二十笔实用成语 558

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二十笔实用成语 558

帖子 royl » 周六 5月 23, 2015 12:35 pm

二十笔实用成语 558

01. hold the stage, to
定义: 继续上演, 依然卖座; 引人观注.
例句: He is an attractive, handsome and charismatic actor with extraordinary ability to hold the stage in his own right. (他是个迷人, 英俊和有魅力的演员凭自己精湛的演技才能一直卖座长红. 注: 这里的in his own right是指凭自己的努力或天份而不是靠关系才有所成就)

02. hold the upper hand, to
定义: 占优势; 占上风.
例句: The police claim that they hold the upper hand in the fight against drugs. (警方申称他们在打击毒品的斗争上占了优势)

03. hold to, to
定义: 坚持下去; 强迫对方坚守承诺; (比赛)阻止对方得分.
例句: He has held to his plan of exercising regularly. (他一直坚持有规律地实行他的运动计划)

04. hold true, to
定义: 正确的, 适用的, 有效力的, 可行的.
例句: Everything has boundaries. The same holds true with human thought. (每样事物都有局限. 人的思考也是有局限性的. 注: 此句乃是鼓励人在思想上应该突破局限, 以避免抱残守缺之憾)

05. hold up, to
定义: 持枪械抢劫; 延误, 拖延, 停滞不前; 引人注意, 挑出; 维持良好状况, 没有恶化; 维持勇气, 精神或情绪; 证明是正确的; 撑得下去, 有抗压性.
例句: Her spirits are holding up quite well even though she does not have a job now. (尽管她现在是失业中但她的精神状态还是挺好的)

06. hold water, to
定义: 好主意; 周详的考虑; 禁得起考验.
例句: Your argument doesn't hold water. (你的论点不合道理)

07. hold with, to
定义: 同意, 赞同.
例句: I don't hold with your theories, because you don't have enough evidence to support them. (我不同意你的理论, 因为你没有足够的证据证明你的理论)

08. Hold your fire!
定义: [命令语]别开枪! 停火! 停! 别说下去! 等一等! 别冲动!
例句: Hold your fire! Let me explain. (别冲动! 听我解释)

09. hold your hat, to
定义: 预告某人将有一个惊人之事要发生.
例句: OK, people. Hold on to your hats. They've moved the deadline up by two weeks. (好了, 大家听好. 他们把期限提早了两个星期)

10. Hold your horses!
定义: [命令语]等一等, 仔细想一想或慢慢说, 别急的下结论; 慢下来, 别急.
例句: When I said the accident was his fault, he said, "Hold your horses!" (当我说这个意外事件是他的错, 他说, "等一等, 别急的下结论!")

11. Hold your tongue!
定义: [命令语]别说话! 别回嘴!
例句: When your father is talking, you hold your tongue! (你父亲说话的时候, 你别插嘴!)

12. hold/hang on a moment, to
定义: 等一下.
例句: Hang on a moment, please. She will be with you shortly. (麻烦你等一下. 她马上就过来见你)

13. hold/hang on for dear life, to
定义: 尽力保住生怕失去.
例句: With so few jobs available, workers are holding on for dear life to the jobs they already have. (工作越来越难找, 工人们尽力地保住他们现有的工作)

14. hold/hang on like grim death, to
定义: 抓得死紧生怕失去.
例句: Xiao Ming always drives recklessly and I sit next to him, hanging on the safety handle like grim death. (晓明总是冒冒失失地开车, 我坐在他旁边, 死紧地抓着安全把手)

15. hold/hang on to something/someone for dear life, to
定义: 紧抓着某物或某人生怕摔下来.
例句: I sat behind Gary on the bike and hung on to him for dear life as we sped off. (我坐在盖瑞摩托车的后面, 在我们加速离开的时候我紧抓着他)

16. hold/hang on to your hat, to
定义: 做好准备, 预告将有一个惊人之事要发生.
例句: Hang on to your hat, we're about to have a rough ride. (准备好, 我们马上就要开上崎岖不平的路上)

17. hold/hang on to your wallet, to
定义: [警告语]抓紧你的钱包, 小心花费. (注: 经常用来警告人小心政府加税, 诈骗集团骗财或物价上涨提醒人别乱花钱)
例句: Hold on to your wallet, our county's property tax may climb another 10 percent this year. (抓紧你的钱包, 我们县的房地税今年也许会再增加百分之十)

18. hold/hang on to, to
定义: 掌握住(特别是抓紧不放生怕失去); 遵守, 依循, 保持着忠诚(对人).
例句: Hold on to your bag when you are in the bus or someone may try and steal it. (当你乘坐公共汽车的时间看紧你的钱包否则有人会想办法偷它)

19. hold/have promise, to
定义: 有前途, 有希望, 有潜力.
例句: The new invention holds promise for helping to control cigarette addiction. (这个新发明对于帮助控制烟瘾具有前景)

20. hole up, to
定义: 躲避; 逃亡; 离群索居; 隐藏; 蜗居.
例句: The robbers holed up in a motel on Rusk Street. (这群抢匪躲藏在腊斯克街的一间汽车旅馆里)



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