二十笔实用成语 399

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二十笔实用成语 399

帖子 royl » 周三 10月 10, 2012 6:43 am

二十笔实用成语 399

01. follow out, to
定义: 贯彻执行, 完全遵循/遵照/听从.
例句: Just follow out your parents' advice. They know what is best for you. (要听从你父母的教导. 他们知道什么是对你最好的)

02. follow someone's advice, to
定义: 遵循/遵照/听从某人的忠告/建议.
例句: If I were you, I'd follow his advice. (如果我是你的话, 我会遵照他的建议去做)

03. follow someone's example, to
定义: 仿效某人的榜样.
例句: Follow your dad's example, live life to the fullest and be kind and respectful to everyone. (仿效你父亲的榜样, 活得最充实, 对所有人都和善与尊重)

04. follow someone's lead, to
定义: 跟着某人走; 效法/仿效某人, 照着某人的方式去做; 以某人为榜样.
例句: But as usual we're going to follow her lead, because, well, we don't have a choice. (但像往常一样, 我们还是要照着她的方式去做, 唉, 我们也没什么选择)

05. follow someone's line of reasoning, to
定义: 了解某人思考的方式/理由/根据. (注: 意指某人的推理有脉络或线索可寻)
例句: If you follow his line of reasoning, there is a great deal of validity in what he says. (如果你了解他思考方式的话, 他说的很有道理)

06. follow suit, to
定义: 模仿或跟人家一样地做; 效法某人, 如法炮制, 有样学样; 跟着打出同花色的牌.
例句: He followed suit and began to leave work early on Friday just as his boss was doing. (他有样学样, 就像他老板一样, 他开始在星期五提早下班)

07. follow the crowd, to
定义: 顺应潮流, 随从多数的意见; 随波逐流, 人云亦云; 大家怎么做, 你也跟着做.
例句: I am an independent thinker. I could never just follow the crowd. (我是个独立思考者. 我根本没法就这样地人云亦云, 随波逐流)

08. follow the letter of the law, to
定义: 照章办理, 严守法律条文而忽略其立法精神或意义.
例句: Some people will follow the letter of the law while blatantly disregarding the spirit of the law. (有些人会严守法律条文却明目张胆地忽略其立法精神)

09. follow the money, to
定义: 追寻金钱/获利/利润的轨迹. (注: 一个事件或罪案发生第一条线索就是追寻涉案人的金钱的往来或谁会因此事获利)
例句: American healthcare industry is first and foremost to make a profit. The answer to many healthcare questions is to "follow the money." (赚取利润是美国医疗行业的头号目标. 许多医疗问题的答案可以"追溯到获利的操作.")

10. follow the path/line of least resistance, to
定义: (不循正途)走捷径, 抄小路; 最容易/省力的方法.
例句: It's our human nature to follow the path of least resistance. Resistance makes you to take the easy way out, be ordinary or mediocre. (走捷径是人的本性. 阻力使你抄小路, 不求完美或变为平庸)

11. follow the rules, to
定义: 守法, 遵循法规.
例句: If everybody follows the traffic rules, we'll have far fewer accidents. (如果大家都遵守交通规则的话, 我们的交通事故会减少很多)

12. follow through, to
定义: 贯彻执行, 有始有终, 信守承诺.
例句: He said that he would help me paint my house but he has never followed through with his offer. (他说他会帮我油漆我的房子但他完全没信守承诺)

13. follow up, to
定义: 随后补充相似的, 相关的资料; 保持联络以达到监督的效果; 追踪, 复查, 确认; 采取适当行动.
例句: After you submit your job application, you should follow it up by making a phone call. (在你送交你的工作申请表之后, 你应该打电话确认对方收到你的申请)

14. follow your nose, to
定义: 循着你的嗅觉寻找; 向前直走.
例句: Mr. Smith's office is right around the corner. Turn left and follow your nose a short distance. (史密斯先生的办公室就在前面拐角处. 左转再向前走一点就到了)

15. foo fighter, a
定义: 不明飞行物体. (注: 特指二次世界大战时, 联军飞行员所看见空中神秘的飞行物体)
例句: Foo fighters are one of the most puzzling UFO events to date. They were frequently seen during World War II trailing many aircraft. (不明飞行物体现象是至今最令人费解的不明飞行物体事件之一. 二战期间, 它们经常被人看到尾随机群之后)

16. food fight, a
定义: 拿食物互掷的嬉戏.
例句: Not only was this incident extremely wasteful of food, but the food fight and its aftermath cost custodians extra time and labor to clean and sanitize the cafeteria. (这个事件不仅极为浪费食物, 而且拿食物互掷的嬉戏与其留下的后果造成清洁人员花费额外的劳力和时间清理和净化这间餐厅)

17. food for thought, a
定义: 值得思考的建议或议题, 引人深思的事.
例句: Your comments on the recent crisis have given me food for thought. (你对最近发生的危机所提出的意见令我深思)

18. fool around/about, to
定义: 游手好闲, 厮混, 虚度光阴; 动手动脚, 嘻笑玩闹; 婚外风流, 搞性关系.
例句: If he would spend less time fooling around he would be able to get some work done. (如果他少花些时间厮混的话, 他就能够做好一些工作)

19. fool away, to
定义: 浪费, 虚耗, 空耗.
例句: She fooled away precious time on a guy who she thought liked her but it turns out that he was just playing with her. (她虚耗宝贵的时间在一个她以为喜欢她的男人身上, 但结果发现他只是玩弄她的感情)

20. fool for ..., be
定义: 喜爱..., 对...特别钟爱.
例句: I'm a fool for green tea. (我对绿茶特别钟爱)



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