二十笔实用成语 430

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二十笔实用成语 430

帖子 royl » 周一 12月 17, 2012 8:47 am

二十笔实用成语 430

01. get a line on ..., to
定义: 取得有关...资料.
例句: Detectives hope to get a line on the suspect from the fingerprints he left. (警探们希望从这个嫌犯留下的指纹取得他的相关资料)

02. get a little riled (up), to
定义: 有点激动, 愤愤不平.
例句: Well, I got a little riled up last night and I apologize to those who were offended by my anger. (唉, 我昨晚有点激动, 我向那些被我怒骂所伤害的人道歉)

03. get a load of, to
定义: 看看, 瞧瞧.
例句: When Marilyn stepped out of the limousine, John said, "Get a load of that!" (当玛丽莲步出礼车的时候, 约翰说, "瞧瞧那个美人!")

04. get a load off one's mind, to
定义: 一吐为快, 倾吐.
例句: I got a load off my mind and some dead weight off my soul. I finally closed a chapter in what I hope is the worst part of my life. (我倾吐完我心中的苦楚, 卸下了我心灵上的沉重包袱. 我终于结束了我希望是我人生最痛苦的一章)

05. get a lock on, to
定义: 锁定; 十拿九稳地取得.
例句: He got a lock on a full college scholarship when he was still a high school junior. (当他还在高中读十一年级的时候, 他十拿九稳地取得了大学全额奖学金. 注: 美国十二年义务教育的高中教育是四年: freshman, 九年级; sophomore, 十年级; junior, 十一年级; senior, 十二年级)

06. get a look-in, to
定义: 成功机会.
例句: As usual, poor old Joan didn't get a look-in. I don't understand why she is so often overlooked. (和往常一样, 可怜的琼没机会被选上. 我真不明白为什么她经常被人不重视)

07. Get a move on, man! We don't have all day.
[成语句型](命令语)快一点! 我们没时间干耗.

08. get a move on, to
定义: [命令语]赶紧, 快点.
例句: Please get a move on. We are already over three hours late. (请你快点. 我们已经迟了三个多钟头了)

09. get a raw deal, to
定义: 受到不公平, 残酷的待遇; 被人欺骗.
例句: Be sure to read the contract carefully before you sign it. You don't want to get a raw deal. (别忘了在你签署之前把契约好好地读完. 你不希望被人欺骗)

10. get a rise out of someone, to
定义: 激怒某人.
例句: We really got a rise out of the teacher when we left the windows open while it was raining. (当下雨的时候我们让窗子敞开着, 我们着实地激怒了这位老师)

11. get a shot/stab at, to
定义: 尝试着做某事; 得到机会做某事情.
例句: Instead of being asked to leave, I actually get a shot at working on a photo session with a model. (不但没被赶出去, 我居然得到了一个与模特儿做了一组摄影专辑的机会)

12. get a shot/stab, to
定义: 被打了一针.
例句: If you are Rh negative, you should get a shot of RhoGam if you have bleeding during pregnancy. (如果妳的血型是Rh阴性, 妳应该打一针RhoGam交叉配血药剂如果妳在怀孕期间失血的话)

13. get a smack in the eye, to
定义: 受到掌掴; 受到怠慢, 冷落, 拒绝, 挫折或失败的打击(伤到自尊心).
例句: The company said it was going to be its year but it looks like it then got a smack in the eye. (这家公司宣称这一年将是它盈利的一年但看样子此时它却遭到挫折的打击. 注: 意指这家公司在这一年并没有达到盈利的目标)

14. get a thing going, to
定义: 顺利进行, 蒸蒸日上; 将某事推入正轨或高效率.
例句: He gets a thing going with computer repairs and is making a lot of money. (他的电脑维修生意蒸蒸日上也赚了不少钱)

15. get a ticket, to
定义: 遭警察开罚单, 吃罚单.
例句: Why are police officers allowed to park at fire hydrants when they go for a cup of coffee? You and I would get a ticket for doing that. (为什么警官们去喝咖啡的时候可以停车在消防栓旁边? 如果你和我这样做就会吃罚单)

16. get a whack at, to
定义: 想尽办法/尝试着做某事; 轮到做某事情.
例句: At Cyber​​ Monday, all the online retailers get a whack at our wallets while we're encouraged to buy from local merchants. (虽然我们被敦促在本地商店购买货品, 紧接着感恩节后的星期一网路购物日, 所有的网上零售商都奇招尽出地想赚我们的钱)

17. get a wiggle on, to
定义: [俚语](命令语)快一点, 赶快点.
例句: Get a wiggle on. We have to arrive at the party before the other guests arrive. (快一点. 我们必须在其他客人来到之前抵达派对会场)

18. get a word in (edge​​ways/edgewise), to
定义: 插话, 插嘴, 在大家都在争相发言谈话中找机会发言.
例句: Tom was talking so much that nobody else could get a word in edgeways. (汤姆不停地说话没人能够插进一句话)

19. get about, to
定义: 走动, 病好起床走动; 传开, 传遍.
例句: People will be shocked when the news about her arrest gets about. (当她被逮捕的消息被传开之后, 人们将会大吃一惊)

20. get above oneself, to
定义: 目中无人, 自视甚高.
例句: We are pleased by his success, but we worry that he might be getting above himself. (我们对他的成功相当满意, 但我们也担心他可能会自视甚高)



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