二十笔实用成语 555

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二十笔实用成语 555

帖子 royl » 周六 5月 16, 2015 8:00 am

二十笔实用成语 555

01. hold firm, to
定义: 坚持(己见), 顽固, 拒绝改变.
例句: They are holding firm on their refusal to proceed. (他们坚持拒绝继续做下去)

02. hold forth, to
定义: 详述, 细说, 侃侃而谈, 长篇大论.
例句: He held forth about the need for children to feel safe and respected in their learning environment. (他侃侃而谈有关学童在他们学习环境里有感到安心以及受到尊重的需要)

03. hold good, to
定义: 仍为正确的, 适用的, 有效力的.
例句: The advice she gave us 10 years ago still holds good today. ​​(她十年前给我们的忠告至今仍然适用)

04. hold hands, to
定义: 牵手(以示亲密).
例句: Later on when I saw them holding hands and looking at each other in that intimate way it confirmed all my suspicions. (后来当我看见他们手牵手和亲密地望着对方证实了我所有的怀疑)

05. Hold it right there!
定义: [命令语]站住! 不要再走过来!
例句: Hold it right there, Tom Clancy! You're under arrest! (站住别动, 汤姆•克兰西! 你被逮捕了!)

06. Hold it!
定义: [命令语]停下来! 等一等!
例句: "You and I will swim over the river." "Hold it! I can't swim. I didn't agree to swim anywhere!" ("你跟我要游过这条河." "等一等! 我不会游泳. 我也没同意你要游到任何地方!")

07. hold it/that against someone, to
定义: 因为这件事对某人不满或怀有偏见.
例句: He made a mistake indeed, but I don't hold it against him because we all make mistakes. (他确实犯了错, 但我不因为此事对他不满, 因为人非圣贤谁人无过. 注: 此句的we all make mistakes, 这话的真义是: 是人都会犯错, 得饶人处且饶人)

08. hold no brief for, to
定义: 不容忍或反对; 拒绝支持或辩护; 厌恶.
例句: I hold no brief for those who consider themselves superior by virtue of birth or ethnicity. (我不会容忍那些凭借着家庭出身或种族背景自认为高人一等的人们)

09. hold no grudge against someone, to
定义: 不记恨某人, 对某人不怀恨.
例句: I'm holding no grudge against you for what you've done to me. I just want to close this chapter of my life once and for all. (我不记恨你对我的所作所为. 我只想将我生命中的这段时光彻底地做一个了结)

10. hold off, to
定义: 拖延, 延迟; 抵抗, 固守, 使...无法前进.
例句: The rain held off until we got home. (这场雨一直到我们回到家之后才开始下)

11. Hold on for a moment.
[成语句型]等一下, 别挂电话(我去叫他/她); 等一等, 慢下来(你说的太快).

12. hold on, to
定义: 不停地重复发生; 紧紧抓住某物不放; 顽强的坚持下去; 等一会儿, 有点耐性; 等一下, 不要挂电话; 依赖, 依靠; 基于, 建立在...基础上; 归咎于, 归罪于; 醉倒.
例句: Hold on tight. It's going to get bumpy. (抓紧扶手. 等下车子会颠簸)

13. hold one's breath, to
定义: 摒息, 暂停呼吸; 紧张焦虑地期待.
例句: I held my breath and waited to see if my name had been called for an interview with the movie company. (我紧张焦虑地期待是否我的名字已经被这家电影公司召唤去面试)

14. hold/keep/play one's cards close to one's chest/vest, to
定义: 守口如瓶, 谨慎行事, 不透露自己手中的优势, 不让人看出你的秘密或心事.
例句: He is an enigma, a man who plays his cards close to his chest. (他是个谜一样的人物, 一个让人无法看出他心思的人物)

15. hold one's end up, to
定义: 守信, 履行自己承诺的一份工作或贡献.
例句: You're not holding your end up. We have to do your share of the work. (你没做到你自己承诺的那份工作. 我们不得不做你的那份工作)

16. hold one's fire, to
定义: 暂时停火; 暂时克制不再发言或批评.
例句: You should hold your fire during the meeting and save the rest of the issues till next week's meeting. (在这次会议你应该克制自己不发言, 把其余的议题保留至下一周会议再讨论)

17. hold/stand one's ground, to
定义: 坚持立场, 坚守阵地.
例句: We stood our ground in negotiations despite pressure by others to accept a pay cut. (尽管受到其他愿意接受减薪人们所带来的压力, 我们在谈判中仍旧坚守立场)

18. hold one's head up (high), to
定义: 昂头挺胸, 不要气馁, 表现自信, 维持自己的尊严.
例句: From now on I can hold up my head with pride. (从今以后​​我可以自豪地昂头挺胸做人)

19. hold one's horses, to
定义: [敦促语]等一等, 慢下来, 别冲动, 不要急, 有耐性.
例句: Hold your horses for a moment while I make a phone call. (我打电话的时候你少安勿躁)

20. hold one's liquor, to
定义: 酒量好, 不易醉.
例句: Miss Chin can hold her liquor. She looks sober after five drinks. (秦小姐酒量好. 她喝了五杯酒之后还看起来清醒)



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