二十笔实用成语 360

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二十笔实用成语 360

帖子 royl » 周四 5月 31, 2012 12:24 am

二十笔实用成语 360

01. eye of the storm, the
定义: [气象术语]暴风中心, 暴风眼.
例句: While taking a breather in the calm eye of the financial storm, everyone is wondering where this will all end. (在金融风暴眼暂时的平静中稍作喘息的同时, 每个人都想知道这场风暴什么时候才会结束. 注: 这里的where不是"在哪里"而是"什么时候")

02. eye up and down, to
定义: 上下地打量. (注: 意指仔细地检视某人)
例句: She eyed us up and down as if deciding whether we were good enough for her restaurant. (她上下地打量我们好像在决定我们是否够不够资格来她的餐馆吃饭)

03. eye-catcher, an
定义: 引人注目/美丽/美不胜收的人或物.
例句: Whether lying at anchor or sailing the high seas, she is an eye-catcher of the first magnitude. (不论停泊在码头里或扬帆在大海上, 她是一艘极为引人注目的游艇)

04. eye-opener, an
定义: 令人吃惊, 大开眼界的事件; 刺激精神的提神酒.
例句: This inside information was an eye-opener, you would think marketing tricks should be simple, and I had no idea of​​ the intricacy involved until now. (这条内幕消息令人吃惊, 你也许会认为销售诀窍应该是简单的, 到现在为止我才了解它所涉及的错综复杂层面)

05. eye-popping, be
定义: [形容词]令人兴奋的, 惊人的, 吸引人的.
例句: That was an awesome night with an eye-popping display of fireworks. What a way to cap a pleasant night! (那个令人兴奋的烟火表演的晚上真是棒极了. 给一个愉快夜晚画下完美的句点! )

06. eye-rolling
定义: 转动眼珠, 翻动眼珠, 翻白眼. (注: 这种动作常用于"不以为然"的表情)
例句: Frequent eye-rolling could be a clue that there are problems in your marriage relationship with your spouse. (频繁的翻白眼可能是一个你跟你配偶的婚姻关系出了问题的迹象)

07. eyes almost/nearly/practically popped out of his/he​​r head, one's
定义: 因惊讶或恐惧地瞠目结舌.
例句: His eyes almost popped out of his head for about 10 seconds. (他惊讶地瞠目结舌约有十秒之久)

08. eyes are bigger than one's belly/stomach, one's
定义: 眼高手低, 自不量力; 贪婪者拿的食物超过他的食量.
例句: Ivan is extremely ambitious, ie he wants Tom's job, but many think his eyes are bigger than his belly. (伊凡雄心勃勃, 也就是他想要抢汤姆的工作, 但许多人认为他眼高手低)

09. eyes are out on stalks, one's
定义: 大吃一惊, 瞠目结舌, 目瞪口呆.
例句: You should have seen Pete when Becky turned up in her short skirt. His eyes were out on stalks. (当贝姬穿着她的短裙出现的时候, 你应该来看彼得的表情. 他看得目瞪口呆)

10. eyes are popping out of his/he​​r head, one's
定义: 大吃一惊, 瞠目结舌, 目瞪口呆.
例句: His eyes are popping out of his head at all the sweets and he whispers, "are you sure we can't eat any of this?" (他目瞪口呆地看着这一大堆甜食并轻声地问我, "你确定我们不能吃任何一颗甜食吗?")

11. eyes are swollen shut, one's
定义: 眼睛肿胀得睁不开.
例句: My eyes were swollen shut so going to the store was not an option. (我的眼睛肿胀得睁不开所以我根本没法去商店买东西)

12. eyes flashing/snapping/sparkling with fury, one's
定义: 眼中冒出怒火.
例句: She glared at him, her dark eyes flashing with fury, "I don't care what you think!" (她深色眼睛冒出怒火地瞪着他, "我才不在乎你怎么想!")

13. eyes glaze over, one's
定义: 眼神呆滞, 眼光变呆滞.
例句: As the hours rolled by, my eyes glazed over not merely from exhaustion but from sheer boredom. (当时间渐渐地流逝, 不只由于疲劳也因为太枯燥无味我眼光变呆滞)

14. eyes meet
定义: 四目相接, (两人眼睛)直接看着对方.
例句: The moment our eyes met, it's like the whole world stopped, and it was love at first sight. (在我们四目相接的刹那间, 这个世界好像突然停止下来, 它无疑是个一见钟情)

15. eyes of the world, the
定义: 世人的眼睛/眼光下; 以世人角度看.
例句: This was an emperor that led Japan to imperial expansion during WW2, but was a war criminal through the eyes of the world yet a symbol of chrysanthemum to Japan. (这是个于二战时期领导日本走向帝国主义扩张的皇帝, 以世人角度看他是个战犯, 然而对日本来说他是个菊花象征)

16. eyes pop, one's
定义: 瞠目突眼, 表现出惊讶, 激动或恐惧的脸色; 令眼部显得突出/神采奕奕.
例句: I made her eyes pop even more by using a very strong liner on her top lid. (在她的上眼皮使用非常鲜明的眼线膏, 我让她的眼部显得更神采奕奕)

17. eyes/face light up, one's
定义: 眼睛一亮, 发出惊喜表情.
例句: His face lit up when he walked in the room. (当他走进房间内时, 他发出惊喜表情)

18. eyewash, an
定义: 洗眼药水; 空话, 傻话.
例句: He says he'll quit his job and start a business, but we know that's just eyewash. (他说他要辞去他的工作, 自行创业, 但我们都知道这都是空话)

19. eyewitness account, an
定义: 目击者/见证人的描述.
例句: According to eyewitness account, the incident occurred when the bus tried to avoid a collision with a bike. (根据目击者的描述, 这个事件的发生是由于这辆公车试图要躲避与一部脚踏车相撞所造成的)

20. ezine, an
定义: 电子杂志, 网路上出版的杂志. (注: ezine是electronic magazine的缩写)
例句: I love reading ezines on my computer. My favorite is by some geek in M​​ontana who writes about ice fishing. (我喜爱在我电脑上看电子杂志. 我特别喜欢的是一个住在蒙大拿州怪胎所写的冰钓逸事)



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