二十笔实用成语 448

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二十笔实用成语 448

帖子 royl » 周四 5月 30, 2013 2:30 pm

二十笔实用成语 448

01. get the air, to
定义: [俚语]追求/求爱被拒, 被辞退或拒绝.
例句: He was devastated when he got the air from Rebecca. (当他追求瑞贝卡被拒绝之后他痛不欲生)

02. get the ax/axe, to
定义: 被裁员, 被解雇, 被开除.
例句: The employees with less experience got the ax first. (工作经验较少的员工最先被裁员)

03. get the better/best of you, to
定义: (以计谋)获胜; 优异于你; 失去自制; (疾病)打击你的身体.
例句: Finally curiosity got the better of her and she opened the letter. (禁不住好奇心的驱使她终于打开了这封信)

04. get the bird, to
定义: 被别人竖中指; 被辞退或解雇; 向某人发出嘲笑或不喜欢嘘声.
例句: I lost a big sale and nearly got the bird last week. (上星期我没拿下一笔大生意, 差一点被炒鱿鱼)

05. get the bit between one's teeth, to
定义: 狂热地, 全力地, 放手一搏地, 毫无保留地做某事.
例句: She wasn't keen at first, but she loved it once she got the bit between her teeth. (她刚开始并不是有兴趣, 但一旦她全力投入之后她对它极为热衷)

06. get the boot, to
定义: 被解雇, 炒鱿鱼, 开除, 赶走或唾弃.
例句: I wonder which congressmen will get the boot from the voters in the next election. (我想知道下一次选举哪些众议员将被选民唾弃)

07. get the bounce, to
定义: 被解雇, 开除, 被对方终结恋情或赶走.
例句: She got the bounce at the altar. (她在婚礼上新郎没出现. 注: 意指新郎临时落跑)

08. get the bug, to
定义: 上瘾; 变为热衷; 热心地参与.
例句: Once you start surfing the Net, you get the bug and spend more and more time with it. (一旦你开始上网漫游的话, 你就会上瘾, 待在网上的时间会越来越长)

09. get the bullet, to
定义: 被解雇, 辞退, 被赶走.
例句: I quit my job back on March first and on March 15th they said I got the bullet for not showing up. (我在三月一日就辞职了而他们在三月十五日说因为我没来上班被解职)

10. get the bum's rush, to
定义: 被撵走, 被驱逐出去; 被斥为不好或不能接受.
例句: The young customer in the jewelry store was getting the bum's rush until he pulled out an enormous roll of bills. (在这家珠宝店的这个年轻顾客正被店员撵走直到他掏出一大卷钞票之后他们才停下来)

11. get the can, to
定义: 被解职, 炒鱿鱼, 开除或赶走.
例句: Don't wander around telling coworkers you just got the can, but rather inconspicuously gather your personal belongings and leave. (别到处游走相告你的同事你刚被炒鱿鱼, 相反地你应该不声不响地收拾好自己私人物品以及离开)

12. get the chuck, to
定义: [英国]被解职; 被断绝关系; 被法官宣判无罪释放.
例句: He got the chuck from his job for absenteeism. (由于经常旷职他被解雇)

13. get the drift, to
定义: 听懂, 明白某人的意思或含意.
例句: She said something about going home, but I didn't get her drift at the time. (她说了些要回家的话, 但我当时并不了解她的意思)

14. get the drop on, to
定义: 抢占先机, 先发制人; 占优势.
例句: If she gets the drop on me, better err on the side of caution. (她要是比我占优势的话, 我宁愿稳扎稳打, 少输为赢)

15. get the facts s​​traight, to
定义: 将事情真相弄明白.
例句: I am not saying do not believe your child, what I am saying is that make sure you get the facts s​​traight before you make a decision. (我并不是说你别相信你的孩子, 我是说你务必要把事情真相弄清楚然后再做决定)

16. get the feel of, to
定义: 习惯于; 了解到; 精通, 熟悉.
例句: After you get the feel of the new computer it will be very easy to use. (等你熟悉了你的新电脑之后它就很容易使用)

17. get the finger, to
定义: 被人竖中指. (注: 向人竖中指是极为不雅与严重挑衅的行为)
例句: Bad drivers get the finger when they cut in front of Randy. (那些无预警地切进蓝迪车道正前方的坏驾驶人都被他竖中指抗议)

18. get the goods on someone, to
定义: 取得对某人不利证据.
例句: I think that I have finally got the goods on him and will have to talk to the police as soon as possible. (我认为我终于掌握了对他不利的证据, 我会尽快地与警方联络)

19. get the green light, to
定义: 取得许可(可以开始).
例句: Don't start construction until we get the green light from the City. (在我们取得市政府许可之前千万别开工)

20. get the hang of something, to
定义: 学习到正确操作的窍门.
例句: I know you feel awkward driving this stick shift but it's easy once you get the hang of it. (我知道你开这辆手排挡车子会觉得笨手笨脚, 但是一旦你抓到操作的窍门之后你就会感觉驾轻就熟)



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