二十笔实用成语 422

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二十笔实用成语 422

帖子 royl » 周六 11月 24, 2012 11:35 pm

二十笔实用成语 422

01. full-scale war, a
定义: 全面战争.
例句: What do you think would happen if North Korea finally declared a full-scale war against South Korea? (如果北韩最终向南韩全面宣战的话, 你认为会怎么样?)

02. full-service station, a
定义: 全套服务加油站. (注: 意指提供加汽油, 擦拭前窗, 检查并补足引擎水, 油及轮胎气等服务)
例句: It's been close to 15 years since I've used a full-service station, and that one made it known that tipping was not permitted. (自从我使用全套服务加油站至今已将近十五年了, 那一家加油站还告诉大家, 他们不收小费)

03. full-throttle propaganda, a
定义: 全面宣传. (注: full-throttle是全力的)
例句: Our government and other industrial powers, sans China, are running a full-throttle propaganda scam, AKA global warming, that seeks to kill the use of carbon-based fuels. (我们政府和其他不包括中国的工业大国, 正发动全面诈欺宣传, 亦称全球暖化, 意图阻止碳基燃料的使用)

04. full-time job, a
定义: 全职工作.
例句: Having a full-time job doesn't mean you can afford the rent in California. One bus driver in Santa Barbara lives out of his van in a parking lot. (拥有一份全职工作并不意味你可以付得起加州的房租. 一名圣塔巴巴拉市公车司机住在一个停车场内他的箱型车里)

05. fully respect, to
定义: 完全尊重.
例句: I fully respect you as a person, but not this behavior of yours. (我完全尊重你作为一个人的尊严, 但你的行为我不苟同)

06. fuming mad at someone, be
定义: 对某人气得七窍生烟.
例句: Mom was fuming mad at brother and me for going rogue. She said, "You're grounded!" (妈妈对弟弟和我的调皮捣蛋气得七窍生烟. 她说, "你们被禁足了!")

07. funeral home/parlor, a
定义: 殡仪馆.
例句: Family and friends arrived at the funeral home for the start nine-thirty am service which continued for almost two hours. (家人与朋友抵达殡仪馆来参加早上九点三十的丧礼, 它持续了将近两个小时)

08. funnily enough
定义: 说起来也奇怪. (注: 意指某事看似令人不解, 其实它确实发生)
例句: Funnily enough, I heard someone say exactly the same thing this morning. (说起来也奇怪, 今天早上我听见有人说完全相同的话)

09. funny bone, the
定义: 肘后骨的麻筋; 幽默感.
例句: I wanted to say thank you for brightening my day. ​​It tickled my funny-bone and brought a smile to my face. (我要说谢谢你给我快乐的一天. 你逗我大笑, 让我开心)

10. funny business, a
定义: 不道德的, 骗人的勾当; 胡闹, 捉弄人的行为.
例句: Don't try any funny business with them or you'll be sorry. (跟他们你别想耍花样否则你会后悔)

11. funny farm, a
定义: [不尊重俚语]精神病院, 疯人院.
例句: If I didn't get my daily dosage of laugh, I would probably end up in funny farm even if I would read "a joke of the day" on my cell phone. (如果我一天不大笑一次我可能会发疯, 即使读我手机上的"今天的笑话"也好)

12. Funny how you considers this.

13. funny money
定义: 膨胀的通货; 人工地大量发行的货币; 伪钞; 外币; 只能在某处使用的替代币.
例句: What are we going to do with all this funny money when we leave here? It's no good anywhere else. (我们离开这里之后这些外币对我们有什么用呢? 它们在别的地方是没用的)

14. funny stuff
定义: 好笑的事情, 胡闹, 捉弄人的行为.
例句: A clown who was squirting passing cars with a water gun attacked a cop after the officer told him to cut the funny stuff. (一名用水枪喷射路过车辆的小丑在警员告诉他别胡闹之后攻击警员)

15. funny that you should say this
定义: 有趣的是你会说到这件事.
例句: It's funny that you should say this because I have been having the same problem lately. (有趣的是你会说到这件事因为我近来一直碰到这个同样的问题)

16. funny thing is, the
定义: 奇怪的是, 没想到的是.
例句: I know "you are what you eat" but the funny thing is I don't remember eating a whale. (我知道"你吃什么就像什么", 但奇怪的是, 我不记得我吃了鲸鱼.注: 这是一句歇后语, 美国人有时用fat as a whale形容人肥胖, 所以说话者诙谐地调侃自己的肥胖)

17. further education
定义: [英国]成人教育, 进修.
例句: In my opinion, while mathematics can lead you into a wide variety of careers, for most of them you will definitely need further education. (依我的意见, 虽然数学可以带领你进入各式各样的工作, 但对大部分的工作来说, 你仍必然需要成人进修才能胜任)

18. further to
定义: 更进一步, 还有...
例句: Do you have anything further to say on the subject? (对于这个话题, 你还有别的话要说吗?)

19. furthest thing from one's mind, the
定义: 想都没想到.
例句: Also, I tend to ask questions that are usually the furthest thing from one's mind. (还有, 我往往会问一些我一般想都没想到的问题)

20. fuss and feathers
定义: 喜怒无常, 装腔做势, 铺张浮华的装饰.
例句: They ruined a nice room with all that fuss and feathers. (他们摆设这类的浮华装饰把一个好好的房间糟蹋了)



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