二十笔实用成语 532

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二十笔实用成语 532

帖子 royl » 周四 12月 18, 2014 5:00 am

二十笔实用成语 532

01. have something on, to
定义: 穿戴; 计划好要做某事, 安排好议程.
例句: I've got something on this Friday, but I'm free on Saturday. (这个星期五我已经有了安排, 但我星期六有空)

02. have something to show for, to
定义: 拿得出成绩或成果.
例句: All he had to show for his fund-raising was $500 – nowhere near his goal of $10,000. (他的募款活动所能拿出的成果是五百元 – 跟他的一万元目标差得太远)

03. have something with you, to
定义: 随身携带着某物; 留下回忆.
例句: He will have the memory of the encounter with him for ever. (这个邂逅他将永远会记在心裡)

04. have something written all over it, to
定义: 明白地显示出某事或物的特性或特质. (注: 在此something乃是指特性或特质, 例如小朋友偷拿东西之后, 会在脸上显示出罪恶感)
例句: His new business venture had "failure" written all over it. (显然地, 他的新创业将要失败. 注: 这句话也可以写成: It was obvious that his new business venture was going to fail)

05. have something/nothing/much to say for yourself, to
定义: 有话/没话/有许多话要参与谈话, 讨论, 解释, 澄清, 辩称自己所做的事情.
例句: Have you anything to say for yourself before I pass judgment? (在我做出裁决之前你还有什麽话要说来为你自己辩护?)

06. have something/someone taped, to
定义: [俚语]对某人, 事或物瞭若指掌; 摸清某人或某事的底细.
例句: I had him taped and I knew what he's going to do next. (我对他瞭若指掌, 我知道他下一步会怎麽做)

07. have stars in one's eyes, to
定义: 意乱情迷; 眼花撩乱; 眉开眼笑; 天真不切实际或过于乐观.
例句: She had stars in her eyes when she saw the diamond ring that her boyfriend had bought for her. (当她看见了她男友买给她的鑽戒, 她乐得眉开眼笑)

08. have sticky fingers, to
定义: 习惯偷东西, 顺手牵羊. (注: sticky fingers意为偷东西习惯)
例句: Everyone thinks that the new woman at work has sticky fingers as many things have been stolen recently. (由于最近有许多东西被偷的原因, 公司裡所有的同事都认为新来的女职员有可能顺手牵羊)

09. have a sweet dream, to
定义: [祝福语]祝你有一个甜美的梦.
例句: Good night and have a sweet dream. (晚安, 祝你有一个甜美的梦)

10. have teeth, to
定义: (法律)具有效力, 可以令人服从.
例句: Connecticut's legislature is making a push for labeling all GMO foods. The new bill is on the governor's desk, but does it have teeth? (康乃狄克州议会在推动一个所有转基因食物必须要标明的法桉. 这个法桉已经置于州长的办公桌上, 但它具有效力吗?)

11. have the ability of, to
定义: 具有...能力.
例句: You must have the ability of working to tight deadlines both individually and as part of a team. (你必须具备单独以及作为团队一员工作在紧凑期限的环境下的能力)

12. have the advantage over, to
定义: 优于..., 具有对...的优势.
例句: He has an unfair advantage over us because of his wealth. (由于他的财富, 他拥有对我们不公平的优势)

13. have the appearance of, to
定义: 看起来像... (注: 意指表徵看起来像是如何如何, 但并不一定是如此)
例句: This bracelet is made of a cheaper material that allows the common person to have the appearance of elite status. (这隻手镯乃是由一个廉价材料所製成的, 但它能让一个普通人看起来像一个富豪阶层的人)

14. have the ball at one's feet, to
定义: 控球, 掌握情势, 有成功的机会.
例句: I need to have the ball at my feet. That's when I know anything is possible. (我必须掌握情势. 只有在这个时候我确信任何事都有可能)

15. have the balls, to
定义: [不雅语]有胆子, 有种. (注: balls意为胆子 )
例句: I bet you don't have the balls to ask her out. (我赌你没胆子约她出来)

16. have the best of both worlds, to
定义: 两全其美, 鱼与熊掌兼得.
例句: This is a woman who has the best of both worlds – a good job and a happy family life. (这是一个鱼与熊掌兼得女人 – 拥有一个好工作和一个快乐的家庭生活)

17. have/take the bit between/in one's teeth, to
定义: 桀骜不驯, 不受管束; 全力地, 毫无保留地做某事..
例句: Finally I took the bit in my teeth, knuckled down and finished it. (最后我下决定全力一博, 开始认真工作以及做完它)

18. have the cares/weight of the world on your shoulders, to
定义: 忧心忡忡, 担忧烦恼各种问题; 忧天下之忧.
例句: I know how it feels to have the cares of the world on your shoulders. I've been there. Luckily, I've experienced the relief of that weight being lifted as well. (我瞭解担忧各种问题的感觉. 这曾经发生在我身上. 幸运的是, 我也体验了重担被解除的轻鬆)

19. have the cheek to do something, to
定义: 厚颜无耻地胆大妄为. (注: cheek意为厚颜无耻)
例句: She had the cheek to tell me that she was sick and couldn't come to work today. (她居然厚颜地告诉我她今天生病没法来上班)

20. have the courage of one's convictions, to
定义: 坚持信念做正确的事, 坚守原则勇往直前.
例句: He had the courage of his convictions, and he also showed himself to be a person of quality in this area. (他坚持信念做正确的事, 而且他也展示出他自己在这个领域上是个高品质的人)



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