二十笔实用成语 637

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二十笔实用成语 637

帖子 royl » 周六 12月 12, 2015 7:59 pm

二十笔实用成语 637

01. Isn't that strange?

02. Isn't that the truth!

03. isn't what it should be
定义: 有所错误; 不应是这样的.
例句: In the park, you need to know where your dog is at all times, be close enough to correct him if his behavior isn't what it should be. (在公园内, 你必须要随时掌握住你的狗的行踪, 跟在他的附近, 纠正他的行为如果他犯了错)

04. isn't what it used to be
定义: 跟过去不一样; 大不如前.
例句: When you claim your memory isn't what it used to be, is it possible that you're not using it as well as you used to? (当你说你的记忆大不如前的时候, 有没有可能是你使用你的记忆力也不如从前?)

05. issue a blanket statement, to
定义: 发出一个全面性, 没有例外的声明.
例句: It is inappropriate and irresponsible to issue a blanket statement against an ethnic group. (针对一个族群发出具有全面伤害性的声明是不恰当和不负责的行为)

06. issue a call to action, to
定义: 发出行动召唤, 发出执行任务召唤.
例句: The US Surgeon General today issued a call to action to encourage people to make walking a priority in their lives. (美国卫生署今日发出行动召唤来鼓励人们把步行列为他们生活中的优先事项)

07. issue a Mayday call, to
定义: 发出求救讯号.
例句: The first officer who arrived issued a Mayday call because of the hectic scene. That call meant that any available law enforcement nearby should respond. (基于稳乱忙碌的现场, 第一名到达的警官发出求救讯号. 那个讯号意味着任何在附近可以支援的执法人员应该必须回应)

08. issue a warrant for someone's arrest, to
定义: (法院)对某人发出的拘捕令.
例句: If you fail to appear at the district court at the time and location provided on the summons for arraignment, the court will likely enter a default against you and issue a warrant for your arrest. (如果你未能在传讯令指定的时间和地点到地方法院出庭接受起诉状, 法庭将会做出对你不利的缺席判决和发出对你的拘捕令)

09. issue an apology for ..., to
定义: 对...事件发出道歉.
例句: The company has also issued an apology for those who were offended by the commercial. (这家公司也对那些受到这项广告冒犯的人们发表道歉之意)

10. issue before the court, the
定义: 法庭审理的案件.
例句: The issue before the Court was whether the prisoners in federal custody, who were injured by a mob, had been deprived of any of their federal civil rights. (这桩法庭审理的案件是决定是否在在联邦监狱受刑的犯人, 受到了暴民的伤害, 构成了他们任何的联邦公民权益受到损害)

11. issue speeding tickets, to
定义: (警察)发出超速罚单. (注: speeding tickets就是超速罚单)
例句: I was issued a speeding ticket in my neighborhood on 7-29-14, but the officer wrote the ticket for 7-29-15, is this grounds for dismissal? (于2014年7月29日我在我住家的附近被警察开了一张超速罚单, 但这名警察在罚单上写的日子是2015年7月29日, 这可不可以作为不处分的理由?)

12. it all boils down to ...
定义: 总之, 基本上是 ...
例句: It all boils down to money at the end of the day. ​​(说来说去基本上就是为了钱)

13. It angers me.

14. It appears so.
[成语句型]好像是这样, 看起来是这样.

15. It appears to me ...
定义: 在我看来...
例句: It appears to me that this car swerved to avoid a collision. (在我看来这部车突然地改变方向是为了避免撞车)

16. It backfired.

17. It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity.
定义: [书籍, 网站的警告语]带有明显的性活动描述内容.
例句: Warning: This ebook contains explicit depictions of sexual activity between consenting adults. (警告: 这本电子书含有同意参与的成年人之间明显的性活动描述内容)

18. It could be worse.
[成语句型]事情有可能更糟. (注: 意指别难过, 事情进展虽然不顺心, 但也还没糟到不可收拾地步)

19. It could happen.

20. It couldn't be.



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