二十笔实用成语 504

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二十笔实用成语 504

帖子 royl » 周四 8月 14, 2014 4:42 pm

二十笔实用成语 504

01. handle something like an adult, to
定义: 成熟地处理某事. (注: 在美国所用的成人adult是具有代表成熟稳重的含意)
例句: You're obviously too immature to handle this like an adult. So I'm going to inform your parents and let them know what has happened here. (你显然太幼稚无法成熟地处理这件事情. 所以我打算通知你的父母, 告诉他们这里所发生的事情)

02. handle to one's name, a
定义: 绰号, 称呼或名号.
例句: His gluttony earned him a handle to his name, Big Mouth. (他的贪吃替他挣得了一个绰号, 大嘴)

03. handle with (kid) gloves, to
定义: 小心客气地对待. (这里的kid gloves是羔羊皮手套, 触感很轻柔, 意指对某人或某事要小心谨慎处理)
例句: He is very sensitive so you have to handle him with kid gloves when you speak to him. (他非常敏感所以当你跟他说话的时候要小心谨慎)

04. hands are full, one's
定义: 忙得不可开交, 不能再接更多的工作或责任.
例句: I wish I could help you but my hands are full. (我希望我能够帮你忙但我自己却忙得不可开交)

05. hands are tied, one's
定义: 不能通融, 受到限制, 束手无策, 无能为力, 没办法.
例句: I'd love to raise your salaries but my hands are tied. (我很愿意给你们加薪但我也无能为力)

06. hands down
定义: [副词]轻而易举地, 毫不费力地; 毫无疑问地.
例句: They won the game hands down over the other team. (他们轻而易举地击败另一队赢得这场比赛)

07. Hands up!
定义: [命令语]把双手举起来.
例句: "Hands up, everybody!" The robber shouted as he entered the bank. (这名抢匪一进入银行之后便高喊, "大家把手举起来!")

08. hands-on training, a
定义: 实际操作的训练, 亲身体验的训练.
例句: I would like to learn but I need hands on training with real parts and tools, and being taught by a rea​​l mechanic. (我很想学但我需要使用真实零件与工具的实际操作训练并由真实的机械技师来教导)

09. hand-to-hand combat, a
定义: 徒手战斗, 短兵相接的战斗.
例句: Military organizations have always taught some sort of martial arts as a supplement to armed combat. Soldiers in China were trained in hand-to-hand combat as early as the Zhou Dynasty. (军事组织一直教授某种武术作为武装战技的补充. 中国士兵早在周朝便接受徒手战斗训练)

10. handwriting like chicken scratch, one's
定义: 字迹潦草/像涂鸦, 很难读懂.
例句: I'm always nervous writing thank you cards because my handwriting looks less like calligraphy and more like chicken scratch. (我在书写感谢卡总是紧张因为我写的字不但不怎么像书法反而更像涂鸦)

11. hang a left/right, to
定义: (汽车)左/右转.
例句: Ok... According to the map, you should hang a right at the next intersection. (好了... 依据这张地图, 你应当在下一个十字路口向右转)

12. hang about/around/round, to
定义: 消磨时光, 闲逛逗留, 与某人厮混.
例句: We decided to stay home and hang around on Sunday rather than go out to the game. (我们决定星期天留在家里消磨时光而不是出门看这场比赛)

13. hang back, to
定义: 裹足不前, 犹豫保留.
例句: He lacks self-confidence and always hangs back when his boss asks for volunteers. (他缺乏自信, 总是在他上司要求自愿者时裹足不前)

14. hang by a hair/thread, to
定义: 悬于一线, 千钧一发, 危险不稳.
例句: The outcome of the election hung by a thread until the last two or three hours. (这场选举的结果一直悬于一线直到最后两三个钟头才转为明朗. 注: 在翻译时我们有时候需要把原文没有特别点明的意思说出来以便使读者清楚了解文义. "才转为明朗"是我特意加上的话)

15. hang fire, to
定义: 炸弹迟爆; 拖延, 犹豫; 延迟, 暂缓; 悬而未决.
例句: I think we should hang fire until the general situation becomes clearer. (在大局转为更明确之前我觉得我们应该暂缓行动)

16. hang in the air, to
定义: 悬而未决, 仍是个未知数, 未完成, 未妥善.
例句: Since we hadn't found a big enough truck, we left the moving date hanging. (由于我们还没找到更大的卡车, 我们只好暂时不决定搬家的日子)

17. hang in the balance, to
定义: 悬而未决, 仍是个未知数; 悬于一个不稳定的, 危险不安的情况.
例句: After the opposition party won the election whether or not the new highway will be built hangs in the balance. (反对党赢得这场选举之后, 是否还要建造这条新公路仍是个未知数)

18. hang in there, to
定义: [敦促语]再忍一忍, 坚持下去, 不要退却.
例句: Hang in there until the doctor comes. He'll relieve your pain. (在医生来之前你要忍一忍. 他肯定会解除你的痛苦)

19. hang in, to
定义: 坚持/坚忍, 不退却, 勇于不受恐吓.
例句: Early into the marriage she knew it was a mistake although she did her best to hang in against constant fights and frequent bouts of depression. (结婚之后没多久她就知道这个婚姻是个错误虽然她努力应付夫妻经常的吵架和频发的抑郁症来维持这个婚姻)

20. Hang it all!
定义: [惊叹语]可恶! 他妈的! 真倒楣!
例句: Oh, hang it all! I'm late again. (呃, 真倒楣! 我又迟到了!)



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