二十笔实用成语 334

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二十笔实用成语 334

帖子 royl » 周一 4月 16, 2012 2:27 pm

二十笔实用成语 334

01. due for
定义: 到期, 该到...的时间.
例句: It was a decent job for part time, I was bringing home almost $400 every two weeks and I was due for another raise. (这个兼职工作还不错, 我每两星期可以净赚几乎四百块钱而且我也该到加薪的时间了. 注: 这里的decent可解释为"虽不是最好但还不错"的意义)

02. due in part to ..., be
定义: 某个程度上, 部份由于...
例句: Due in part to poor dietary habits, health in the US has been in decline. (部份由于不好的饮食习惯, 美国人的健康水平一直在下降)

03. due in the court, be
定义: 被召唤出庭; 交给/呈报法庭.
例句: The first briefs were due in the Court on November 2, but do not yet appear in the docket. (第一批辩护状必须于十一月二日之前呈报法庭, 但还没有出现在待审案件日程表上)

04. due north
定义: 正北方向.
例句: Follow the winding road west to the junction; then go due north. (顺着曲折道路往西到那个交叉路口; 然后再往正北方向走. 注: 显然这是一段指引方向的话)

05. due process (of law), the
定义: 司法审判程序正义, 司法正当法律程序.
例句: This interpretation of due process is sometimes expressed as a command that the government must not be unfair to the people or abuse them physically. (这个对程序正义的诠释有时候作为一个命令来表达, 要求政府必须公平地对待或不可凌虐诉讼当事人)

06. due to
定义: 由于, 因为.
例句: In the case of an auto accident, you must prove that it was primarily due to the actions of the other driver. (就一个汽车事故来说, 你必须证明这个车祸主要是由于另一方驾驶人的行为所造成的)

07. due to be launched ...
定义: 预定于...起动/发射/启程.
例句: China said Tuesday its Tiangong-1 space module is due to be launched later this month, marking its first step towards building a Chinese space station. (中国宣布它的天宫一号太空舱预定于本月末发射, 成为朝向建造中国空间站迈出的第一步)

08. Duh!
定义: [惊叹语]得! 我真笨! (注: 这是用在美国尤其青少年一个表示语来轻蔑别人愚蠢或居然不能看出一个明显的事物)
例句: I didn't know how to spell comeuppance. Duh! (我居然不知到如何拼写comeuppance. 我真笨! 注: 这里的comeuppance是"报应, 罪有应得"之意)

09. DUI
定义: 酒醉驾车, 酒驾. (注: DUI是Driving Under the Influence的简称)
例句: Driving under influence (DUI) in Texas is a serious offense. Be sure you understand the implications. (酒醉驾车在德州属于一个严重犯罪行为. 你务必要了解它所带来的后果)

10. duke it out, to
定义: 打(拳头)架, 大打出手.
例句: Gerry wanted to duke it out with the referee, he tried to punch him. (杰瑞当时想要跟裁判员大打出手, 他曾试图打他一拳)

11. duke's mixture, a
定义: 许多东西杂混在一起.
例句: When Lynn opened the lid of the box she found a duke's mixture – everything from jewelry to birdseed! (当琳恩打开这个箱盖的时候她发现许多东西杂混在一起– 从珠宝到鸟食什么都有!)

12. dull as dishwater/ditchwater, be (as)
定义: 枯燥无趣, 单调乏味.
例句: He's as dull as dishwater, no wonder he can't find a girlfriend. (他这个人单调乏味, 难怪他找不到女朋友)

13. duly noted, be
定义: 适时, 适当地受到注意, 记录下来或照会到.
例句: No need to troll bro. Your opinion is duly noted. (兄弟, 你没必要扰乱网路论坛正常讨论. 你的意见已经适当地受到注意)

14. dumb as a doornail, be (as)
定义: 笨的要命.
例句: Tyler may be dumb as a doornail, but he's the only male eye candy on this show. (泰勒也许笨的要命, 但他是这个节目唯一养眼的男人)

15. dumb as a fox, be (as)
定义: 装傻, 装笨.
例句: He may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but is dumb as a fox, IMO. Some of these contractors must think people are really dumb. (依我的看法, 他也许并不是绝顶聪明的人但他会装笨. 有些承包商真把别人当傻瓜. 注: IMO是in my opinion的缩写​​)

16. dumb as a post, be (as)
定义: [不尊重语]笨得像木桩一般, 笨得要命.
例句: I've lost count of people who make lots of cash but are dumb as a post or miserable in their lives. (我数都数不清有多少人赚了大钱却笨得像木桩一样或者过着痛苦的日子)

17. dumb as a sack of hammers, be (as)
定义: [不尊重语]笨得像一袋锤一般, 笨得要命.
例句: If your dog doesn't learn your tricks, who is as dumb as a sack of hammers? (如果你的狗学不会你的把戏, 到底是谁笨得要命?)

18. dumb as a stump, be (as)
定义: [不尊重语]笨得像树根一般, 笨得要命.
例句: People were greedy in buying homes that they could not afford. It is their problem and we can't help them if they choose to be dumb as a stump. (人们贪婪地买他们付不起的房子. 这是他们的问题, 如果他们笨得像树根一般, 我们也没法帮他们)

19. dumb bunny, a
定义: [不尊重语]笨蛋.
例句: He really is a dumb bunny. I can't believe that he can do such stupid things. (他真是个大笨蛋. 我没法相信他居然会做出这样蠢事)

20. dumb luck, a
定义: 瞎碰的运气, 傻人有傻福, 纯粹偶然的运气.
例句: But there is a lesson to be learned in all this, the path to riches is paved with hard work and not dumb luck or a fast buck. (然而从这件事可以学到一个教训, 通往富裕的道路是以血汗努力所筑成的而不是凭借偶然运气或一夜致富)



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