话, 申请前请律师来商讨制定破产前计画是明智的)

06. precedent
定义: 判例
例句: Once the California Supreme Court decided that employers may fire an employee who fails a drug test because of his use of marijuana, all lower courts in California must follow the precedent. (一旦加州最高法院裁定雇主可以辞退因吸食大麻而无法通过药检的职员, 所有加州的低级法院都必须遵循此判例)

07. preferential debt payment / preference
定义: 优先债务付款
例句: Preferential debt payment is one creditor is paid in preference to other ones, when a debtor is filing bankruptcy. It is a violation of bankruptcy rules. (当债务人正申请破产保护时, 优先债务付款是某一债权人比其他债权人优先被偿还. 这是违反破产法的行为)

08. preliminary hearing
定义: (决定本案是否成立的)审前听证, 预审
例句: In the US, there is a right to counsel at the preliminary hearing whereas the defendant is not entitled to counsel at grand jury proceedings. (在美国, 被告拥有在预审时律师在场咨询的权利, 然而在大陪审团进行的调查程序中, 被告无权请律师在场咨询)

09. preliminary injunction
定义: 审前禁制令
例句: If a lawsuit is filed challenging the validity of a new regulation, the court may issue a preliminary injunction stopping the government from enforcing it until the regulation can be deemed valid. (如果一份质疑新法规合法性的诉讼被提出,此法庭也许会发出审前禁制令阻止此法被政府执行直到它被裁定为合法为止)

10. preponderance of evidence
定义: 证据优势
例句: The standard of proof that must be met in civil court is known as preponderance of evidence, which is different from the standard of proof that is required in a criminal case. (必须符合民事法庭规定的举证标准被称之为证据优势, 这与刑事法庭所规定的举证标准不同)

11. presentence investigation report (PSIR)
定义: 宣判前调查
例句: A PSIR is an investigation into the history of person convicted of a crime before sentencing to determine if there are circumstances should ameliorate or increase the harshness of the sentence. (宣判前调查是被判有罪者于判刑前的历史调查用来决定是否基于某些情况应减轻或加重这个判刑)

12. presumption of facts
定义: 事实推定/推断
例句: In order to do justice, the law permits a presumption of facts that arrived based on the circumstantial evidence or situation prevailing in that case. (为了公正审判, 法律允许事实推定也就是对此案具有说服力的基于间接证据或间接情况所做出的决定)

13. presumption of innocence
定义: 无罪推定
例句: The presumption of innocence is the principle that one is considered innocent until proven guilty. (无罪推定是一个任何人被视为无罪直到被证明有罪的原则)

14. pretrial conference
定义: 审前会议
例句: Pretrial conference among the opposing attorneys and the judge called at the discretion of the court is to make a final effort to settle the case without a trial. (介于双方律师与经由法院决定召唤来的法官所展开的审前会议, 其工作是做最后的努力求得庭外和解)

15. pretrial diversion / pretrial intervention
定义: (给初犯者更新机会的)审前转移, 审前干预
例句: Pretrial diversion is a program for certain first-time offenders to give them a second chance to avoid being marked by a felony conviction for the rest of their lives. (审前转移是一个给予某些特定的初犯者一次更新机会以避免下半生留下被判处刑事重罪的污点)

16. pretrial hearing
定义: (决定本案审理范围的)审前听审
例句: The court may conduct pretrial hearings to resolve issues relating to the admissibility of statements by defendant, identifications of defendant, and sound recordings. (法院可以举行审前听审来解决与被告陈述的可接受性, 被告的身份指认,以及庭内录音等有关的问题)

17. priority claim
定义: (比其他无担保债务)优先偿还的债务
例句: Certain debts should be paid in full and cannot be discharged through bankruptcy. These debts are considered priority claims and receive special consideration in the Chapter 13 bankruptcy. (经由破产案, 某些债务应该完全偿还, 不应被免除. 这些债务被视为优先偿还债务, 并受到十三章破产法特殊照顾)

18. pro bono
定义: 免费提供的法律咨询与辩护
例句: Pro bono service, unlike traditional volunteerism, uses the specific skills of professionals to provide services to those who are unable to afford them. (免费法律咨询与辩护服务, 与传统义工服务不同, 它利用专业人士的特殊技术来免费提供给那些无力承担这些服务的人们)

19. pro hac vice
定义: "只此一次的特殊许可" 允许(无本州律师执照的)外州律师参与某一诉讼
例句: The right to appear pro hac vice is not guaranteed. An out-of-state lawyer must specifically request permission from the court to be able to appear as an attorney of record. (只此一次的特殊许可的权利并不受保证. 一名外州律师必须依明确步骤向法院申请许可以便以登记在案律师的身份出庭)

20. pro per / pro se
定义: 代表自己出庭辩护
例句: When a non-lawyer files his/he​​r own legal papers, that party is expected to write "in pro per" under his/he​​r name in the heading on the first page. (当一名非律师者提出他/她自己的法律诉讼时, 此当事人应该在首页标题内他/她的名字之下填写"代表自己出庭")



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