二十笔实用成语 650

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二十笔实用成语 650

帖子 royl » 周四 4月 07, 2016 9:37 pm

二十笔实用成语 650

01. It's my funeral.
[成语句型]这是我的问题, 不需要你操心.

02. It's my job.

03. It's my turn now.

04. It's my way or the highway.
[成语句型]不听我的话你就离开. (注: 听起来有点霸道的味道)

05. It's nice to make your acquaintance.
定义: [礼貌语]很高兴认识你. (注: 意指跟刚被介绍过的人离别的客气话)

06. It's no accident.
[成语句型]这事情不是偶然的. (注: 意指这个是有人故意做的)

07. It's no go!
[成语句型]不行! 不可能! 不会发生! 做不到!

08. It's no skin off my nose.
[成语句型]我无所谓; 我不在乎.

09. it's no use
定义: 没必要去做某事; 做某事也是于事无补, 没意义或没帮助的. (注: 意指什么方法都试过了, 没办法就是没办法)
例句: It's no use asking him about it because he doesn't know anything. (询问他有关这件事是没意义的因为他什么都不知道)

10. it's none of your business
定义: 与你无关, 不关你的事, 少管闲事.
例句: "Do you want to go out with me Friday night?" "Sorry, I don't think so." "Well, what are you doing then?" "It's none of your business!" ("妳要不要星期五晚上跟我出去约会?" "对不起, 我没兴趣." "那么, 妳星期五晚上做什么?" "不关你的事!")

11. It's not a question of if, but when.

12. it's not a state secret
定义: 这又不是什么国家机密. (注: 意指不必大惊小怪)
例句: You can talk about your first marriage. It's not a state secret. (你可以谈谈你的第一段婚姻. 这又不是什么国家机密)

13. It's not about me, it's about our future.
[成语句型]这不是为了我, 这是为了我们的未来.

14. It's not about money, it's about principle.
[成语句型]这不是为了钱, 这是为了原则.

15. it's not even funny
定义: 这可不是盖的; 这可是千真万确的; 绝不是开玩笑的.
例句: I'm impressed with him on so many different levels, it's not even funny. (在许多程度上, 我对他相当钦佩, 这可是千真万确的)

16. it's not everyday that ...
定义: ...是稀有, 很少发生的.
例句: It's not everyday that you find someone who can put up with your bullshit. (碰到一个能容忍你胡扯八道的人还真是少见)

17. it's not fun and games
定义: 这可不是闹着玩的. (注: 意指这可是玩真的, 要严肃以对)
例句: It's not fun and games. This thing is nasty and dangerous. There's always a chance you're going to be burned. (这可不是闹着玩的. 这事可是既棘手难办又带风险. 你始终还是有吃大亏的可能)

18. It's not going to happen again, I promise.
[成语句型]这事不会再发生了, 我保证.

19. it's not hard for me to believe
定义: 这事对我不难相信.
例句: It's not hard for me to believe you love your daughter. As a father, you would do anything to protect her. (对我来说并不难相信你爱你的女儿. 作为一名父亲, 你会尽一切的力量保护她)

20. it's not impossible
定义: 并不是不可能.
例句: Even though this may pose many obstacles, it's not impossible to accomplish your goal. (即使这将会造成许多的阻挠, 但达成你的目标并不是不可能)



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