二十笔实用成语 452

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二十笔实用成语 452

帖子 royl » 周四 6月 20, 2013 2:34 am

二十笔实用成语 452

01. get to the root of the problem, to
定义: 追根究底找到问题的症结.
例句: We got to the root of the problem: the children are afraid of the dog. (我们找到了问题的症结: 这些小朋友怕这只狗)

02. get to this level of sophistication, to
定义: 达到这个复杂层次.
例句: I don't think I will ever get to this level of sophistication, let alone have time for it. (我不认为我能达得到这个复杂层次, 更别说有时间来练习它)

03. get to, to
定义: 开始; 准备开始工作或开始处理某事; 产生负面影响; 烦扰情绪; 令某人难过; 到达.
例句: The witness changed his story. Someone must have gotten to him. (这名证人改变了他的说词. 肯定有人影响了他)

04. get together, to
定义: 聚一聚, 聚会; 相恋; 相识; 聚集, 累积; 振作起来, 有组织有计划, 不再彷徨; 达成共识/协议.
例句: The two sides have been unable to get together on the new contract. (这两方一直无法在这份新契约上达成共识)

05. get told off, to
定义: 受到斥责, 责骂.
例句: My son got told off in school for the first time ever today and he's really upset. (我儿子今天有生第一次在学校受到责骂, 他非常难过)

06. get tough, to
定义: 严厉对待/管教, 强硬, 不退让.
例句: I had to get tough with my son because he was acting badly lately. (我不得不严加管教我的儿子因为他近来表现恶劣)

07. get treated like a doormat, to
定义: 被别人当成受气包一样欺负.
例句: I'm beginning to realize that I get treated like a doormat even by some of my best friends. (我开始发现我被人当成受气包一样地对待, 居然也包括我的一些好友)

08. get two bites of the cherry, to
定义: 取得两次尝试或机会去做某事.
例句: You won't get two bites of the cherry. Once it's over, it's over. (你不会有两次机会的. 一旦它结束了, 它就结束了)

09. get ugly, to
定义: 闹得不愉快, 扯破脸或剑拔弩张.
例句: If you get ugly with them right away, they are going to think you are being nasty for no reason. (如果你马上跟他们撕破脸的话, 他们就会认为你毫无来由地对他们态度恶劣)

10. get under someone's feet, to
定义: 挡路; 干扰或阻碍别人工作.
例句: I try to keep out of the way, not wanting to get under his feet. (我尽量地离他远一点, 不愿意干扰他的工作)

11. get under someone's skin, to
定义: 使某人不胜其扰, 惹毛某人; 令人无法忘怀, 深深地影响某人.
例句: I know he's bothersome, but don't let him get under your skin. (我知道他很烦人, 但别让他影响你的心情)

12. get underway, to
定义: 开始, 启程, 起步; 正在进行中.
例句: A search is getting underway in Houston this morning for a tourist who has gone missing near the Galleria area. (由于一名游客在盖乐丽亚地区附近走失, 一个搜索行动于今天早晨在休士顿开始进行)

13. get up a (full) head of steam, to
定义: (引擎或蒸汽机)加足马力; 势头逐渐增强; 振作精神, 鼓足冲劲, 准备全力以赴.
例句: The project started slowly but now we've got a full head of steam. (这个工作项目起步相当慢但现在我们加足马力, 全力冲刺)

14. get up and get going, to
定义: 自动自发, 身体力行; 鼓起冲劲地工作; 坚持不懈地努力奋斗.
例句: People who endure don't stay in the bad times. They get up and get going, moving on to a better place. (能忍辱负重的人们不会停留在劣境. 他们坚持不懈地奋斗, 迈向佳境)

15. get up on the wrong side of (the) bed, to
定义: 一清早就无缘无故地心情不好.
例句: Did you get out of the wrong side of bed this morning? You are a rea​​l grouch. (你是不是一清早就无缘无故地心情不好? 你真爱发牢骚)

16. get up one's nerve, to
定义: 鼓起勇气.
例句: I had been trying to get up my nerve to ask her out on a date. It was one of my New Year's resolutions. (我过去一直想鼓起勇气邀约她出来约会. 这还是我许下的新年新愿望之一)

17. get up someone's nose, to
定义: 激怒或烦扰某人.
例句: A woman who turned in her husband to Wisconsin police on outstanding warrant said she did it because he was getting up her nose. (一名将她仍被通缉的丈夫送交威斯康辛州警方的女子说, 她之所以这样做是因为他一直烦扰她)

18. get up steam, to
定义: (引擎或蒸汽机)加足马力; 势头逐渐增强; 振作精神, 鼓起冲劲, 准备努力以赴.
例句: If we can just get up steam we can finish in no time. (如果我们鼓起冲劲, 全力以赴的话, 我们可以马上就可以做完)

19. get up to $50 rebate back, to
定义: 取得最高至五十元的退款. (注: up to $50 是最多至五十块钱之意, 但不是所有人一定都可拿五十元的退款)
例句: The promotion lets consumers get up to $50 back via mail-in rebate when you have our brake rotors and pads installed. (这次的商品促销可以让消费者经由邮寄退款取得最高至五十美元的退款如果你安装了我们的煞车盘与煞车片)

20. get up to mischief, to
定义: 搬弄是非, 制造问题, 捣蛋.
例句: The two would run around, play tug-a-war, chase each other, bark at the birds together and sometimes even get up to mischief. (这两只狗会跑来跑去, 玩拔河, 互相追逐, 一齐向鸟群吠叫, 有时候甚至于顽皮捣蛋)



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