二十笔实用成语 498

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二十笔实用成语 498

帖子 royl » 周四 7月 24, 2014 2:09 pm

二十笔实用成语 498

01. green-eyed monster, the
定义: 嫉妒, 嫉火中烧.
例句: "So how did Mike take it when he saw his ex-girlfriend with James?" "He turned into a green-eyed monster!" ("那么麦克是如何地反应当他看见他前女友跟詹姆士在一起的时候?" "他气得嫉火中烧!")

02. grin and bear it, have to
定义: 你必须逆来顺受, 不管你喜不喜欢, 你就得接受.
例句: I hate having to work for rude people. I guess I have to grin and bear it. (我很不愿意给粗鲁的人工作. 我想我只得逆来顺受)

03. grin like a Cheshire cat
定义: 咧嘴大笑或开怀大笑因为你很满意你做某件事.
例句: I tried not to smile but inside I was grinning like a Cheshire cat. (我使劲地憋住笑但在内心里我却开怀大笑)

04. grin/smile from ear to ear, to
定义: 咧嘴大笑, 开怀大笑.
例句: He was grinning from ear to ear as if he had just won the lottery. (他咧着嘴大笑好像他刚中了奖券似的)

05. grind along, to
定义: 牛步前进.
例句: The traffic ground along at snail pace, the streets were dingy, no sign of greenery anywhere to relieve the landscape. (这里的交通流量慢得像蜗牛一样, 街道上肮脏不堪, 景观毫无一点绿意)

06. grind away, to
定义: 磨去, 磨平, 磨损; 坚持不懈怠.
例句: She was grinding away at her algebra last night. (她昨夜苦读她的代数)

07. grind down, to
定义: 磨损, 磨平, 碾碎; 志气消沉, 消磨殆尽, 耗竭.
例句: Years of poverty has ground her spirit down. (多年的贫困已经把她的志气消磨殆尽)

08. grind on, to
定义: 痛苦地延续下去, 无情地进行下去.
例句: The civil war ground on for more years. (这场内战痛苦地延续了多年)

09. grind out, to
定义: 以机器大量制造出; 粗制滥造.
例句: He grinds out a new novel every month. (他每月粗糙地写出一本新小说)

10. grind to a halt, to
定义: 进入静止或动弹不得状况.
例句: The city ground to a halt when the power went off for five hours. (当电力被切断五个小时之后这座城市进入静止状态)

11. gringo, a
定义: [可能不尊重俚语]拉丁美洲人对美国人的称呼.
例句: Look at the gringo with the city map; he's asking for help, maybe he's lost. (你看那个手上拿着市区地图的老美; 他在向人求助, 也许他迷路了)

12. grisly vs. grizzly
定义: [易混淆字或片语]grisly(形容词)可怕的, 令人厌恶的, 厉害的; grizzly(形容词)呈灰色的. (注: 常被提到的美洲灰色大熊就是grizzly bear)

13. grist for your/the mill; grist to your/the mill
定义: 可资利用转为优势的东西.
例句: Now that he's a writer, he regards his difficult childhood experiences as grist for the mill. (既然他是个作家, 他把他坎坷童年的经历视为可资利用的素材)

14. grit one's teeth, to
定义: 咬牙切齿(有如在愤怒中或在痛苦中); 咬紧牙关, 决心面对困难.
例句: This has, candidly, been a very slow and difficult process, but we just have to grit our teeth and keep working at it. (坦白地说, 这是一个非常冗长和艰难的过程, 但是我们还是要咬紧牙关不懈地做下去)

15. gross injustice, a
定义: 明目张胆的不正义或不公平.
例句: This is a gross injustice and will prove to be a source of historical shame to our generation if we do nothing to address it. (这是一个明目张胆的不公平并且将证实为我们这一代历史性耻辱的根源如果我们不匡正这个错误)

16. gross out, to
定义: 令人厌恶, 冒犯, 惊讶, 恐惧; 对...充满厌恶, 惊讶, 恐惧.
例句: I was grossed out by all the blood and guts in the movie. (这部电影里的血肉横非令我恶心)

17. ground rule, the
定义: 基本程序或行为规则; [运动术语]比赛规则.
例句: We need to lay out the ground rules for tonight's meeting. (我们必须要为今晚的会议制定基本程序规则)

18. ground someone in something, to
定义: 传授某人某课程的基本知识, 跟某人解说某事的基本史实.
例句: We grounded children in the basics of home cooking. (我们教导小朋友有关家庭烹饪的基本知识)

19. ground zero, the
定义: 起点或基层; 核弹爆​​炸的中心点; 迅速或激烈发展或变化的中心点; 射击物体(例如导弹或炸弹)的目标.
例句: After the United States detonated an atomic bomb at Hiroshima in 1945, the US government restricted the circulation of images of the bomb's deadly effect of the ground zero. (美国在1945年在广岛引爆原子弹之后, 美政府限制传播原子弹对原爆中心点的致命图像)

20. grounds for ..., be
定义: 作为...的相信, 行动或争议依据.
例句: We have no grounds for believing that the crisis will end soon. (我们没理由相信这个危机将要结束. 注: 本句也可翻译为: 我们没有相信这个危机将要结束的依据)



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