二十笔实用成语 390

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二十笔实用成语 390

帖子 royl » 周六 9月 22, 2012 9:06 am

二十笔实用成语 390

01. fit to be tied, be
定义: 怒不可遏, 暴跳如雷.
例句: He was fit to be tied when you said the accident was his fault. (当你说这个意外事故是他错的时候, 他暴跳如雷)

02. fit to burst
定义: 强烈的情绪的. (注: 例如爆笑或暴怒)
例句: As soon as Billy saw the clothes they were wearing, he began to laugh fit to burst. (比利一看到他们所穿着的衣服, 他开始捧腹大笑)

03. fit to kill
定义: 极度地; 醒目, 鲜艳, 惊人风格.
例句: We laughed fit to kill when we saw the expression on Jim's face. (当我们看到吉姆脸上表情的时候, 我们笑得上气不接下气)

04. fit up, to
定义: 装设或供应所需要的装备或器材; 栽赃某人, 陷害某人.
例句: Our optician will soon fit you up with a new pair of glasses. (我们配镜师马上会替你配一副新眼镜)

05. fit with, to
定义: 与相当搭配; 装设, 使用或提供装备.
例句: The ships are being fitted with the latest version of the Phalanx CIWS close-in weapon system. (这批舰只被装置了最新版的密集阵近迫武器系统)

06. fit/ready to drop, be
定义: 极端疲倦的.
例句: I've been working since 4 o'clock this morning, I'm ready to drop. (我从今早四点钟一直做到现在, 我快要累垮了)

07. fit/suit to a T, to
定义: 完美的合适, 恰到好处.
例句: The new arrangement suits me to a T. (这个新安排正合我意)

08. five by five
定义: 情况良好; 一切顺利; 矮胖; [无线电术语]收讯良好.
例句: "I'm five by five." "Are you sure? You look a little nervous." ("我很好." "你确定吗? 你看起来有点紧张.")

09. five food groups, the
定义: 五大种类/分类食物: 水果, 蔬菜, 蛋白质, 乳品, 油或脂肪.
例句: By balancing these five food groups in your daily diet, you can maintain the normal functioning of the body and lead a healthy life. (经由你日常饮食平衡地摄取这五大类食物, 你可以维持正常的身体功能而且过着健康生活)

10. five o'clock shadow
定义: 到了下班时候脸上出现的胡渣子.
例句: He's a heartbreaker with five o'clock shadow. Humphrey Bogart was the original bad boy. (他是个留着胡渣的叫人着迷的帅哥. 亨佛莱•鲍嘉才是最早的酷哥)
二十世纪三零至五零年代的美国男演员, 亨佛莱•鲍嘉

11. fiver, a
定义: [俚语]五美元, 五英镑.
例句: I slip a fiver in a vending machine to get a bottle of iced tea but more importantly some change so I can call him. (我把五美元塞进自​​动贩卖机买了一瓶冰茶, 但更重要的是我换回了零钱我才能打电话给他. 注: 此句意指用整钞买东西再用找回的零钱打公共电话给某人)

12. five-spice powder, the
定义: 五香粉. (注: 意指烹调用的)
例句: The five-spice powder mixture has followed the Chinese diasporas and has been incorporated into other national cuisines throughout Asia. (五香混合粉已经跟随了移民海外的华人并溶入其他遍及亚洲国家的烹饪风味)

13. fix dinner, to
定义: 准备晚餐.
例句: Most days when I get home from work I have to fix dinner for my family. But once in a while I'll get a pleasant surprise. (大多数的时候我下班回家之后, 我必须替家人准备晚餐.但有时候我会遇到令人愉快的惊喜. 注: 这个惊喜可能是家人已经做好晚餐或从外面买了食物回来)

14. fix it, to
定义: 修理某物, 安排某事.
例句: If you're going to fix it, why not improve it? (如果你要修理它的话, 为什么不改进它呢?)

15. fix on/upon, to
定义: 把注意或思路集中于某人/某事; 做决定或选择.
例句: All eyes fixed on her as she entered the room. (当她走进房间的时候, 大家都注视她)

16. fix one's eyes/gaze on ..., to
定义: 凝视..., 目不转睛地看...
例句: She fixed her eye on a particularly chatty pair, who were evidently engrossed in discussion the latest events. (她目不转睛地看着这两个特别健谈的聊天者, 显然他们全神专注地讨论最近发生的事件)

17. fix one's hopes/sights on/upon ..., to
定义: 把希望放在...(某事或某人上).
例句: She has her hopes fixed on a career in journalism. (她希望有一个新闻工作的生涯. 注: 这句话也可以写成: She hopes/wants to have a career in journalism)

18. fix someone up with another person, to
定义: 介绍男/女朋友, 牵线, 安排两人约会.
例句: I tried to fix my sister up with a date with my friend but she refused me. (我试图安排我妹妹跟我朋友约会但她拒绝了我)

19. fix someone with a stare/look, to
定义: 怒目相向, 瞪某人.
例句: "That's enough, Tommy," Ms. Zhou reprimands, fixing him with an angry stare. ("够了, 汤米," 周女士训斥, 忿怒地瞪着他)

20. fix someone's wagon, to
定义: 报复某人, 向某人报仇, 破坏某人.
例句: Someday I'm going to fix your wagon. I'm going to fix it real good. (总有一天我会报复你. 我会好好地报此仇)



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