二十笔实用成语 500

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二十笔实用成语 500

帖子 royl » 周六 8月 02, 2014 7:08 pm

二十笔实用成语 500

01. guided tour, a
定义: 有导游引领的参观或旅游.
例句: We took a guided tour to see the Great Wall at Simatai and that was amazing. (我们在导游引领下去司马台长城参观, 真是美不胜收)

02. guilt by association
定义: 受株连, 受牵连, 无辜之人因与有罪之人或团体有交往或有亲属关系而被认有罪.
例句: Chinese who came to the US in the McCarthy era were fearful of the suspicion that all Chinese might be Communists. Many isolated themselves for fear of guilt by association. (在麦卡锡时代来美的中国人恐惧那种所有的中国人都可能是共产党人的嫌疑. 由于惧怕受到牵连, 许多中国人将自己孤立起来)
麦卡锡时代, 不少在美国的人被诬陷为共产党人或同情共产主义而遭迫害

03. guilty as sin, be (as)
定义: 罪证确凿, 罪证明确.
例句: Granted I wasn't there, but I think he was guilty as sin. (我承认我当时不在场, 但我认为他罪证确凿)

04. guinea pig, a
定义: 天竺鼠; 被人做实验者.
例句: Scientists have been using human as guinea pigs for as long as human exist on this planet. (自从人类存在这个星球以来, 科学家们一直把人类当成天竺鼠来做实验)

05. gullible lot, a
定义: 一群好骗的傻瓜.
例句: Many of us are a gullible lot. We seek "get rich" ideas as there is no tomorrow. We love schemes that promise a future of luxury. (我们当中许多人是一群好骗的傻瓜. 我们追寻"发财"的点子好像没有明天似的. 我们热爱那些保证豪奢未来的骗局)

06. gum up the works, to
定义: 迟滞, 阻碍工作, 致使失去效率, 造成机器无法正常运转.
例句: Some dirt got inside the gears and gummed up the works. (一些泥沙掉进了齿轮里, 致使机器无法正常运转)

07. gum up, to
定义: 迟滞, 阻碍工作, 致使失去效率, 造成机器无法正常运转.
例句: The highway construction has really gummed up traffic. (这个公路施工确实造成交通流量缓慢)

08. gumshoe, a
定义: [俚语]侦探, 警探, 刑警.
例句: Captain Harris assigned two gumshoes to the case. (哈里斯队长指派两名刑警来侦办这个案件)

09. gun down, to
定义: 枪杀, 击毙.
例句: A gang member was gunned down in a drive-by shooting on Saturday night. (星期六夜晚, 一名帮派份子被一起飞车枪击所枪杀)

10. gun for, to
定义: 竭力追求或达成任务; 全力加害, 击败.
例句: He has been gunning for the new sales job for a long time. (长久以来, 他一直竭力寻求这个新的销售工作)

11. gun the engine, to
定义: 紧踩汽车引擎加速器高速行驶. (注: 另一意思为开大引擎油门加速行驶)
例句: When a car tried to pass him, he gunned the engine and sped away! (当有部车子试图超他车的时候, 他紧踩加速器, 急驶而去!)

12. gunboat diplomacy, the
定义: 炮舰外交, 霸权外交.
例句: Aside from military conquest, gunboat diplomacy was the dominant way to establish new trade partners, colonial outposts and expansion of empire. (除了武力征服之外, 炮舰外交是个建立新的贸易伙伴, 殖民前哨基地, 以及帝国扩张的主要方式)

13. gung ho, be
定义: [形容词]对某事极为热心或热忱. (注: 源自中国话'干活')
例句: Barbara is gung ho about our trip to Greece. She just can't wait any longer. (芭芭拉对我们的希腊之旅极为热忱. 她简直迫不及待地想要去那儿)

14. gunk up, to
定义: 造成肮脏, 黏住, 油污.
例句: The mechanism gets gunked up if you don't clean it regularly. (如果你不定时地清理它的话这个机件会变肮脏)

15. gussy up, to
定义: 打扮漂亮, 盛装, 装饰, 美化.
例句: I made a basic tomato soup and then added fresh herbs to gussy it up. (我做了一份基本的番茄汤然后再加上一些新鲜的香料草来装饰它)

16. gut check, a
定义: 测试或评估一个人的勇气, 人格及决心.
例句: Half the year is gone and it's time to do a gut check on how you are either meeting or missing your goals for the year. (半年已经过去了, 现在正是评估你是否达成或失误你今年目标的时候)

17. gut feeling/gut reaction/gut response, a
定义: 直觉反应.
例句: The detective had a gut feeling that the two suspects were guilty even though they had a solid alibi. (即使他们握有牢靠的不在场证明, 这个警探的直觉反应是这两名嫌犯还是有罪的)

18. gut it out, to
定义: 勇敢坚持不懈, 不屈不挠.
例句: I know it's hard but we'll just have to gut it out. (我知道它是困难的但我们还是要坚持不懈)

19. hack away at, to
定义: 砍除, 删除, 删减.
例句: While you're hacking away at the branches of a diseased tree, be sure to inspect the roots. (在你砍除患病树枝的时候, 别忘了检查它的根部状况)

20. hack it, to
定义: 能应付, 能做下去. (注: 多用于否定语气)
例句: After two weeks at the new job, he decided that he just couldn't hack it. (在新工作做了两个星期之后, 他判定他自己实在做不下去了)



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