二十笔实用成语 410

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二十笔实用成语 410

帖子 royl » 周日 11月 04, 2012 3:29 am

二十笔实用成语 410

01. form an opinion, to
定义: 思考出/形成/给出/得出意见或看法.
例句: I don't know enough about the issue to form an opinion. (对这个问题我了解不足, 没法得出一个看法)

02. form itself in one's mind, to
定义: 在脑中形成(某个计划或想法).
例句: While I was waiting for the kettle to boil, something connected with energy, a concept, an idea, or maybe just a hunch, tried to form itself in my mind. (就在我等候水烧滚的时候, 一个跟能源有关的想法, 一个概念, 一个主意, 也许只是一个直觉, 正试图在我的脑中形成)

03. form/term of address, a
定义: 对人的称呼用语.
例句: The influence of the word "angel" makes the name an affectionate term of address for a cute little girl. (由于"天使"这个字眼的影响使得这个名称成为对一个可爱小女孩的称呼)

04. formally vs. formerly
定义: [易混淆字或片语]formally(副词)正式地, 礼仪地, 形式地; formerly(副词)早前地, 先前地.

05. forsee vs. foresee
定义: [易混淆字或片语]首先要强调的是复合字的字首fore是事先或先前的意思, 所以fore+see才是正确的复合字; forsee因为字首for之后缺少e, 所以是错误的. (注: 同理forestall, forerun或forebear也是正确的复合字)

06. fortuitous vs. fortunate
定义: [易混淆字或片语]fortuitous(形容词)偶然的; fortunate(形容词)幸运的. (注: 请注意, 偶然发生的事情并不一定是幸运的, 两者意义不同, 也不可互相取代)

07. fortune cookie, a
定义: 幸运签饼干. (注: 美国的中餐馆饭后供应内藏幸运签的饼干)
例句: Fortune cookies are often served as a dessert in Chinese restaurants in the United States and some other countries, but are absent in China. (幸运签饼一般于美国或其他几个国家的中国餐馆里被提供为甜点, 但在中国它们并不存在)

08. fortune hunter, a
定义: 追求财富的人, 淘金男. (注: 尤指通过婚姻的方式取得财富者)
例句: He doesn't love you, you know. He's just a fortune hunter. (你要知道, 他并不爱妳. 他只是一个淘金男)

09. fortune-teller, a
定义: 算命者, 占卜者.
例句: My mom took me to see a fortune-teller. He told my mom that I had to change my name because there was a spirit who won't leave me alone. (我母亲带我去看一个算命者. 他告诉我母亲我必须改名因为我被一鬼魂缠身)

10. forty winks, a
定义: 小睡片刻, 打瞌睡.
例句: I sometimes take forty winks on Saturday afternoon, so that I can continue working around the house afterward. (有时候我在星期六下午小睡片刻, 以便睡完了之后我有精神继续整理家务)

11. forward-thinking, be
定义: 前瞻性思考的.
例句: With the speed of business today, forward-thinking strategy and planning make all the difference in attaining your objectives. (由于当今迅速的商业步伐, 前瞻性思考的策略与计划对你达成目标的成败具有举足轻重的影响)

12. fossil, a
定义: 老顽固, 僵化守旧的人.
例句: A bunch of old fossils are looking to make a buck off skin color. (一票老顽固还想藉由炒作种族矛盾来谋利)

13. foster home, a
定义: 寄养家庭. (注: 意指收养孤儿, 被忽视, 行为不良儿童的家庭)
例句: An Indiana study found three times more physical abuse and twice the rate of sexual abuse in foster homes than in the general population. (一份印地安纳州的调查发现寄养家庭发生的身体虐待比普通家庭多出三倍, 性侵犯发生率比普通家庭多出两倍)

14. foul language/profanity, a
定义: 脏话, 下流的话.
例句: If you have to resort to using foul language, it limits your potential in expressing your thoughts in a civilized manner. (如果你必须凭借着使用脏话来表达, 它限制了你以一个有教养的态度来表达你想法的潜能)

15. foul one's own nest, to
定义: 伤害自己利益/形象; 自曝其丑, 家丑外扬.
例句: Powell fouled his own nest with his appearance before the UN spreading lies about Iraq's nonexistent WMD. (由于他在联合国会议上散播伊拉克拥有不存在的大规模毁灭武器的谎言, 鲍威尔伤害了自己的形象)

16. foul out, to
定义: 被罚出场; 犯规太多被罚出场.
例句: Chamberlain played 1045 regular season games and never once fouled out. Amazing! (张伯伦打了一千零四十五场的常规篮球赛, 从来没有被罚出场. 真厉害!)
身高7英尺1英寸(2.16米)的威尔特•张伯伦(Wilt Chamberlain)

17. foul play, a
定义: 犯罪暴力, 谋杀; 欺骗行为; 犯规动作.
例句: She is still missing, and the police now suspect that she may have been a victim of foul play. (她仍旧下落不明, 警方此时怀疑她也许已经成为了犯罪暴力的受害者)

18. foul up, to
定义: 弄脏, 污染; 破坏; 办砸; 扰乱; 阻挠; 犯错.
例句: The bad weather has fouled up our plans. (这个恶劣天气破坏了我们的计划)

19. foul weather
定义: 恶劣的天气.
例句: When returning from a college visit with our children, we ran into foul weather and decided to stop for the night. (在探望我们读大学儿女的回程路上碰到了恶劣天气, 我们决定留下来过夜)

20. foul-mouthed
定义: [形容词]满嘴淫秽辱骂的, 骂脏话的.
例句: I'm more likely to believe him than some foul-mouthed jerk from out of town. (我宁愿相信他也不会相信一个满嘴脏话的外来浑蛋)



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