二十笔实用成语 421

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二十笔实用成语 421

帖子 royl » 周五 11月 23, 2012 12:46 am

二十笔实用成语 421

01. full of oneself, be
定义: 自以为了不起, 自视甚高, 自我为中心的.
例句: The man was too full of himself during the interview (在面试的时候, 这个男人太过于自视甚高)

02. full of piss and vinegar, be
定义: 充满活力.
例句: This group of recent college grads are full of piss and vinegar, but that isn't always enough. You can still hear the rough edges. (这群刚毕业大学生充满了活力, 但那是不够的. 你仍可以听出他们的毛躁与不沉稳)

03. full of promise, be
定义: 充满希望或潜力, 前途光明, 前程似锦.
例句: It breaks your heart when you see a young man full of promise succumb to peer pressure and do what others do. (当你看见一个充满希望的年轻人屈服于同辈的压力并随波逐流真令人扼腕)

04. full of prunes/nonsense, be
定义: 表现愚蠢, 胡说八道.
例句: I know people think me silly but I can't help myself. Sometimes a brilliant idea comes to me, but more often then not I am left writing a page full of nonsense. (我知道有人认为我傻但我是没办法的. 有时候, 我突发奇想, 但结果我往往却写出一篇胡言乱语)

05. full of something as an egg is of meat, be as
定义: 充满了..., 都是...
例句: The show as full of suspense as an egg is of meat, and keeps the audience guessing all the time. (这个节目充满了悬疑, 它一直让观众捉摸不定下一步的剧情发展)

06. full of the devil/Old Nick, be
定义: 非常会捉弄人的, 非常调皮的.
例句: One of her teachers described her as a darling child, the prettiest little girl, very clever, very artistic, and full of the devil. (她老师中的一位形容她是个可爱小孩, 最漂亮的女孩, 非常聪明, 非常有艺术天赋, 以及非常调皮)

07. full of the joys of spring, be
定义: 非常快乐, 充满活泼愉悦的.
例句: The protracted legal battle is going be resolved soon; I'm full of the joys of spring at the moment that this will put my mind at peace at last. (这个旷日持久的法律抗争快要得到解决了; 我此时非常快乐因为我终于可以安下心来过日子)

08. full of wind and piss, be
定义: 光说不练, 耍嘴皮.
例句: One thing he should remember is that most loudmouths are full of wind and piss and couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag. (有件事他必须记得的是, 大部分的夸夸其谈者只是光说不练而且其能力也差得可怜)

09. full of wishful thinking, be
定义: 充满一厢情愿想法的.
例句: I was just a love-sick puppy with a head full of wishful thinking. I was going to get through this. I wasn't going to cry. (我当时只是一个充满一厢情愿想法的患了相思病的人.我决心撑过这段痛苦的煎熬. 我决不会哭. 注: 此人显然在诉说他/她的失恋经验)

10. full plate, a
定义: 行程表, 工作表排得满挡.
例句: Vacation would be a paradise right now. I have a full plate now but things will hopefully smooth out shortly. (在这个时候, 渡假将是一个十分惬意的事. 我现在十分忙碌但希望情况能很快地舒缓下来)

11. full price
定义: 全价, 全票. (注: 意指是没有打折的全价, 不是儿童优待的半价或半票)
例句: I really wouldn't want to pay full price if I could get discount. (如果我能取得折扣的话, 我真不想付全价)

12. full steam/speed ahead
定义: 一鼓作气, 高速前进, 如火如荼地进行.
例句: I'm moving full steam ahead. I know I've got my ups and downs but I can do this. (我正在一鼓作气地干. 我知道我有过波折起伏但我有信心做好这件事)

13. full stop, a
定义: 句点, 句号; 完全停止, 停车.
例句: I pulled the car to the shoulder and pressed on the brake, bringing it to a full stop. (我把车驶向路边, 踩煞车, 完全停车)

14. full to the brim/scuppers
定义: 装满, 充满, 吃饱喝足.
例句: Real women are full to the brim with sass, real women are so shy they can't look a waitress in the eye, and real women can give speeches to crowds of thousands. (真正女人敢于突兀顶嘴, 真正女人害臊地不敢直视女服务生, 真正女人可以向数千群众发表演说)

15. full up
定义: 全满地, 没空位, 厌烦的, 吃饱喝足.
例句: Animal shelters are full up of barking dogs and meowing cats waiting for someone to stop at their kennel and give them a chance. (动物收容所收满了喧哗的狗猫正等着某人来到它们的寄养处给它们一个新生的机会)

16. full-blown coverage/investigation, a
定义: 全面性的新闻报导/调查.
例句: Soon after he was picked out of the line-up, investigators launched a full-blown investigation into the man they knew as Theodore Robert Bundy. (从他在一排人中被指认出来不久之后, 调查员展开对这名他们所知名为希欧多尔•罗伯特•邦迪男子的全面性调查)
为了识别嫌犯, 警方安排有待指认的一列人
于1973年至1978年之间犯下三十多起谋杀案的疯狂杀手, "泰德"•邦迪

17. full-bodied hair
定义: 浓郁的头发.
例句: Well-nourished newborns have full-bodied hair; poorly nourished and preterm infants tend to have thin, lifeless hair. (营养良好的初生婴儿拥有一头浓郁头发, 营养不良和早产婴儿多半长着稀疏, 枯黄头发)

18. full-court press, a
定义: [篮球术语]全场紧迫钉人防守; 强力又多元化的努力/行动/活动.
例句: We should engage a full-court press to ensure wins in alternative energy jobs, public education and economic development. (我们应该展开一个强力又多元化的行动来确保替代性能源工作市场, 公共教育以及经济发展的三赢局面)

19. full-fledged
定义: 发展成熟的; 全部的, 全面的; 羽翼丰满的; 完全合格的.
例句: She became a full-fledged nurse before she went to Saudi Arabia to work for a year. (在她赴沙乌地阿拉伯工作一年之前, 她已经成为完全合格的护士)

20. full-out effort, a
定义: 全力以赴的努力.
例句: To build a beautiful green lawn requires a full-out effort and hard work to maintain it. (开发一个青郁茂盛的草坪需要全力以赴的努力以及勤奋工作来维持它)



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