二十笔实用成语 446

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二十笔实用成语 446

帖子 royl » 周一 4月 15, 2013 8:54 pm

二十笔实用成语 446

01. get smart with someone, to
定义: 对某人不客气或不礼貌.
例句: Don't get smart with me. Do you know that I can arrest you for no identification? (别对我不礼貌. 你知不知道我可以以你没带身份证的罪名逮捕你?)

02. get snippy about it, to
定义: 易怒的, 无礼的, 不耐烦的.
例句: If you don't agree with something she talks about, don't get snippy about it; just offer your own thoughts. (如果你不同意她所说的某些话, 不必为这个动怒; 只要提出你自己的想法就好)

03. get some fresh air, to
定义: (到户外)呼吸清新空气; (屋里太沉闷)出去走走.
例句: I'm going out to get some fresh air. (我要到外面走走)

04. get some shut-eye, to
定义: 睡一会儿, 小憩.
例句: "How much longer until we land in Chicago?" "About 6 hours. Are you going to watch the movie?" "No, I'm going to try to get some shut eye." ("我们飞到芝加哥还要多久?" "大概要六个小时. 你要看电影吗?" "不了, 我想试着睡一会儿.")

05. get some sun, to
定义: 晒晒太阳.
例句: If you eat a varied diet and get some sun then you are probably getting all the Vitamin D ​​you need from these sources. (如果你吃各类不同的食物, 晒晒太阳你大概可以从这些来源取得所需的维他命D)

06. get some winks, to
定义: 小睡; 休息.
例句: You should really try to get some winks—you've been up for 2 days straight. (你应该尽力地想办法睡一会儿—你已经连续两天没睡了)

07. get someone by the short hairs, to
定义: 被人家牢牢地控制住, 任人摆布.
例句: "What can I do about a bad credit rating?" "Not much. They've got you by the short hairs." ("对于一个不良的信用评级我该怎么办?" "没什么办法. 你只有任凭他们摆布了.")

08. get someone cornered, to
定义: 把某人逼得动弹不得, 无处可逃, 被逼至绝路.
例句: "I've got you cornered," he said, pointing at the checkerboard. (指着棋盘, 他说, "我把你逼得动弹不得了.")

09. get someone down, to
定义: 使人情绪低落, 不痛快, 沮丧.
例句: The long commuting time has begun to get her down so she wants to quit her job. (漫长的通勤时间已经开始让她情绪低落, 所以她想要辞去她的工作)

10. get someone going, to
定义: 令某人兴奋或愤怒; 令某人产生兴趣; 令某人谈论.
例句: The whole business really makes me mad. Don't get me going. (这整件事真教我生气. 我不想再谈论它)

11. get someone good, to
定义: 将某人唬弄地信以为真或着实地吓某人一跳. (注: 例如我们把他骗得一愣一愣, We got him good)
例句: What a gullible lot you are. We got you good, didn't we? Ha! Ha! Ha! (你真是个好骗的人. 我们把你唬得一愣一愣的, 不是吗? 哈!哈! 哈!)

12. get someone in hot water, to
定义: 将某人卷入麻烦或困境.
例句: I know this is going to get me in hot water but I think she dressed like a slut. (我知道说了这句话会给我惹来麻烦但我觉得她衣服穿着像个浪荡女人)

13. get someone into bed, to
定义: 诱哄某人与你发生性关系.
例句: Compliments are fine, but stroking the ego only to get her into bed will backfire. (赞美是可以的, 但利用阿谀奉承只是要哄她跟你发生性关系肯定会适得其反)

14. get someone into trouble, to
定义: 将某人卷入或给某人带来麻烦.
例句: I don't want to get you into trouble right now. What time do you get off work? I will talk with you later then. (我不想此时给你带来麻烦. 你什么时间下班? 那我就晚一点再跟你谈)

15. get someone off the hook, to
定义: 帮某人脱困, 脱罪, 辩护或免除处罚.
例句: Thanks for getting me off the hook. I didn't want to attend that meeting. (谢谢你帮我脱罪. 我本来就不想参加那个会议)

16. get someone out of the mess, to
定义: 解救某人或帮助某人脱离困境.
例句: I think she's just being grateful that I got her out of that mess, nothing more. (我认为她只是因我帮她解困心存感激, 仅此而已)

17. get someone to the top, to
定义: 将某人推上高位, 助某人成功.
例句: Hard work and determination got him to the top. (辛勤的工作和坚毅的决心把他推向成功)

18. get someone/something back on track, to
定义: 恢复正常, 持续正确路线, 循正轨发展.
例句: Once you surrender your day over to the demands and concerns of others, it's hard to get it back on track. (一旦你把你工作的时间听凭别人的要求与摆布的话, 恢复正常的工作进度是很难的)

19. get someone/something wrong, to
定义: 误解某人或某事.
例句: I think you got him all wrong. I have known Wayne for many years and he is not the person you think he is. (我认为你完全误解他了. 我认识韦恩许多年了, 他不是你所想像的那种人)

20. get someone's attention, to
定义: 引起某人的注意或重视.
例句: When Mary Lou walked by, now that got your attention. (当玛丽露从你旁边走过, 这总引起你的注意吧)



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