二十笔实用成语 536

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二十笔实用成语 536

帖子 royl » 周四 1月 01, 2015 5:41 pm

二十笔实用成语 536

01. Haven't we all?
[成语句型]我们都没有过吗? (注: 意指大家都会有的经验或大家都可能会碰到的事, 也可作鼓励别人别丧气因为大家都或曾犯过这个错误)

02. Haven't we met before?
[成语句型]我们以前好像见过面吗? (注: 意指你看到某人觉得有点眼熟, 但你不确定, 所以你礼貌性地试问此人看看他或她对你有没有印象)

03. Haven't you heard?

04. haves and have-nots, the
定义: 富人与穷人.
例句: The gap between the haves and the have-nots grew and the haves did everything they could to keep their wealth. (穷富之间的差距越来越大, 而富人们尽他们一切力量来维护他们的财富)

05. Having fun yet?

06. having said that
定义: 虽然话是这麽说; 但是...; 话说又回来.
例句: He is the most forgetful man I've ever known, having said that, he always remembers my birthday. (他是我所认识最健忘的男人, 话说又回来, 他却一直记得我的生日)

07. hawk up, to
定义: 清理喉咙.
例句: It's not fun hawking up phlegm every 3 minutes, and the coughing is both annoying and painful. (每三分钟清喉咙裡的痰让人不舒服, 而咳嗽既真烦人又痛苦)

08. hazard a guess, to
定义: 尝试着猜测.
例句: I don't want to hazard a guess as to the outcome of the election because I don't care about it at all. (我才不想尝试着猜测这次选举的结果因为我根本不关心这场选举)

09. He almost blew a gasket.
[成语句型]他怒不可遏. (注: blew a gasket意指发火)

10. He almost got it right but dropped the ball.
[成语句型]他几乎做对了但又犯错. (注: get it right意指做对, drop the ball意指犯错)

11. He always comes through in the clutch.
[成语句型]他总是有办法走出困境. (注: in the clutch乃是在紧要关头, 关键时刻中)

12. He always finds himself lost in thought.
[成语句型]他总是聚精会神想事情. (注: lost in thought乃是专心想事情)

13. He always gives 110 percent.
[成语句型]他总是付出全力. (注: gives 110 percent乃是付出全力)

14. He always has his team ready to play.
[成语句型]他总是指挥他的队员准备比赛. (注: has/have乃是command指挥的意思)

15. He asked a rude question that I won't repeat it here.

16. He became addicted to the drug Ritalin.
"[成语句型]他对"利他能"这个药物上瘾了. (注: addicted乃是上瘾)"

17. He blew a fuse.
[成语句型]他怒不可遏. (注: blow a fuse意指发火)

18. He calls them like he sees them!
[成语句型]他直率, 坦诚地表达他的想法或意见. (注: 意指他毫不掩饰, 毫不矫情地陈述自己意见)

19. He didn't hear a word you said.
[成语句型]他根本没听进去你说的话. (注: 可能是由于专心想别的事情的缘故)

20. He distanced himself from his brother’s crack cocaine scandal.
[成语句型]他撇清他跟他弟弟快克古柯硷丑闻的关係. (注: distanced himself from意指他与某人疏远)



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