二十笔实用成语 510

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二十笔实用成语 510

帖子 royl » 周四 9月 04, 2014 3:38 pm

二十笔实用成语 510

01. hatchet job, a
定义: 恶毒的口头/书面攻击.
例句: Long story short, they did a hatchet job on me. So I wrote an op-ed response, and they actually printed it. (长话短说, 他们恶毒地攻击了我. 因此我写了一篇专栏作为答覆, 而他们居然也把它登出来)

02. hatchet man, a
定义: 职业打手, 杀手; 文化打手, 政治打手.
例句: She doesn't criticize her opponent's character directly. She has her hatchet men in the media do it for her. (她不直接批评她对手的品格. 她有她的媒体打手替她打击对方)

03. hate crime, a
定义: 仇恨罪. (注: 意指仇恨别人的种族, 信仰, 性别包括破坏别人财产, 攻击人身的罪行)
例句: The family of a Chinese man who died after being savagely beaten in an unprovoked attack in M​​anhattan's Alphabet City on Friday want his killing treated as a hate crime. (一个在周五于曼哈坦字母城被人无缘无故地凶残打死的中国男子家庭要求他的死亡以仇恨罪来处理)
2014年5月杀死阮先生的凶残嫌犯Jamie Pugh(右)

04. hate someone's guts, to
定义: 痛恨某人.
例句: I absolutely hate her guts after she caused my company so many problems. (在她造成我公司一大堆问题之后, 我恨透了她)

05. hate-filled individual, a
定义: 充满仇恨怨恨的人.
例句: These are hate-filled individuals indeed who believe the right to free speech only applies to those who believe as they do. (这些充满仇恨的人确实相信言论自由的权利只应适用于那些想法跟他们一样的人)

06. hatred toward someone, to have
定义: 痛恨某人.
例句: All my life, I've never had hatred toward any religion. I always honor all religions equally. (我这一生从来不仇恨任何宗教. 我一直一视同仁地尊重所有的宗教)

07. hats off to someone
定义: 向某人致敬, 尊重, 赞赏, 感谢.
例句: Hats off to mom for cooking the dinner and baking such a beautiful cake. (让我们向妈妈致敬感谢她替我们准备这桌晚餐以及烘焙这一个美丽的蛋糕)

08. haul ass, to
定义: [粗俗语]快点离开, 快溜.
例句: You'd better haul ass or you'll miss your flight. (你最好快点离开否则你会搭不上你的班机)

09. haul down one's colors/flag, to
定义: 认输, 投降.
例句: Haul down your flag right now, or we will blow you out of the water! (立即投降, 否则我们将把你们炸个粉碎!)

10. haul in, to
定义: 接球, 接到传球; 逮捕, 将...带至警局; 赚进不少钱.
例句: The cop hauled the drunk driver in. (警察将这名酒醉驾车者带回警局)

11. haul off, to
定义: 准备行动之前的微微后退, 换个地方行动, 移走.
例句: He hauled off and punched me in the face. (他微微后退然后一拳打我脸上)

12. haul on, to
定义: 使劲地拉扯.
例句: I tried to haul on the reins again, to no avail, and the thought crossed my mind that maybe I should jump off. (我试图再度使劲地拉住缰绳, 完全无效, 我突然想到也许我应该跳下马)

13. haul up on the carpet, to
定义: 讯问; 斥责.
例句: But if a private employer locked out his men af​​ter a five-day strike, he would be hauled up on the carpet and ordered to give them back their jobs. (然而如果一个私人雇主把工厂封闭不让罢工五天的员工进入, 他将会被斥责并被命令让员工复工)

14. have (got) someone by the balls, to
定义: [不雅语]抓住某人的弱点, 将某人控制得死死的. (注: balls是男人的睾丸)
例句: Tom's girlfriend has got him by the balls and he is doing what she says because he is scared that if he doesn't he will lose her. (汤姆的女友把他控制得死死的, 他做任何事情都听命于她因为他害怕如果他不服从的话他会失去她)

15. have (got) to hand it to someone
定义: 不得不服某人; 必须承认某人所做的事值得佩服, 服了他了..
例句: I've got to hand it to you. You have done a fine job! (我不得不佩服你. 你做得很漂亮!)

16. have (got) what it takes, to
定义: 具备取得成功或胜利必要条件.
例句: He really has what it takes to be a success at his job. (他确实具备了在工作上成功的条件)

17. have (hungry) mouths to feed, to
定义: (嗷嗷待哺的)小孩或人要养活.
例句: I would definitely recommend their breakfast and dinner buffet and a bonus that kids eat free, yes, we have five hungry mouths to feed. (我肯定会推荐他们的早餐和晚餐的自助餐点以及一个儿童们来吃免费的额外好处, 是的, 我们家有五个嗷嗷待哺的小孩要养活)

18. have (too) much to lose, to
定义: 将会损失很多. (注: 意指如果要冒风险去做某事, 后果将可能更恶化)
例句: We have got too much to lose if things get out of control. (如果情况失控的话, 我们将会损失很多)

19. have ... (all) to oneself, to
定义: 独拥..., 不须与别人共享.
例句: All my roommates had gone home for the holiday, and I had the apartment all to myself. (我所有的室友都回家渡假去了, 就我一个人独住这间公寓)

20. have ... interests in mind, to
定义: 将...的最高利益放在心上.
例句: I do have my own interests in mind but you must also have the interests of the group in mind if you want this organization to succeed. (我确实将我自己的利益放在心上但你也必须把整个团体的利益放在心上如果你希望这个组织将来成功的话)



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