二十笔实用成语 684

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二十笔实用成语 684

帖子 royl » 周二 5月 23, 2017 1:51 am

二十笔实用成语 684

01. late in the day/game
定义: 为时已晚, 拖得过久, 错过时机.
例句: It's rather late in the day for an apology now, don't you think? (现在才道歉你不觉得为时已晚了吗?)

03. late vs. former
定义: [易混淆字或片语]以例子解说比较清楚; a late boyfriend就是已过世的男友, a former boyfriend就是已分手的前男友.

04. later on
定义: 随后, 之后.
例句: They regretted their decision later on. (他们随后就懊悔他们所做的决定)

05. later.
定义: 再见. (注: later是see you later的缩写)
例句: I told Ming-ming, "Later," as I left her house. (当我离开敏敏家的时候, 我跟她说了声, "再见.")

07. latte factor
定义: 拿铁因素 (注: 意指人们每天浪费的零散花费, 这些钱财长期聚集起来可以成为一大笔财富)
例句: Nobody says you can't indulge in a latte once in a while. The latte factor is more of a metaphor to demonstrate that if we spend money on little expenses constantly, they add up. (没有人说你偶尔让自己享受一下拿铁是不可以的. 拿铁因素更确切地说是一个隐喻来说明如果我们不停地花钱在小额开销上, 它们将累积成一大笔财富)

08. laugh all the way to the bank, to
定义: 一路欢笑到银行, 快快乐乐地赚大钱.
例句: She makes tons of money doing what no one else will do and laughs all the way to the bank. (她做了别人不愿做的生意赚了大钱并且一路欢笑到银行)

09. laugh if you like/will/wish, to
定义: 随便你笑; 你笑我没关系; 你爱怎么笑都没关系.
例句: Laugh if you wish, my friend, but I need help not sarcasm. (朋友, 你笑我没关系, 只是我需要是帮助不是嘲笑)

10. laugh at, to
定义: 讥笑, 嘲笑; 不在乎.
例句: People laughed at his torrential rain prediction, but no one's laughing now. (人们曾经嘲笑他的豪雨预测, 但现在没人笑得出来了)

11. laugh away, to
定义: 欢笑地度过时光; 一笑置之. (注: 意指对问题置之不理, 认为是无聊或不重要)
例句: Kelly knows how to laugh her problems away, and it cheers up the rest of us too. (凯莉知道如何将她所碰到的问题一笑置之, 而她的此番举动也给我们其他人带来了振奋)

12. laugh in someone's face, to
定义: 公开地对某人不尊重; 公然抗命; 不把某人当回事, 无视某人的存在.
例句: John asked them to put out their cigarettes but they just laughed in his face. (约翰要求他们熄灭他们的香烟但他们却把他的话当耳边风)

13. laugh it off, to
定义: 一笑置之, 付诸一笑. (注: 意指对问题置之不理, 认为是无聊或不重要)
例句: The crowd booed him when he scored, but he just laughed it off. (当他得分的时候, 观众对他喝倒采, 但他却一笑置之)

14. laugh like a drain, to
定义: 纵声或粗声大笑不已.
例句: I told her what had happened on my way back and she laughed like a drain. (我告诉她在我回来路上所发生的事情, 她纵声大笑不已)

15. laugh like a hyena, to
定义: 歇斯底里地大笑, 像鬣狗一样嘻嘻地笑.
例句: I once had a coworker who laughed like a hyena and we used to get a big kick out of hearing her laugh. (我曾经有一个同事经常歇斯底里地大笑, 我们那时一听到了她的笑声就觉得很好玩)

16. laugh off, to
定义: 一笑置之, 付诸一笑. (注: 意指对问题置之不理, 认为是无聊或不重要)
例句: Although his feelings were hurt, he just laughed the incident off as if nothing had happened. (虽然他的自尊受到了伤害, 他仅仅对这个不幸的事件付诸一笑就好像这事没发生过一样)

17. laugh on the other/wrong side of one's face/mouth, to
定义: 由欢喜转为悲伤, 恼怒或失望; 受到羞辱.
例句: He was bragging about having paid so little money to the old lady for her used car, but he was laughing on the other side of his face when the car would not start. (他正为了付了这位老太太一点小钱就买下了她的旧车夸耀自己有多厉害, 但他的欢喜立即转变为恼怒因为那部汽车发动不起来)

18. laugh one's ass off, to
定义: [不雅语]狂笑不已, 捧腹大笑.
例句: I laughed my ass off when I saw the video clip. (当我看了那段视频之后我乐得捧腹大笑)

19. laugh one's head off, to
定义: 狂笑不已, 捧腹大笑.
例句: When Jerry tells a joke, I laugh my head off. He is so funny! (当杰瑞说了一个笑话, 我被逗得狂笑不已. 他真滑稽!)

20. laugh oneself sick/silly, to
定义: 狂笑不已, 捧腹大笑.
例句: I thought that Bob was funny but I really laughed myself sick after hearing Annie's jokes. (我本以为鲍伯很逗人乐但我听了安妮的笑话之后我乐得捧腹大笑)



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