二十笔实用成语 619

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二十笔实用成语 619

帖子 royl » 周日 10月 18, 2015 11:36 pm

二十笔实用成语 619

01. in season
定义: 可以合法猎捕的; 当季的(例如水果, 水产或蔬果); 适当时机或时节.
例句: The strawberries are in season. (这些草莓是当季的)

02. in secret
定义: 暗地地, 私下地, 秘密地.
例句: People sometimes meet in secret to avoid external antagonisms, but that practice only heightens suspicion. (人们有时候秘密地聚会以避开外在的敌视或对立, 但这种作法只会激起别人对他们的猜疑)

03. in seventh heaven
定义: 乐得有如上七重天, 欣喜若狂, 喜不自禁.
例句: Max was in seventh heaven when he learned he had gotten the job. (当听到他取得了这个工作的时候, 麦克斯喜不自胜)

04. in shock, be
定义: 震惊. (注: 常用于still in shock, 仍然处于震惊状态)
例句: I stood there in shock as he told me what had happened. (我惊魂未定地站在那儿听他叙述先前发生的事情经过)

05. in short
定义: 简言之, 总之.
例句: In short, she is doing very well. Moreover, she's a tough cookie. I wouldn't worry about her at all. (总之, 她现在情况很好. 再说, 她不是个好欺负的人. 完全不必担心她会有什么问题)

06. in short order
定义: 立即, 马上.
例句: I can straighten out this mess in short order. (我会马上去收拾这个烂摊子)

07. in short supply
定义: 供应短缺, 奇货可居, 供不应求.
例句: At this time of the year, fresh vegetables are in short supply. (在这个时节, 新鲜蔬菜供不应求)

08. in sick bay
定义: 生病, 挂病号.
例句: "Where's Mel?" "He's in sick bay after last night's pub crawl." ("梅尔去哪了?" "昨夜一路串酒吧之后现在挂病号.")

09. in so far as; insofar as
定义: 到...程度, 就...而论.
例句: The news is good insofar as it suggests that a solution may be available. (就以它提示一个解决方案或许可以取得而论, 这条消息还是不错的)

10. in so/as many words
定义: 明确地, 清楚地, 直接了当地讲.
例句: "Did he say he wouldn't do it?" "Not in so many words, but that was the impression I got." ("他有没有说他不肯做这件事?" "他没有明讲, 但我感觉他是这个意思.")

11. in some measure
定义: 有些, 在某个程度上.
例句: The reason why she read to her pupil so many good books is due, in some measure, to the fact that she had so recently recovered her eyesight. (她之所以给她的学生念了这么多的好书在某个程度上是因为她最近恢复了她的视力)

12. in some mysterious way
定义: 神奇地, 不可思议地. (注: 经常用于神迹式或无法理解的事上)
例句: After taking some medicine and rest, my pet dog was able, in some mysterious way, to regain his health. (服了药和休息了一阵子之后, 我的宠物狗居然神奇地恢复了他的健康)

13. in some way or another
定义: 不知怎么地, 以某种方式.
例句: In some way or another, she managed to find her earring in the sand. (不知为什么, 她居然有办法在砂土里找回她的耳环)

14. in someone's bad books/graces
定义: 被某人不喜欢, 列入某人的黑名单上.
例句: If I don't agree with you, I'll be in your bad books, right? (如果我不同意你, 我将会被列入你的黑名单, 对吗?)

15. in someone's charge
定义: 由某人负责管理或照顾.
例句: You can leave the children in her charge. (你可以把你的小孩交给她照顾)

16. in someone's corner
定义: 站在某人一边; 为某人助威.
例句: I am going to need you in my corner when I go to court. (我上法庭的时候我需要你的精神支持)

17. in someone's debt
定义: 欠某人一份恩情.
例句: I am in your debt for the opportunity you have given me. (谢谢你让我有这个机会, 我欠你这份情)

18. in someone's defense
定义: 为某人辩护, 替某人说句公道话.
例句: Let me say, in her defense, that I would have done the same thing under the same circumstances. (让我替她说句公道话, 如果在同一个情况下我也会做出同样的事情)

19. in someone's face
定义: 当着某人面前, 冲着某人; 挑衅或纠缠某人.
例句: He slammed the door in my face. (他居然在当着我的面摔门)

20. in someone's hair
定义: 烦扰某人.
例句: His wife says that since he retired he's in her hair all day because he's at home so much. (他妻子说自从他退休之后他整天烦扰她, 因为他大多时间都待在家里不出门)



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