二十笔实用成语 608

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二十笔实用成语 608

帖子 royl » 周三 9月 16, 2015 7:34 pm

二十笔实用成语 608

01. in exchange
定义: 交换, 以...交换.
例句: If I give you this watch, what will you give me in exchange? (如果我给你这只表的话, 你要拿什么东西来跟我交换?)

02. in exchange for
定义: 以甲交换乙; 以物易物; 以...来答谢别人的帮助.
例句: She bought me dinner in exchange for helping her move. (她请我吃晚餐作为答谢我帮她的搬迁)

03. in exile
定义: 被放逐的, 流亡的.
例句: Tom voluntarily lives in exile overseas to avoid criminal prosecution. (为了避免被刑事法办, 汤姆自我流亡海外)

04. in expectation of ...
定义: 期待..., 期望...
例句: The key is to be honest, genuine and not give things away in expectation of receiving something in kind. (关键是要诚实, 真诚以及赠与别人物品而不期望别人以对等价值回报)

05. in extremis
定义: 于极端危急时刻, 濒临死亡.
例句: It is the hallmark of a good man to stand by a friend in extremis. (义无反顾地对遭遇危难的朋友施与援手是一个好人的标志)

06. in fact
定义: 事实上.
例句: We know each other well; in fact, we're close friends. (我们相知甚深; 事实上, 我们是好朋友)

07. in fair condition
定义: 处于良好状况.
例句: Jack was hurt in a motorcycle accident last week but he's in fair condition now. (杰克上星期在一次摩托车事故中受了伤但他现在情况良好)

08. in fashion
定义: (某一时间)流行的, 时尚的.
例句: Stiletto pump shoes are currently in fashion. (细高根鞋目前正在流行)

09. in favor of
定义: 选择或偏向某人与事物.
例句: The judge ruled in favor of the defendant. (这名法官做出了对被告有利裁决)

10. in favor with
定义: 被某人喜欢. 受欢迎的.
例句: She's no longer in favor with her mother-in-law. (她不再受到她婆婆的喜爱)

11. in fear
定义: 担心, 害怕, 畏惧.
例句: She claimed that she shot the burglar because she was in fear for her life. (她声称她之所以开枪射击这名窃贼是因为她畏惧她的生命安全受到威胁)

12. in fine feather
定义: 处于极佳(健康)状态, 神采奕奕.
例句: Well, you are certainly in fine feather today! (哎呀, 你今天真是神采奕奕!)

13. in fine form
定义: 做/表现得很好, 干得漂亮; 处于极佳(健康)状态,.
例句: The crowd was in fine form, cheering away, and shouting encouragement by name to the runners who had identification emblazoned on their shirts. (这群观众表现得很好, 欢呼喝采, 呼喊着印在赛跑选手运动衫上的名字和大声地给他们鼓励)

14. in fiscal year 2008
定义: 在2008财务年度, 在2008会计年度.
例句: In fiscal year 2015, the federal budget is $3.8 trillion. These trillions of dollars make up about 21 percent of the US economy as measured by Gross Domestic Product. (2015年财务年度, 联邦预算是3.8万亿美元. 这些数以万亿计的美元占了以国内生产总值来计算的美​​国经济的百分之二十一)

15. in fits and starts
定义: 停停走走, 间歇性地, 不稳定地.
例句: The new crew worked in fits and starts, but they will pick up the pace a week from now. (这批新来的员工以停停做做的步调工作, 但一个星期之后他们工作的速度就会加快)

16. in fits, be
定义: [英国]轰堂大笑, 大笑不止.
例句: The audience was in fits when the old veteran cracked real jokes of his 40 years of service. (听到了这个退伍老兵说到他服役四十年的真实笑话, 这些观众大笑不止)

17. in flagrante delicto/flagrante delicto
定义: 正在进行犯罪或做坏事中.
例句: He had been caught in flagrante with the wife of his then-best friend. (他曾经被人发现跟他当时最好朋​​友的妻子发生性关系)

18. in for
定义: 必然要遇到, 不可避免将要碰到.
例句: He's been so spoiled by his parents, he is in for a rude awakening when he's on his own. (他从小就被他父母溺爱, 当他自己独立生活的时候, 他肯定会猛然惊醒到残酷的现实)

19. in for a big surprise/shock, be
定义: 将要吓一跳, 肯定会大吃一惊.
例句: But if that's what they were waiting for, they were going to be in for a big surprise. (但是如果那就是他们正在等待的话, 他们肯定将会大吃一惊)

20. in for a long haul, be
定义: 免不了一场长期持久(任务).
例句: I knew I was in for a long haul with the therapy yet I felt encouraged with the doctor's unwavering optimism. (我知道我免不了一场持久的疗程, 但是我感受到了医生坚定不摇的乐观所带给我的鼓舞)



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