二十笔实用成语 672

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二十笔实用成语 672

帖子 royl » 周四 1月 19, 2017 5:58 pm

二十笔实用成语 672

01. kick over the traces, to
定义: [英澳]摆脱束缚或禁忌; 叛道离经, 桀骜不驯, 纵情恣意, 为所欲为.
例句: At the age of sixty, Walter kicked over the traces and ran away to Brazil. (就在六十岁的时候, 沃尔特纵情恣意, 为所欲为, 他居然离家出走跑到巴西去了)

02. kick over, to
定义: 踢翻; (内燃机)起动.
例句: Don't put your glass on the carpet, someone might accidentally kick it over. (千万别把你的玻璃杯放在地毯上, 别人有可能一不小心踢翻它)

03. kick some ass and take names, to
定义: [不雅语]以暴力威胁某人.
例句: Saying that our country is going to go in and kick ass and take names is the easy part — doing it could turn out to be a nightmare. (说起来我们国家将要以暴力威胁别人这还是容易的一部分— 但执行它却可能成为一场恶梦)

04. kick someone about/around, to
定义: 欺负, 刁难, 虐待某人.
例句: Until I really learned to fend for myself, I got kicked around and beat up by the other. (在我真正地学会保护我自己之前, 我被其他人欺凌和殴打)

05. kick someone upstairs, to
定义: 明升暗降, 升迁某人职位但不是他想要的职位.
例句: He was kicked upstairs, given a fancy title, and stripped of most of his power. (他被明升暗降, 授予一个华丽而不实的头衔, 并且他大部分的实权也被剥夺了)

06. kick someone when they're down, to
定义: 打落水狗, 落井下石.
例句: His wife left him last month and I don't want to kick a man when he's down, but we simply don't have any more work for him. (他的妻子上个月离他而去, 我不愿意落井下石, 但我们确实没有任何工作可以委派给他了)

07. kick someone's ass, to
定义: [不雅语]击败某人或某队, 痛殴某人.
例句: Don't mess with the bouncer unless you want him to kick your ass. (别去惹这个夜店保镖除非你想要被他痛揍一顿)

08. kick something into the long grass, to
定义: 遮遮掩掩, 不了了之, 讳疾忌医.
例句: He tends to deal with disputes by kicking them into the long grass. (他总是想以不了了之的态度来应付争议)

09. kick the bucket, to
定义: [俚语]死亡.
例句: My four-year-old cell phone just kicked the bucket. It was okay until I dropped it by accident on the sidewalk a couple weeks ago and damaged something inside. (我那个四年旧的手机死了. 它原先还能功能正常直到我两个星期之前失手掉在人行道上把里面的零件给摔坏了)

10. kick the weed, to
定义: [俚语]戒烟, 戒抽大麻烟.
例句: It's hard to kick the weed after smoking for twenty years. (毕竟是抽了二十年的烟, 因此戒烟真难)

11. kick up a conversation, to
定义: 打破沉闷, 引起交谈, 主动攀谈.
例句: If you are looking to kick up a conversation with a girl you are interested in, I would avoid anything that is too forward right up front. (如果你想要跟一个你感兴趣的女孩主动攀谈的话, 我会一开始就避免任何太冒失的话语)

12. kick up a dust/fuss/row/stink/storm, to
定义: 高声抗议, 挑起事端, 制造混乱, 引起骚动.
例句: I didn't think that it would be a big problem but he really kicked up a fuss when I told him about the traffic accident. (我本来不认为那是个大问题, 但当我告诉他这件交通车事故的时候, 他着实地大吵大闹一翻)

13. kick up one's heels, to
定义: 玩得开心; 过得快活.
例句: We really kicked up our heels at the Christmas party that we attended last week. (在上星期我们参加的圣诞节派对里, 我们确实玩得很开心)

14. kick up, to
定义: 挑衅, 激起; 造成(灰尘或石土)飞扬; 提升, 转强; 显示问题迹象.
例句: The wind suddenly kicked up. (这场风突然转强了)

15. kid around, to
定义: 游手好闲, 厮混; 放在附近; 讨论, 思考; 欺负, 刁难, 虐待某人.
例句: We should have a meeting to kick around some ideas about possible new products. (我们应该开个会来讨论一些有关于具有潜在性新产品的看法)

16. kid you not, to
定义: 不开你玩笑, 不骗你.
例句: These were the best cupcakes I've ever had in my life. I kid you not! (这些是我这辈子所吃到的最好吃的纸杯蛋糕. 我不骗你!)

17. kid yourself, to
定义: 自欺欺人.
例句: If you think he'll help us, you're just kidding yourself. (如果你认为他会帮助我们的话, 你只是在自欺欺人而已)

18. kill for, to
定义: 梦寐以求, 极令人想要.
例句: Alanah would kill for a date with Mat. She really likes him. (阿兰娜梦寐以求想要跟麦特约会. 她真的好喜欢他)

19. kill off, to
定义: 完全的消灭, 使...灭绝.
例句: The pollution in the river has killed off all of the fish. (这河里的污染物质已经把所有的鱼类都灭绝了)

20. kill oneself laughing, to
定义: 捧腹大笑, 笑死了, 笑岔气, 乐坏了.
例句: Yeah, I know, I killed myself laughing when I saw the show too. (是的, 我晓得, 当我看到这个节目我也笑岔气了)



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