二十笔实用成语 585

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二十笔实用成语 585

帖子 royl » 周六 7月 18, 2015 1:01 am

二十笔实用成语 585

01. I, for one, ...
定义: 就我而言...; 以我为例...
例句: I, for one, do not shop at that store. (就我而言, 我是不去那家店买东西)

02. ice over/up, to
定义: 结冰, 冻结.
例句: The freezing rain caused the roads to ice over. (这场冻雨造成了路面结冰)

03. icing on the cake, the
定义: 锦上添花, 已经美好的东西额外添加美好.
例句: Oh, wow! A tank full of gas in my new car. That's icing on the cake! (哇! 我新车加满了汽油. 那叫作锦上添花啊! 注: 在美国大多汽车经销商会在顾客提取新车时把新车加满了汽油)

04. I'd better get moving.
[成语句型]我该走了. (注: 这里的I'd better就是I had better)

05. I'd give my right leg to get this opportunity.

06. I'd just like to see him try!
[成语句型]我倒要看他试试看! (注: 意指他不会赢我; 假如他试了, 他一定输)

07. I'd like the seafood noodle.
[餐厅用语](客人)我要一客海鲜面. (注: 这里的I'd like就是I would like)

08. I'd like you to know that your efforts are appreciated.
[成语句型]我要你知道我很感激你所做的努力. (注: 这里的I'd like就是I would like)

09. identical in almost every way, be
定义: 几乎在各方面都相同.
例句: Paul and Peter seem identical in almost every way. They have the same facial expressions and features. They have the same taste in music. (保罗和彼得几乎在各方面都相同. 他们的面部表情和面貌都一样. 他们的音乐品味也是一致的)

10. identification parade/police lineup, an/a
定义: 指认列队嫌疑人(程序).
例句: In an identification parade, a witness to a crime, who may be the victim, observes a group of individuals that may or may not include a suspect in the crime. (在一个指认列队嫌疑人的程序上, 一名目击犯罪的证人, 他/她也许也是受害者, 仔细观察一组人而这组人可能包括也可能不包括涉案的嫌犯)

11. identify oneself, to
定义: 出示身份证, 表明自己身份.
例句: If you are not under arrest, the law does not require you to identify yourself, but you are not allowed to actively lie about who you are, in much the same way that perjury works. (你如果不是被逮捕的话, 依据法律你并不需要出示身份证, 但法律也禁止你极力地谎报你的身份, 它与伪证罪是同样的罪行)

12. identity theft, the
定义: 身份盗窃. (注: 意指从邮件或网路中窃取无辜者身份细节再使用取得的资料大量购物或犯案)
例句: Shredding documents is one of the best ways to protect yourself against identity theft. (把文件档案以碎纸机销毁是保护你自己不受身份盗窃最有效的方法之一)

13. idiot box, an
定义: [俚语]电视机.
例句: Stop being lazy. You've done nothing but sit and watch that idiot box all afternoon. (别偷懒了. 你一个下午什么事都没做只在看电视)

14. idle away, to
定义: 游手好闲, 虚度光阴, 打发时间.
例句: We idled away the evening playing cards. (我们晚上以玩纸牌来打发时间)

15. idle threat, an
定义: 唬人的话, 虚张声势, 不会执行的威胁.
例句: Ah-Yu said she would leave Ah-Ming, but Ah-Ming knew it was an idle threat. (阿玉说她要离开阿明, 但阿明知道这只是唬人的话)

16. if (the) worse/worst comes to (the) worst
定义: 如果最糟情况发生时.
例句: If worst comes to worst we can cancel our vacation and go next year. (如果最糟的情况发生时我们可以取消我们的假期, 明年再去玩)

17. If ... (then) I'm a Dutchman.
定义: 假如...是真的话, 我就是荷兰人. (注: 意指不相信某人的话)
例句: If that's her real age, then I'm a Dutchman. (我根本不相信那是她真实的年龄)

18. If all else fails, ...
定义: 当其他一切都失败后, 你将...
例句: If all else fails you'll just have to get a part-time job to earn a bit of extra money. (当其他一切都失败后, 你只好找一份兼职工作来多赚一些钱)

19. If amnesty for the criminals was not bad enough, I don't know what else is.
[成语句型]假如特赦罪犯还不够恶劣的话我真不知道还有什么是恶劣的. (注: 我提出许多极为有用的句型为的是让读者你有了一个范本便可举一反三, 例如这句: I have done a great job, and if that wasn't impressive enough, I don't know what else is)

20. if and only if
定义: 只有(而且只有在某条件下). (注: 此片语跟only if完全同义, 前面的if and是强调语, 并无法改变整个片语的意义)
例句: He says he'll come to the party if and only if Ting-Ting comes too. (他说只有婷婷也来参加这个派对他才会过来玩)

编者附言: 感谢许多忠实网友多年来不离不弃地定时阅读我的​​文章. 在发布每一篇文章之前我已尽我一切能力校读两三遍, 希望能将错误减至最少. 我旅居美国已经三十六,七年, 英语应当说写流利, 但为了查证核实自己的写作内容我也同时学到了许多从未注意的细节. 在此同时, 我也希望网友迈开步子, 开始自己的说写创作, 从一个极短句子一步一步慢慢地增加其长度与复杂度. 任何成长的初期都是缓慢和艰难的, 但你把一条条句型都牢记于心, 你就离"说写流利"越来越近. 学到肚子里的学问才是自己真实的学问!



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