二十笔实用成语 398

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二十笔实用成语 398

帖子 royl » 周一 10月 08, 2012 1:08 am

二十笔实用成语 398

01. foam at the mouth, be
定义: 口吐泡沫, 非常愤怒, 激动莫名.
例句: He was foaming at the mouth when I told him that I had had an accident with his car. (当我告诉他我开他的车子出去发生了碰撞事故的时候, 他非常愤怒)

02. fob off, to
定义: 耍诡计, 以借口拖延; 以假货冒充真货, 把次货或不想要的东西脱手出去; 放在一边暂时不理.
例句: Some used-car dealers are always trying to fob lemons off. (有些二手车经销商总是想办法把问题车脱手出去. 注: 这里的lemons就是一般人所称的柠檬车或问题车)

03. fobbie, a
定义: [种族歧视语]亚洲外国游客, 亚洲移民或学生对美国生活习惯, 文化不熟悉, 说英语带浓厚乡音.
例句: I have learned my lesson: never sit beside a group of brown people or fobbies in a library. (我已经学到了教训: 在图书馆里, 千万别坐在一群深色皮肤或亚洲人的旁边)

04. focus on one goal, to
定义: 致力/专注/集中精力于一个目标.
例句: One thing I'v​​e learned over the years from growing my own business is that we accomplish ten times as much when we focus on one goal at a time. (多年来, 我从拓展生意里学到一个经验, 也就是我们可以成就十倍的工作量如果我们一次只集中精力在一个目标上)

05. focus on, to
定义: 专心注意, 致力/专注/集中注意于.
例句: Today's news coverage focused primarily on the scandal. (今天的新闻报导主要专注在这件丑闻上)

06. fog up, to
定义: 起雾.
例句: The moisture fogged the windshield up, and we had to stop to clean it off. (这些湿气让挡风玻璃起雾, 我们不得不停车把它清除)

07. foist on/upon, to
定义: 以诡计强迫别人接受, 诈欺.
例句: He foisted his prejudices upon his children. (他把他的偏见灌输给他的儿女)

08. fold (up) the chair, to
定义: 把(折叠)椅折好.
例句: I folded up the chair, put in into the trunk and drove home. (我把椅子折叠好, 放进行​​李箱, 然后开车回家)

09. fold one's tent, to
定义: 静悄悄的离开; 撤离, 撤退, 退缩; 不再介入/参与.
例句: If we had just folded our tent and accepted the injunction order, our harassing landowner would have been more emboldened. (如果我们就这样地退缩并接受这个禁制令, 只会让骚扰我们的房东更胆大妄为)

10. fold someone in your arms, to
定义: 拥抱某人.
例句: I folded her in my arms and promised her I wouldn't go. I would never leave her like that. (我拥抱着她并跟她保证我不会离开. 我决不会就这样地离弃她)

11. fold up, to
定义: 折叠; 结束经营, 停止营业, 关门, 倒闭; 晕倒.
例句: Tom's dollar store finally folded up because of the recession. (由于经济不景气, 汤姆的一元商店终于结束经营)

12. follow along, to
定义: 遵循, 协同, 伴随, 跟着一起.
例句: The children followed along with the song. (这些小朋友跟着一起唱这首歌)

13. follow around/about, to
定义: 如影随形跟着某人到处走.
例句: Why are you always following me about? Stop it! (你为什么老是跟着我处走? 别再跟我走!)

14. follow behind, to
定义: 尾随其后.
例句: I told him to lead the way and I would follow behind him. (我要他带路, 我会尾随其后)

15. follow in someone's footsteps/tracks, to
定义: 克绍箕裘, 继承父母/先人志业, 遵循某人的榜样或指导.
例句: Mike decided to follow in his father's footsteps and go into medicine. (麦克决定继承他父亲的志业进入医界)

16. follow it to the letter, to
定义: 准确地遵照办理, 准确地遵循指示去做.
例句: You have to follow it to the letter in order for it to work. (为了要使它成功运作, 你必须准确地遵照指示去做)

17. Follow me please.

18. Follow me?

19. follow one's heart, to
定义: 随着自己的感觉/理想/梦想(去做), 凭着自己良心(去做).
例句: I trust that you will follow your heart in this matter. (对于这个问题, 我相信你会凭着你的良心处理)

20. follow one's instinct, to
定义: 凭着直觉.
例句: I'm glad I followed my instinct and got gas this morning before I went to work. Gas prices just went up 20 cents an hour ago. (我很庆幸我凭着直觉一早在上班前加好汽油. 一个钟头以前汽油价格刚涨了两毛钱)



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