二十笔实用成语 411

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二十笔实用成语 411

帖子 royl » 周一 11月 05, 2012 5:00 pm

二十笔实用成语 411

01. found wanting, be
定义: 被认为不符合要求或期望, 被认定为不及格.
例句: You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. (你已经被审核, 你已经被评估, 你已经被认定不符合要求)

02. founded by, be
定义: 由...创立, 建立或设立. (注: 这里found与find不同是另一个动词原型)
例句: It was founded by Colonel Harland Sanders who began selling fried chicken from his roadside restaurant in Corbin, Kentucky during the Great Depression. (它是由哈兰•桑德斯上校所创立的, 桑德斯上校于经济大萧条期间开始在肯塔基州科尔宾镇他的路边餐馆贩卖炸鸡)

03. four corners of the earth, the
定义: 世界各地, 世界各角落.
例句: Messages of sympathy arrived from the four corners of the world. (慰问函和唁电从世界各地传来)

04. four-billion-dollar industry, a
定义: 四十亿美元的工业/行业.
例句: In the States, the beef jerky business is a nearly four-billion-dollar industry. (在美国, 牛肉干生意是一个几近于四十亿美元的行业)

05. four-eyes
定义: [不尊重语]戴眼镜的人, 四眼田鸡.
例句: When he wears them at school for the first time, Francine calls him a four-eyes, and the other kids laugh at him. (当他第一次戴眼镜上学的时候, 法兰辛叫他四眼田鸡,其他小孩也跟着嘲笑他. 注: 本句话出自美国公共电视网的一个节目"Arthur"或"亚瑟")

06. four-flush, to
定义: [扑克牌术语] 恐吓对手你手中牌是四张牌数字相同; 糊弄, 虚张声势, 恐吓对手.
例句: Don't four-flush me, I will find out the truth. (别糊弄我, 我会查出真相)

07. four-letter word, a
定义: 四字经(骂人脏话).
例句: Even if you did not like me, you shouldn't have used that four letter word on me. (即使你不喜欢我, 你也不应该对我骂脏话)

08. fourth estate, the
定义: 第四权, 新闻媒体. (注: 特指独立性新闻媒体的监督权)
例句: The "fourth estate" is used to emphasize the independence of the Press, while the "fourth branch" suggests that the Press is dependent of the government. ("第四权"是用来强调新闻媒体的独立性, 然而"第四政府部门"却暗示新闻媒体依附在政府之下)

09. fox guarding the henhouse, the
定义: 引狼入室, 监守自盗. (注: 要狐狸守鸡舍无异于引狼入室. 意指引火上身, 识人不明, 敌我不分)
例句: This is a classic case of the fox guarding the henhouse. The agency is funded and controlled by the very corporations that it's monitoring. (这是一个典型的引狼入室案件. 这个政府机关正是由它所监督的大公司来提供资金和控制)

10. fox, a
定义: 美丽迷人的女子或男子; 狡猾的人.
例句: She's a rea​​l fox. (她真是个美丽迷人的女子)

11. foxy lady, a
定义: [形容词]身材姣美的女士.
例句: I saw you're with a girl yesterday. ​​She sure is a foxy lady. (我昨天看见你跟一个女孩在一起. 她确实是个身材姣美的女士)

12. fraidy-cat, a
定义: [俚语]胆小鬼. (注: 儿童常用)
例句: Don't be a fraidy cat. Go ahead, drink it. (别怕. 快点, 把它喝下去. 注: 这句话好像是哄小孩吃药)

13. frame of mind, a
定义: 心理状况, 观点或情绪.
例句: I'm not in the right frame of mind for your jokes just now. (我此刻没心情听你说笑话)

14. frame-up, a
定义: 陷害.
例句: He claimed that he was an innocent victim of a frame-up and the police had planted evidence in his car. (他声称他是个被陷害的无辜受害者, 并说警察偷放证物在他车内栽赃他)

15. freak accident, a
定义: 离奇的意外事件.
例句: Steve was involved in a freak accident. He got hit in the face by a duck while riding a roller coaster. (史蒂夫被卷入一宗离奇的意外事件. 当他在乘坐云霄飞车的时候, 他的脸部被一只野鸭撞伤)

16. freak of nature, a
定义: 反常怪异现象, 不寻常的人或事.
例句: This midsummer snow is truly a freak of nature. (这场仲夏雪真是个反常现象)

17. freak out, to
定义: (因吸食毒品)产生幻觉, 梦魇, 极不痛快, 大为震怒; 吓坏了; 痛苦, 焦虑.
例句: Edward freaked out when we told him we crashed his car. (当我们告诉他我们撞坏了他的车子之后, 爱德华气得跳脚)

18. freak, a
定义: 怪人, 反常的人.
例句: Who's that freak with the green hair? (那个头发染成绿色的怪物是谁?)

19. Fred Bloggs/Joe Bloggs, a
定义: [英国]泛指一个普通/平凡(男)人例如张三或李四, 匿名.
例句: I'm a Joe Bloggs kind of person struggling with bankruptcy and being a single mum and going through divorces. (我是一个在破产边缘挣扎, 身为单身母亲和经历过几次离婚的平凡人)

20. free access, a
定义: 自由进出或使用.
例句: Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. (试想地球上每个人都可以自由使用人类累积下来的全部知识的一个世界. 注: 这里的the planet等于the planet Earth)



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