二十笔实用成语 557

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二十笔实用成语 557

帖子 royl » 周四 5月 21, 2015 12:53 pm

二十笔实用成语 557

01. hold someone up, to
定义: 延误, 耽误某人.
例句: Did the morning traffic hold you up? Is this why you were late? (早上交通有没有延误你? 这是不是你迟到的原因?)

02. hold someone's feet to the fire, to
定义: 施压迫使某人允诺或担当责任.
例句: I'm going to hold your feet to the fire; explain why you're late. You will be marked absent unless you have an overriding reason. (我要强迫你担当责任; 解释你为什么迟到. 除非你有更重要的理由否则我要记你一个旷课)

03. hold someone's hand, to
定义: 支持/陪伴/安抚某人当他遇到困难或受惊吓; 在细节上指引或协助别人.
例句: When you go to college, who's going to hold your hand? (你要是去上大学的话, 谁将来在细节上指引你?)

04. hold something at bay, to
定义: 将某事或物控制住以防止其产生破坏.
例句: The dogs held the bear at bay while I got my gun loaded. (当我在给我的枪上子弹的时候, 这群狗把这头熊给困住)

05. hold something back, to
定义: 将某事藏在心里, 不告诉别人, 不显露出来.
例句: I was unable to hold back my joy. (我喜不自禁. 注: 我们也可以将此句翻译为: "我掩不住心中的喜悦." 但总不如"我喜不自禁"简洁有力)

06. hold something cheap, to
定义: 藐视某事或物; 视某物为废物.
例句: I'm not holding my work cheap. What I did was to drop the price of a single work in the hopes of picking up new customers. (我并不是把我的作品当作废物. 我所做的是把某件单一作品降价以期望增加新顾客)

07. hold something dear, to
定义: 珍惜某事或物.
例句: We hold our values​​ dear, but are not keen to see them imposed on others. (我们珍惜我们的价值观, 但是我们并不热衷于将我们的价值观强行加诸于其他人身上)

08. hold something in one's head, to
定义: 记住某事; 想某件事.
例句: It's difficult to hold everything in my head, and if I think about it too much, I can get overwhelmed. (把所有的事情都记在脑子里是困难的, 如果我想太多的话, 我会弄得头昏脑胀)

09. hold something over someone's head, to
定义: 不停地唠叨或数落某人的失误或失败; 将某物悬在别人头上; 强势裹胁某人.
例句: I just got one parking ticket and he has held it over my head for six months. (我只是吃了一张停车罚单而他却一连数落了我六个月)

10. hold/stand still for, to
定义: 坐视, 无奈接受, 容忍或忍受.
例句: The teacher won't stand still for this kind of behavior. (这个老师决不会容忍这种行为)

11. hold/keep/sit/stand/stay still, to
定义: 站好, 坐好, 别动来动去.
例句: Hold still. The shot won't hurt. (坐好别动. 这一针不疼)

12. hold sway over, to
定义: 称雄, 称霸; 居于支配或影响全局的地位.
例句: I don't want to mess with Raymond, he holds sway over our entire class. (我不想惹雷蒙德, 他是我们整个班的老大)

13. hold the bag/baby/sack, to
定义: 替大家背黑锅; 人家溜之大吉, 你负责收尾工作.
例句: My friends said they were too busy to help with cleaning up, and left me holding the bag (我朋友们说他们太忙没法帮我清扫, 就剩下我一个人来收拾干净)

14. hold the floor, to
定义: 发表长篇大论, 拖延说话时间不让别人发言.
例句: On the third day of the trial, the defense began its case and held the floor for more than two days. (在审讯的第三天, 辩方律师展开辩论并且发表长篇大论占用了两天多的时间)

15. hold the fort, to
定义: 坚守阵地; 坚守立场; 坚守岗位; 替外出某人照顾或处理事务.
例句: He has been holding the fort at the company while his boss is on vacation. (当他的老板去度假的时候, 他一直在公司里坚守他的岗位)

16. hold the key to ..., to
定义: 对...掌握关键作用; 对...成为解决方案.
例句: Nuclear physics and gravity hold the key to our understanding of stars. (核子物理和万有引力对我们了解星球具有关键作用)

17. hold the line, to
定义: 维持现况, 不愿改变; 等着别挂电话.
例句: The company has been holding the line on any new salary increases. (这家公司一直拒绝给予任何新的加薪)

18. hold the phone, to
定义: [命令语]别挂电话! 等一等! 停! (注: 常使用于3种情况而后两种与电话无关: 1. 要求对方别挂电话; 2. 在聊天中要求某人解释一件你不明白事情; 3. 在争论中要求停止这件无休无止的争议)
例句: "Dad, I'm going to quit school." "Hold the phone! Let's talk." ("爸爸, 我准备要退学." "等一等! 我们谈谈吧.")

19. hold the purse strings, to
定义: 掌管金钱使用权, 掌握财政决定权.
例句: Who holds the purse strings in your family? (你们家是谁掌握财政大权?)

20. hold the reins, to
定义: 掌权, 驾驭.
例句: He's the boss but his secretary often seems to hold the reins. (他虽然是老板但他的秘书经常看起来像是掌实权的样子)



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