二十笔实用成语 443

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二十笔实用成语 443

帖子 royl » 周二 3月 05, 2013 10:52 am

二十笔实用成语 443

01. get one's rear in gear, to
定义: 动作快, 别浪费时间, 努力以赴, 做点有用的事.
例句: Let's get our rear in gear before it is too late to go to the movie. (咱们得动作快一点免得赶不上这场电影)

02. get one's rocks off, to
定义: 喜爱某人, 事或物; 做得或玩得兴高采烈; 达到性高潮.
例句: I'm a big basketball fan but I just don't get my rocks off watching mismatches! (我是一个狂热的篮球迷但我实在不喜欢看两队实力悬殊的比赛)

03. get one's second wind, to
定义: 喘了口气, 精神重新振作或抖擞.
例句: I usually get my second wind early in the afternoon. (我平常一到下午精神又抖擞起来)

04. get one's shirt in a knot, to
定义: 不耐烦, 急躁.
例句: If we asked Pop to hurry, he'd say, "Don't get your shirt in a knot!" (如果我们要老爸快一点, 他会说, "别急躁!")

05. get one's shit all together, to
定义: [粗俗语]沉着冷静; 把事情准备好; 把东西收拾好.
例句: Let me get my shit together, and I'll be right with you. (让我先把东西收拾好, 再马上过来)

06. get one's skates on, to
定义: [英国]赶紧, 快点, 匆忙, 仓促.
例句: If you don't want to be late for school, you'd better get your skates on. (如果你不想上学迟到的话, 你要动作快一点)

07. get one's teeth into ..., to
定义: 一口咬下...; 全力或热心投入...
例句: I bet you just can't wait to sink your teeth into this project I've got for you. (我肯定你会迫不及待地全力投入这个我替你找到的工作项目)

08. get one's tits in a wringer, to
定义: [不雅语]给自己找麻烦.
例句: If there's hash in your suitcase you could get your tits in a wringer. (如果你的手提箱里藏有大麻毒品的话, 你给你自己找麻烦. 注: 这里的hash是hashish的简称)

09. get one's toes into/wet, to
定义: 尝试陌生, 新奇或不熟悉的事情.
例句: I am always a fan of the For Dummies books, I find them to be a great way to get your toes wet with a subject. (我一直是个简易学习书籍的热爱者, 我发现它们是一个尝试新奇事情的好方式)
简明易懂书籍有千万种, 连作黑客都有简易学习书

10. get oneself stuck in a wringer, to
定义: 让自己陷入困境, 给自己找麻烦.
例句: Liberals have staked all on global warming and now they've got themselves stuck in a wringer because everyone is starting to realize it is bullshit. (自由派份子把他们所有赌注都押在全球暖化上, 现在他们让自己陷入困境因为大家都开始了解到全球暖化是鬼扯淡)

11. get oneself together, to
定义: 控制自己的情绪, 沉着冷静; 重新振作; 回归正轨的生活.
例句: Why don't you get yourself together and get dressed all pretty by six. We'll go out for dinner, just the two of us. (你何不冷静下来, 在六点钟之前打扮得漂漂亮亮. 我们出去吃晚餐, 就我们两人)

12. get out from under one's feet, to
定义: [命令语]别挡路, 别妨碍人.
例句: If you want your breakfast, you have to get out from under my feet. (如果你要吃你的早餐, 你就别妨碍我. 注: 意指我正在做早餐)

13. get out from under, to
定义: 免除, 脱离困境. (注: 意指债务, 责任或工作负担)
例句: Steve helped us get out from under the gun, and left us enough to have a fresh start and have a more restful night's sleep. (史帝夫帮助我们脱离困境, 并让我们有足够的资金重新开始, 也让我们平安地渡过难关)

14. get out of a jam, to
定义: 脱离困境.
例句: I only have one option to get myself out of this jam and I don't really want to go that route, but it's my only way out. (我只有一个脱困的选择而我实在不想选择那条途径, 但这是我唯一的出路)

15. get out of bed on the wrong side, to
定义: 情绪不好, 心情不佳, 容易惹怒.
例句: I think that she got out of bed on the wrong side this morning as she hasn't said a word to anyone yet. (由于她今天早上跟谁都不说一句话, 我估计她今早心情不好)

16. get out of bed, to
定义: 起床.
例句: I can barely get out of bed today. ​​My heart and spirit are so heavy with sadness. (我今天几乎没法起床. 我心情和精神非常悲伤沉重)

17. get out of hand, to
定义: 失控; 荒唐, 不像话.
例句: Baby strollers are getting out of hand. You're walking a baby not driving a 4x4 through a gladiator pit on a far-off planet. (婴儿推车越来越不像话. 你是带着婴儿上街可不是开着四轮驱动的越野车在一个遥远星球的格斗场上穿越. 注: 这句话取自洁西卡•诺希的作品)
洁西卡•诺希(Jessica Northey)的作品

18. Get out of here!
定义: [命令语]我不相信你/妳! 别开玩笑了! 别再扯淡! (注: 表示不相信之意)
例句: Get out of here! He did not do that! (别扯淡了! 他根本没做那件事!)

19. get out of line, to
定义: 违规, 不像话, 不成体统, 说/做出不当的, 过份的或不得体的言行.
例句: Ty was out of line when he called you a hooker. (泰很过份居然骂你是个妓女)

20. Get out of my face!
定义: [命令语]你走开! 离我远点! 你让我恶心!
例句: I didn't ask for your advice. Get out of my face! (我没征询你的意见. 离我远点!)



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