二十笔实用成语 670

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二十笔实用成语 670

帖子 royl » 周六 12月 31, 2016 11:00 am

二十笔实用成语 670

01. keep up with, to
定义: 保持一般的步调或进度, 不落后, 跟上最新消息.
例句: I can't keep up with the rest of the class. (我没法跟得上班上其他同学的进度)

02. keep up, to
定义: 保持一般的步调或进度, 不落后; 坚持不懈, 设法, 维持; 跟上最新消息; 持续不断; 维持关系或连络.
例句: The torrential rain kept up all night last night. (昨晚豪雨持续不断地整夜下着)

03. keep your eye on the prize, to
定义: [敦促语]把精神集中在达成目标. (注: 意指别被其他枝微末节所分散注意力)
例句: Success doesn't happen overnight. Keep your eye on the prize and plow ahead. (成功不会一夜之间发生. 把你的精神集中在达成目标上, 努力以赴)

04. keep your options open, to
定义: [敦促语]不排除任何可能性, 接受各种选择. (注: 意指给自己留下回旋余地)
例句: I want to keep my options open, so I didn't sign the contract yet. (我不想排除任何可能性, 因此我还没有签署这份合同)

05. keep your pecker up, to
定义: [俚语]振作起来, 保持乐观态度, 不要颓丧.
例句: It is hard work, but try to keep your pecker up. (这是困难的工作, 但你还是要保持乐观积极的态度)

06. keep your shirt/pants/wig on
定义: [敦促语]保持冷静! 别激动!
例句: Keep your shirt on! Your car isn't even scratched! (别激动! 你的车子连一点刮伤都没有!)

07. keep/fulfill one's promise, to
定义: 遵守诺言, 言而有信.
例句: You said you were going to call me this morning but you didn't keep your promise. (你说过你今天早上会打电话给我但你没遵守你的诺言)

08. keep/leave someone clueless/guessing, to
定义: 令某人猜不透, 想不通或毫无头绪.
例句: My inability to absorb her instructions left me clueless as to whether to tie the hospital gown in front or back. (由于我没法了解她的指示以至于医院的病服该系在前面或在后面让我都毫无头绪)

09. keep/leave someone dangling, to
定义: 讳莫如深, 吊某人胃口, 令某人无法确定.
例句: We were kept dangling for weeks while the bank reviewed our loan application. (在这家银行审核我们的贷款申请的时候让我们讳莫如深, 申请是否能够通过也无法确定)

10. keep/maintain one's silence, to
定义: 保持缄默或沉默; 保密, 守口如瓶.
例句: A former police who had kept his silence for six years broke ranks yesterday to accuse his former comrades of use of excessive force. (一名保持缄默六年的前任警察昨日与他前任同志们分道扬镳并指控他们过度使用暴力执法)

11. keep/move/remain/stand/stay clear of, to
定义: 避开, 避免, 别碰, 清除.
例句: Please stand clear of the door while we are moving the piano. (当我移走钢琴的时候, 请你离开门口远一点)

12. keep/put one's shoulder to the wheel, to
定义: 努力不懈, 埋头苦干.
例句: You won't accomplish anything unless you put your shoulder to the wheel. (除非你埋头苦干否则你没法成就任何事情)

13. keep/put someone in his/her place, to
定义: 打压某人, 约束某人, 不让某人高傲自大或自以为是.
例句: We have to keep them in their place or they'll be calling the shots next. (我们必须要打压他们否则接下来他们将会对我们颐指气使)

14. keep/remain/stay cool, to
定义: 保持冷静, 自制, 不为所动.
例句: Keep cool! No use to get all worked up about it. (保持冷静! 没必要为这事忿忿不平)

15. keep/stay in touch, to
定义: 保持联络.
例句: I have not stayed in touch with her since we left high school. (自从我们离开高中之后我再也没跟她保持联络)

16. keep/stay mum about something, to
定义: 维持缄默, 不予评论; 保密, 不告诉别人(秘密或隐私).
例句: She told me to keep mum about her pay raise request. (她要求我将她的加薪请求予以保密)

17. keep/stay/be one jump ahead, to
定义: (比对手)抢先一步, 抢得先机, 领先一步.
例句: In order to stay one jump ahead of the competition, we must tackle the task efficiently and quickly. (为了要领先我们的竞争者, 我们必须要迅速而有效率地达成任务)

18. kept in the dark, be
定义: 被人蒙蔽而不知情.
例句: "Did you hear that your niece Meil​​ing is going to quit college for a year?" "No. If that's true, I must have been kept in the dark." ("你有没有听说你的外甥女美琳准备要休学一年?" "没听说. 如果那是真的话, 我肯定是被蒙蔽而不知情.")

19. kettle of fish, a
定义: 窘困棘手的局面; 一码事, 同样的东西.
例句: That's a totally different kettle of fish. We should talk about it another time. (那是另一码毫不相关的事情. 我们应该找另一个时间来谈论它)

20. key in, to
定义: 以键盘打入或输入.
例句: In order to gain access to the network, you first have to key in your name and password. (为了能够进入网路, 你必须先要以键盘输入你的名字和密码)



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