二十笔实用成语 527

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二十笔实用成语 527

帖子 royl » 周三 11月 26, 2014 1:23 pm

二十笔实用成语 527

01. have nothing on, to
定义: 对某人不佔优势; 没有某人或某事的(不利)资料; 有空, 没有事情要做; 赤裸裸, 一丝不挂.
例句: I just took a shower and don't have anything on. (我刚刚洗了一个淋浴, 我还没穿衣服)

02. have nothing to be ashamed of, to
定义: 问心无愧, 无所羞愧.
例句: We have nothing to be ashamed of. As a matter of fact, we should be proud of ourselves. (我们无所羞愧. 其实, 我们应该感到自豪)

03. have nothing to do with ..., to
定义: 与...无关, 与...没有任何关联, 不想跟某人交往或扯上任何关係.
例句: I have nothing to do with my sister and I'm not going to pay for something she's done. (别把我跟我妹妹扯上关係, 我不会赔偿她所造成的损失)

04. have nothing to hide, to
定义: 光明磊落, 问心无愧.
例句: I have nothing to hide, however I don't want to live like a zoo animal under constant observation. (我问心无愧, 但是我不想过着一个跟动物园裡动物一样的不停地被人观察的生活)

05. have nothing to show for, to
定义: 没什麽可以吹嘘的, 毫无成绩可言.
例句: We worked all day but had nothing to show for it. (我们苦干了一整天但还是没做出什麽成果)

06. have on, to
定义: 穿着(衣服).
例句: What did she have on when you last saw her? (你最后一次看见她的时候她穿着什麽衣服?)

07. have one to believe, to
定义: 让人相信; 让人误以为. (注: 经常有误导人的意思)
例句: He had me to believe that the cost of the oil change would be $19.95 but he charged me $39.95 when I checked out. (他让我误以为换机油的费用是十九块九毛五但我结帐的时候他要我付三十九块九毛五)

08. have one foot in the grave, to
定义: 年老, 病危, 将死, 濒临死亡.
例句: I was so sick, I felt as if I had one foot in the grave. (我很不舒服, 我感觉我好像快要死了)

09. have one over the eight/have one (drink) too many, to
定义: 喝醉了, 喝多了.
例句: The man drank one too many so his friends would not let him drive home. (这个人喝醉了所以他的朋友不准他开车回家)

10. have one's ass in a sling, to
定义: [不雅语]处于窘困中, 惹上麻烦.
例句: He really has his ass in a sling now that he has quit his job and can't find another one. (他正处于窘困中因为他辞职之后却没找到另一份工作)

11. have one's bell rung, to
定义: 眼冒金星, 被打晕, 脑部受到重击.
例句: Even when he had his bell rung and had no idea where he was, he refused to give his tackler the satisfaction of knowing that he had been hurt. (即使当他被摔得昏头转向, 他也不让他的对手得意地知道他已经受到伤害)

12. have one's cake and eat it too, to
定义: 鱼与熊掌想兼得. 两个好处都要.
例句: Carlos expected to pass without studying. Unfortunately, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. (卡罗斯想要不读书还能考试及格. 不幸的是, 你不可能鱼与熊掌兼得)

13. have one's collar felt, to
定义: 被警方逮捕.
例句: But I'm glad he's had his collar felt. What an utter disgrace, a serving Prime Minister questioned by the police. (但我很高兴他被警方逮捕. 居然一个现任首相被警方讯问, 真是丢人现眼)

14. have one's day in court, to
定义: 有机会让人听到你为自己的辩解, 辩述或辩护.
例句: If you survive your employer's various attempts to dismiss your case, ultimately you will have your day in court. (如果你能撑过了你雇主耍出的各种驳回你诉讼的花招, 最终你还是有机会让人听到你的辩述)

15. have one's day (in the sun), to
定义: 出人头地, 走红, 成名, 灿烂自豪的一天.
例句: Keep your head up, someday you will have your day. It could be tomorrow or the next day but that day will come, and it will be the best day of your life! (抬起头来, 总有一天你会出人头地. 它也许会发生在明天或者是后天但那一天肯定会来的, 它将是你人生最幸福的一天!)

16. have one's druthers, to
定义: 有自己的选择.
例句: If I had my druthers, I would go to the museum. (如果我能自己选择的话, 我宁愿去这家博物馆参观)

17. have one's ducks in a row, to
定义: 准备就绪, 将事务安排妥当, 有组织有效率地做好准备.
例句: Wouldn't it be nice to have our ducks in a row and not have to search for the files every time we needed them? (如果我们把档桉有组织地归类好, 就用不着要每次需要档桉时候才搜索它们, 这样不是更好吗?)

18. have one's ears lowered, to
定义: 剪短了头髮.
例句: I'm due for having my ears lowered but I'm torn between getting a spiral perm or getting it chopped short. (我也该剪短头髮了但我一直纠结在我要螺旋烫髮还是要剪短)

19. have one's ears pinned back, to
定义: 被敦促要行为检点, 守纪律; 被人训导或训斥.
例句: The rowdy kid needs his ears pinned back. Tell him to behave. (这个闹事的小孩需要有人训导. 教导他要行为检点)

20. have one's eye on, to
定义: 专心注视, 注意; 对某人, 事或物有兴趣; 想要多瞭解; 想要取得.
例句: I want to buy a nice present for my girlfriend so I have my eye on a nice dress that I saw at the department store last week. (我想要给我女朋友买一件像样的礼物因此上星期我在这家百货公司看上了一件漂亮的礼服)



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