二十笔实用成语 521

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二十笔实用成语 521

帖子 royl » 周日 10月 26, 2014 10:19 am

二十笔实用成语 521

01. have better fish to fry, to
定义: 还有更重要的事情去做. (注: 意指不想浪费时间, 还有更有意义的事情可做)
例句: I really want to beat this guy up, but I've got some better fish to fry. (我好想揍这个家伙一顿, 但在我还有更重要的事情去做)

02. have big ideas, to
定义: 怀着宏伟想法或计划.
例句: They've got big ideas to start a company. They have their heart set on providing medical care to patients with no insurance. (他们怀着宏伟的计划开创一家公司. 他们渴望提供医疗服务给那些没有保险的病人)

03. have blood on one's hands, to
定义: (某人)手上沾着别人的鲜血; 要为造成别人的死亡负责.
例句: Not just millions civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq were killed, the truth is he already has on his hands the blood of many young American soldiers. (不只是阿富汗和伊拉克数百万平民被屠杀, 事实上他手上已经沾染了许多美国年轻士兵的鲜血)

04. have broad shoulders, to
定义: 可以承担重任, 责任, 批评或辱骂.
例句: No need to feel sorry for me. I can take it. I have broad shoulders. (没必要为我感觉难过. 我受得了. 我可以承受批评或辱骂)

05. have changed for the better
定义: 转好, 变得更好.
例句: I can't help but think that things haven't changed for the better. If you look at retail sales, industrial production, housing, employment numbers, everything is weak. (我不得不想到情况并没有转好. 如果你看一看零售, 工业生产, 房屋供给, 就业等数字, 一切都是疲软)

06. have clean hands, to
定义: 清白无辜, 清清白白, 洁身自爱, 不介入不好的或非法的活动.
例句: Don't look at me. I have clean hands. (别看着我. 我可是无辜的)

07. have cold feet, to
定义: 对事瞻前顾后, 裹足不前, 畏首畏尾.
例句: Margie says she wants to get married someday, but we all know she probably won't. When it comes to marriage, she has cold feet. (玛吉说她总有一天会结婚, 但我们都知道她不大可能会结婚. 每当论及到婚嫁, 她总是畏首畏尾的)

08. have company, to
定义: 有客来访.
例句: Oh, I didn't know you have company, I can come back later. (噢, 我不知道你有访客, 我可以稍后再来)

09. have deep pockets, to
定义: 有得是钱, 极为富裕, 财力雄厚.
例句: Some people say the government has deep pockets, but we are the government. Do we have deep pockets? (有些人说这个政府有得是钱, 但我们人民才是政府. 我们有得是钱吗?)

10. have designs on, to
定义: 产生不良, 不轨或邪恶的念头.
例句: I have no designs on your job. Believe me, I don't want it. (我对你的工作没有不良的念头. 相信我, 我不想要它)

11. have dibs on ..., to
定义: 声称对...所有权或该轮到你.
例句: I have dibs on the computer and would like to use it as soon as possible. (这台电脑应该轮到我用了, 我想尽早地使用它)

12. have dominion over, to
定义: 拥有统治权, 控制权, 支配权或主导权.
例句: We humans don't have dominion over animals. If we have to kill them, we do it for food, not for the fun of killing. (我们人类并不拥有对动物的支配权. 如果我们必须要猎杀它们的话, 我们为得是猎取食物而不是猎杀的乐趣)

13. have done more something than someone has had hot dinners, to
定义: 这位老兄走过的桥比你走过的路还要多. (注: 意指一个富有经验的人比一年轻人见过更多的世面)
例句: The man has seen more crooks than you've had hot dinners. (此人所见过的坏蛋比你吃的饭还多)

14. have done the math, to
定义: 已经想好了, 算好了或前后都想过了. (注: math是数学mathematics的缩写; 在这里不是做数学功课的意思而是想通或找到答案之意)
例句: Taylor Swift says she has done the math when it comes to her love life – she prefers being single! (当谈到爱情生活的时候, 泰勒•斯薇芙特说她已经前后都想过了– 她还是宁愿单身!)

15. be/have done with ..., to
定义: ...已经结束, 断绝关系.
例句: Tommy was a heavy drinker. One day his doctor told him that alcohol was going to kill him someday. ​​He said, "I'm done with alcohol." (汤米过去是个酗酒者. 有一天他的医生告诉他酒精总有一天会要他的命. 他说, "我今后不再喝酒了.")

16. have something down cold, to
定义: 背得滚瓜烂熟, 极为熟稔.
例句: I have this song down cold. (我把这首歌练得滚瓜烂熟)

17. have earned my vote, to
定义: 赢得/值得/配得我的选票或我的信任.
例句: For me, not voting actually expresses my view that none of the candidates have earned my vote. (对我来说, 不去投票实际上表达了我的观点也就是没有一个后选人赢得我的选票)

18. have egg on one's face, to
定义: 弄得尴尬, 出丑, 难堪.
例句: He really has egg on his face after finding out the mistake was his, not mine. (当他发现这个错误是他造成的而不是我造成的之后, 他确实很难堪)

19. have engine troubles, to
定义: 有汽车引擎问题.
例句: No one ever wants to have engine troubles, but much like our own bodies, our car's engine will give us plenty of signs that it needs attention. (从来就没有人想要有汽车引擎问题, 但就像我们的身体一样, 汽车引擎也会给予我们充分的它需要我们关注的征兆)

20. have enough money to see us through, to
定义: 有足够的钱可以让我们渡过这段日子. (注: see在这里是供应或照顾的意思)
例句: We have plenty of money to see us through to the end of the year. (我们有足够的钱可以让我们过到年底)



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