二十笔实用成语 691

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二十笔实用成语 691

帖子 royl » 周三 6月 28, 2017 12:09 am

二十笔实用成语 691

01. learn one's lesson, to
定义: 得到教训, 汲取教训.
例句: I've learned my lesson, and I'll never do that again. (我已经得到了教训, 我再也不做那种事)

02. learn one's lessons the hard way, to
定义: 付出惨痛代价才得到的学识, 经验.
例句: Luckily I do a backup everyday religiously so I only lost a minimal amount of work, that's because I learned my lesson the hard way. (幸运的是我每天都严谨地复制了一份备份所以我只损失了很小部分的工作, 那是因为我曾经付出惨痛代价才学到的经验)

03. learn one's way around, to
定义: 熟悉新环境或新工作.
例句: Hi, I'm new here and learning my way around the neighborhood. (嗨, 我新搬来这里, 正在熟悉附近地区的环境)

04. learn something off/down pat, to
定义: 熟谙, 熟能生巧.
例句: I made sure to learn my speech off pat before the ceremony so I wouldn't spend the whole time looking down at piece of paper. (在典礼之前我要求自己务必把演讲稿背熟如此我就不需要在演说的时候不停地看稿子)

05. learn something parrot-fashion, to
定义: 死背而不求甚解学习. (注: 意指以重复背诵而不明白其中道理的方式学习某事)
例句: The Sunday school student learned the bible passages parrot-fashion and could not answer any questions about them. (这名主日学学生死背圣经章节然而却无法回答任何有关这些章节的问题)

06. learn the lingo, to
定义: 学习行话, 术语.
例句: To work in the computer industry you have to learn the lingo. (要想在电脑行业内工作, 你必须要学习它们术语)

07. learn the ropes, to
定义: 熟悉掌握特殊或基本的技巧或手续.
例句: He is a new employee and is still learning the ropes. (他是一名新来的员工, 技术不纯熟还在学习中)

08. learn the truth, to
定义: 得知真相.
例句: Don't jump to conclusions before you learn the truth. (在你得知真相之前别遽下结论)

09. learn through/from someone, to
定义: 从某处或某人学到或得知.
例句: "Where did you learn English?" "I learned it from watching old American movies on TV." ("你在哪儿学的英语" "我是看电视里放的美国老电影学英语的")

10 learn to live with it, to
定义: 试着去习惯或接受某一痛苦之事.
例句: The car we bought is not as spacious as we had thought, but we will just learn to live with it. (我们买的这部车没有我们原先想的那么宽敞, 但我们只好试着去习惯它吧)

11 learn your place, to
定义: 知道自己的身份, 识趣, 识相.
例句: When I was young, kids learned their place. They showed respect. (我年轻的时候, 小孩们知道自己的身份. 他们对别人尊重)

12 least of all
定义: 特别不, 尤其不.
例句: No one, least of all the children, wanted to go home early. (没人, 尤其是所有的小朋友, 都不想早点回家)

13 least said, soonest mended
定义: (不幸事情)少谈它容易被遗忘; (两人交恶)少出恶言较容易言归和好.
例句: I've always thought it best not to dwell on grievances too long. Least said, soonest mended. (我总是认为最好别过久地纠结在委屈积怨上. 痛苦的事少去谈它, 心灵创伤容易愈合)

14. leave a bad taste in one's mouth, to
定义: (因不愉快的经验)留下挥之不去的反感, 厌恶或坏印象.
例句: I left the meeting with a bad taste in my mouth. There was a lot of dishonesty in the room. (离开了这场会议给我留下了挥之不去的厌恶感. 那个会议里充斥着尔虞我诈)

15. leave a lot to be desired, to; leave something to be desired, to; leave a great deal to be desired, to
定义: 不完美, 令人不满意, 不如预期的那么好, 不怎么样.
例句: Her taste in clothes leaves something to be desired. (她的服饰品味真不怎么样)

16. leave behind, to
定义: 留下, 忘了带走; 抛弃; 身亡后留下; 使落后.
例句: I left my cell phone behind in the restaurant. (我的手机还留在那家餐厅忘了带走)

17. leave flat, to
定义: 说的笑话不好笑; 令某人身无分文; 不告而别, 放弃, 离弃.
例句: He just walked off and left us flat. (他就这样离开, 把我们扔下不管了)

18. leave hanging in the air, to
定义: 使其悬而未决, 搁置不议.
例句: Whether or not they will be leaving the jobs next year was left hanging in the air at the end of the meeting. (这场会议到结束的时候, 他们是否明年离职仍旧悬而未决)

19. leave hold of, to
定义: 松手, 放开, 放掉, 放弃.
例句: Please remind them not to leave hold of their valuable belongings unattended on the beach. (请你提醒他们不要在海滩上扔下他们贵重财物无人看管)

20. leave it at that, to
定义: 别再提这事; 就此打住; 到此为止.
例句: I've simply decided to quit. Let's leave it at that. (我只不过是决定辞职. 我们就此打住吧. 注: 意指我们别再谈论我决定辞职的事了)



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