二十笔实用成语 562

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二十笔实用成语 562

帖子 royl » 周日 6月 07, 2015 10:58 am

二十笔实用成语 562

01. hot goods/merchandise, the
定义: 赃物.
例句: I won't buy a watch from him because he sells hot goods. (因为他是销售赃物的, 我才不跟他买手表)

02. hot hand, a
定义: (赌博)手气顺.
例句: Tina's got a hot hand tonight. She's won four games of poker. (汀娜今晚手气顺. 她赢了四场扑克牌)

03. hot line, a
定义: 热线; 服务专线. (注: 意指政治领袖使用的直接通话热线或特殊服务热线)
例句: More teens are using a suicide prevention hot line in M​​innesota now that they can text instead of talking with someone directly. (由于他们可以发短信而不需要跟别人直接说话, 明尼苏达州更多的青少年使用防止自杀专线)

04. hot off the press, be
定义: 刚出刊的, 耸人听闻的.
例句: As the paperboy handed me the paper he said, "Hot off the press!" (当这个送报童把报纸交给我的时候他说, "刚出刊的!")

05. hot on someone's heels; hot on the heels of; hot on the trail of
定义: 紧追不舍, 接近猎物, 紧追排名, 与某人竞赛你很接近击败他.
例句: If you begin to run, the bear will be hot on your heels. (你要是一开跑, 那头狗熊就会紧追你不舍)

06. hot on something, be
定义: 热心于某件事; 对某事极有兴趣; 对某事了如指掌.
例句: Meg's hot on animal rights. (梅格热衷于维护动物权益)

07. hot potato, a
定义: 烫手的的山芋; 没有人想要, 惟恐避之不及的人或事.
例句: He tried to avoid taking a strong stand on political hot potatoes like gay marriage. (他试图避免在政治的棘手问题例如同性婚姻上表明强硬立场)

08. hot rod, a
定义: 改装劲车. (注: 意指改装后可以高速行驶的汽车)
例句: He has always loved cars and been a member of his local hot rod club since he was a teenager. (他一直喜爱汽车并且他还是从青少年起便成为当地改装劲车俱乐部的一员)

09. hot to trot, be
定义: 急于, 迫不及待, 耀耀欲试的; 性饥渴的, 好色的.
例句: He's hot to trot and asked her out almost as soon as he met her. (他几乎一开始认识她之后就迫不及待地邀她出来约会)

10. hot under the collar, be
定义: 气极败坏的, 愤怒的.
例句: Mike had an important meeting in another city. He got hot under the collar because the plane was late taking off. (麦克有一场在另一个城市的重要会议要出席. 他之所以气极败坏是因为他的飞机误点起飞)

11. hot up, to
定义: [英国]加剧, 加速, 激化, 增加紧张和刺激.
例句: Car accidents began to hot up since the beginning of rainy season. (自从雨季开始之后车祸事件便开始频频加剧)

12. hotbed of corruption, a
定义: 腐败滋生的温床.
例句: The Orange County Grand Jury in 2013 called the County a hotbed of corruption, and recommended establishing a local ethics commission. (奥兰治县大陪审团于2013年宣称此县为腐败滋生的温床, 并建议设立一个本地道德法规委员会)

13. hot-button issue, a
定义: 易引起争议与强烈情绪的议题.
例句: However, the ongoing bloody conflict between Israel and Palestine is apparently still too scorching a hot-button issue to touch. (然而, 持续不断的以巴血腥冲突仍旧明显地成为太灼热的一个引起强烈情绪的议题以至于无人愿意触及)

14. hour of reckoning, the
定义: 决定性的一刻, 关键时刻, 摊牌时刻.
例句: The hour of reckoning had come. The end was at hand and there would be no escaping. (摊牌时刻已经到了. 结局也迫在眉睫而且是无法逃避的)

15. hourly employee, an
定义: 领时薪的员工. (注: 每次发的薪水是基于小时工资率乘时数. 大部分美国公司每两周发一次薪水, 再来是一个月发两次, 再来是一个月发一次. 其他的频率较少)
例句: Today I was addressed as an hourly employee. This was rather surprising, I thought I accepted a salaried position but now I'm being classified as hourly. (今天我被冠以领时薪的员工身份. 对此我异常惊讶, 我以为我接受的工作是领月薪的职位但现在却被归类为领时薪的职位)

16. house of cards, a
定义: 纸牌屋, 脆弱的建筑物, 随时会崩溃的安排或状况.
例句: The peace agreement between the two countries was like a house of cards and fell apart as soon as a minor problem occurred. (这份两国之间的和平协议就像纸牌屋一样地脆弱, 只要发生一点小问题它马上就崩溃)

17. household name, a
定义: 家喻户晓的人.
例句: Michael Jordan, the basketball star, soon became a household name. (麦克尔•乔丹, 这位篮球明星, 没多久便成为一个家喻户晓的人)

18. Houston, we have a problem.
[成语句型]我们有麻烦了. (注: 原本是太空人向控制中心报告威胁生命的问题. 现在广泛用为幽默性的问题通报)

19. hover around, to
定义: 逗留/徘徊于某处; 在上空盘旋.
例句: The mugger hovered around the side door to the theater, waiting for his next victim. (这名抢匪在戏院侧门附近徘徊, 等待他下一个受害者)

20. How stupid/lucky/dumb/... can you get?
[成语句型]你怎么这么蠢/幸运/笨/...? (注: 有了这个例句, 你可以加入适当的形容词就可以造各种不同的句子)



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