二十笔实用成语 432

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二十笔实用成语 432

帖子 royl » 周六 12月 22, 2012 2:56 am

二十笔实用成语 432

01. get away with murder, to
定义: (做了坏事的人)责任逃得一干二净, 逍遥法外, 幸免处罚.
例句: The child was able to get away with murder for abusing the substitute teacher. (这个辱骂代课老师的小孩居然能够逃过处分)

02. get away with, to
定义: (做了坏事的人)责任逃得一干二净, 逍遥法外, 幸免处罚.
例句: I guess you got away with speeding many times before, huh? What do you think, the cop had nothing better to do than mess with you? (我猜想你以前许多次超速驾驶没被抓到吧, 嗯? 你是怎么想的, 难道是这名警员没事找事找你麻烦吗?)

03. get away, to
定义: 离开; 偏离, 远离; 出外旅游; 成功地逃避或脱罪, 幸免处罚.
例句: The company is having problems because they've gotten away from the things they do best. (由于他们偏离了他们最擅长项目, 这家公司正面临困难. 注: 此句意指这家公司走上了与"扬长避短"背道而驰的道路上, 自然会每况愈下)

04. get axed, to
定义: 被解雇, 被炒鱿鱼.
例句: He got axed for stealing funds. (他因为偷窃公司现款被炒了鱿鱼)

05. get back at ..., to
定义: 找...算帐, 报仇.
例句: I'm kind of scared of going home though because my wife really wants to get me back for lying to her about not coming home last night. (但是我有点害怕回家因为我昨晚编个理由没回家,我太太正想找我算帐)

06. get back into the swing of it/things, to
定义: 再度熟悉的或喜爱的环境.
例句: I hadn't worked in an office for a few years and it took me a while to get back into the swing of it. (我已经有几年没在办公室里上班, 我花了一点时间才再度熟悉这个工作环境)

07. get back to business, to
定义: 回到正常的工作, 言归正传.
例句: It's back to business for school children next week when the holidays finish. (过了这个假期后, 学童们下个礼拜就要回学校上课)

08. get back to sleep, to
定义: 再回去睡觉, 睡回笼觉.
例句: If I can't get back to sleep, I usually have a go at a relaxation technique such as visualization, deep breathing or meditation. (如果我不能睡回笼觉的话, 我一般会试着一个放松技巧例如把想像视觉化, 深呼吸或冥想)

09. get back to, to
定义: 回复某人; 回到某地或某情况.
例句: But if you'll leave your name and number when you hear the beep, I'll get back to you as soon as I can. (但如果你听到哔哔声之后留下你的姓名和电话号码, 我会尽快地回复你. 注: 这显然是电话答录机请求来电者留言的预先录好讯息)

10. get back, to
定义: 回来; 报复, 报仇; 收回, 重新获得, 恢复.
例句: We got back from Taipei early yesterday afternoon. (我们在昨天下午提前从台北回来)

11. get bageled, to
定义: 得零分, 被打败.
例句: In the final set, Brown totally fell down for whatever reason and got bageled by Brands. (在最后一局, 布朗不知什么原因摔倒并被布兰兹击败)

12. get behind, to
定义: 支持, 扶助; 落后.
例句: Now this is an idea I can get behind. (这才是一个我可以支持的想法)

13. get bested by one's opponents, to
定义: 被对手击败.
例句: Batman Begins and Spider-man have something in common in my book. They were both comic book movies that got bested by their sequels. (依我的看法, 蝙蝠侠前传和蜘蛛侠有一个共同之处. 这两部电影都是源自于连环漫画册, 在票房上也都被它们的续集电影击败)

14. get better and better, to
定义: 越来越好, 越战越勇, 越来越健康.
例句: As I got better and better, I kept raising the difficulty higher and higher, until I maxed out. (当我技术变得越来越好的时候, 我不停地提高难度一直到我到达最高极限为止)

15. get better, to
定义: 改善, 恢复健康.
例句: I'm sorry to hear that you've got stomach virus. I hope you get better soon. (抱歉听到你得了肠胃病毒. 我希望你早日康复)

16. get between the sheets, to
定义: 睡觉, 就寝.
例句: My nighttime routine is a pretty simple one: brush teeth, wash face, apply night cream, maybe stretch a bit, and then get between the sheets. (我睡前的例行工作是相当简单的: 刷牙, 洗脸,敷夜间面霜, 也许会舒展肢体, 然后就寝)

17. get between, to
定义: 介于其中, 介于/介入两者之间.
例句: When I say no one can get between us doesn't mean I want you to test our relationship. (当我说没有人能介入我们两者之间并不意味着我要你测试我们两人之间的关系是否稳固)

18. get blood from a stone, to
定义: 石头里榨不出血, 艰难/不可能的任务.
例句: Trying to get you to find a job these days is like trying to get blood from a stone. (目前想要说服你去找一个工作就好像一个不可能的任务)

19. get booted out, to
定义: 被赶走, 放弃或辞退.
例句: My tech advisor and I got booted out of the hotel lobby because he was wearing shorts. (由于我的技术顾问穿着一条短裤, 他跟我被赶出这家酒店大厅)

20. get bumped off, to
定义: 被冷血谋杀.
例句: He knew too much, so they bumped him off. (他知道太多的内情, 所以他被谋杀灭口)



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