二十笔实用成语 496

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二十笔实用成语 496

帖子 royl » 周五 7月 11, 2014 1:36 am

二十笔实用成语 496

01. grandfather on my father's side
定义: 祖父, 爷爷.
例句: My grandfather on my father's side would not speak of the old country or what he knew of it. Whether this was because he knew nothing or he just wanted to forget. (我爷爷不愿意谈及故乡或他所知道的故乡.不知道这是因为他完全不知道还是他想要忘掉)

02. grandfather on my mother's side
定义: 外祖父, 外公, 姥爷.
例句: I never did have the opportunity to know my grandfather on my mother's side. He died right when my mom was three. (我从来就没机会了解我的外祖父. 他在我母亲正好三岁的时候就离开人世)

03. granny dumping, the
定义: 弃养年老亲属.
例句: It's a heartbreaking revelation, but granny dumping is a rea​​l issue that is happening everywhere, and which sadly tends to peak around Christmas. (这是个令人心碎的内情揭露, 但弃养老人是一个到处都发生的真实问题, 而不幸地总是在圣诞节期间发生得最频繁)

04. grasp at straws, to
定义: 做绝望挣扎, 绝望时抓稻草求生.
例句: He is only grasping at straws and he will never find enough money to pay next month's rent. (他只是在做绝望挣扎, 他决不会凑出足够的钱来付下个月的房租)

05. grasp the nettle, to
定义: 胆大地对抗棘手问题.
例句: I've been putting off tackling the problem for too long and I think it's time to grasp the nettle. (我已经拖了太长的时间逃避处理这个问题, 我想现在正是对抗这个棘手问题的时候)

06. grasp the notion, to
定义: 理解某个概念.
例句: Forgive me for not able to grasp the notion, but an analogy will explain it better. (原谅我无法理解这个概念, 不过给我一个比喻会解释得更清楚)

07. grass is always greener on the other side (of the fence), the
定义: [俗语](指人性的弱点)别处的环境总是比自己这里好, 这山望着那山高.
例句: She is always moving and changing jobs as she thinks that the grass is always greener on the other side. (由于她相信别处的环境总是比这里好, 她一直在搬家和换工作)

08. grass on/up someone, to
定义: [英国俚语]告某人密, 出卖某人.
例句: He was humiliated, blacklisted and imprisoned for refusing to grass on his friends. (由于他拒绝出卖他的友人, 他被羞辱, 被列入黑名单, 甚至于被监禁)

09. grate on someone's nerves, to
定义: 激怒某人; 令人不痛快或不舒服.
例句: His negative attitude is starting to grate on me. (他的消极态度开始令我不痛快)

10. grateful for small mercies, be
定义: 感激别人的一点小恩惠; 虽然情况不全令人满意但该知足.
例句: He agreed to let us have one day off instead of three days we asked for. I suppose we should be thankful for small mercies. (他同意给我们一天假期而不是我们所要求的三天. 我看虽然结果不尽然令人满意但我们应该知足)

11. gratuitous insult, a
定义: 莫名其妙的侮辱. (注: gratuitous意指无缘无故的, 没理由的)
例句: The way he asked her the questions appeared like a gratuitous insult to me. (他问她问题的态度依我看来好像是个莫名其妙的侮辱)

12. grave mistake, a
定义: 严重错误, 可能带来伤害的错误.
例句: Jack has no clue of what he's doing and he's making a grave mistake by trying to make his lousy product similar to that of his competitor. (杰克完全不知道他自己在干什么, 他正在犯一个严重错误把他的劣质产品做得跟他竞争对手的产品相似)

13. gravely ill, be
定义: 病入膏肓.
例句: The statement confirmed media reports that our friend was gravely ill. We are all hoping and praying that he will pull through. (这个声明证实了我们朋友病入膏肓的媒体报导. 我们都祈望他将恢复健康)

14. graveyard shift, the
定义: 大夜班.
例句: I hate my graveyard shift as a security person. I don't think I have enough energy to stay awake during a graveyard shift. (我很不喜欢我作为一个保安人员的大夜班. 我不认为我有足够的精神在整个夜班里维持清醒)

15. gravy train, a
定义: 肥缺, 不劳而获或收入优渥的闲差事; 本小利丰的机会; 政府大洒钞票的补助.
例句: Who wouldn't want to get on board the gravy train? (谁不想找一个肥缺?)

16. gray area/zone, a
定义: 灰色地带, 含糊不清的定义, 立场或性质.
例句: As with any law there will be gray areas, and different schools will interpret it in different ways. (有如任何法律都带有灰色地带, 不同的学派也会有不同的诠释方式)

17. gray market, a
定义: 灰色市场. (注: 不正常但合法市场, 意指不经授权管道以稍低价格出售货物的市场)
例句: The most common type of grey market is the sale of imported goods, brought by small unauthorized importers, which would otherwise be more expensive in the country to which they are being imported. (最普通的灰色市场是由小型无经授权的跑单帮客夹带的进口货的销售市场, 否则这些商品价格将会在它们进口的国家内更昂贵)

18. gray matter, the
定义: 人脑, 头脑; 思考, 脑力, 知识, 智慧, 思想.
例句: "Sometimes I wonder if he has any grey matter." "Oh, he has it, but maybe he doesn't use it." ("有时候我在想他还有没有头脑." "哦, 他是有的, 但也许他不使用它.")

19. gray power, a
定义: 老年人的力量. (注: 意指大量的老年人形成的购买力与投票力量)
例句: An increase in life span causes an increase in grey power. (随着人们的寿命延长造成老年人力量的增加)

20. grease monkey, a
定义: [俚语]修车工人; 修机械工人.
例句: I'm no grease monkey, but I can manage to change out my engine's spark plugs without assistance. (我不是一个修车工人, 但我可以凑合着把我引擎火星塞换新而不需要别人帮忙)



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