二十笔实用成语 693

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二十笔实用成语 693

帖子 royl » 周四 7月 06, 2017 12:41 pm

二十笔实用成语 693

01. leave someone holding the bag, to
定义: 离弃某人于困境, 令其独力承担; 让某人成为孤立的替罪羔羊.
例句: They left me holding the bag when they ran away from the accident. (出了事故的时候他们都跑光了, 让我一个人去顶罪)

02. leave someone in peace, to
定义: 避免打扰或麻烦某人.
例句: Can't you see that you're upsetting her? Leave her in peace! (你难道看不出来你弄得她生气吗? 走开, 别烦她!)

03. leave (someone) in the dust, to
定义: (在竞争上)将某人甩在后面老远, 令某人望尘莫及.
例句: Our company has left its competitors in the dust. (我们公司把它的竞争者甩在它的后面老远)

04. leave someone in the lurch, to
定义: 离弃某人于困境不顾; 令某人空等你的回应.
例句: Her ex-husband didn't want to deal with the kids, so she was left in the lurch. (她的前夫不愿意照顾他们的儿女, 因此她前夫离弃了她, 让她独力照顾儿女)

05. leave someone out in the cold, to
定义: 离弃某人于困境不顾; 排挤某人, 漠视某人权益, 对某人冷漠不理.
例句: June didn't receive the invitation. She was left out in the cold. (琼没有收到那份邀请. 她遭到排挤)

06. leave someone out of it, to
定义: 别把某人牵扯进来. (注: 常用于警告对方在争论中别把某人牵扯进来)
例句: You want to fight me? Fight me but leave her out of it. (你要斗我吗? 那就斗我但别把她牵扯进来)

07. leave someone stranded, to
定义: 离弃某人于危难而不顾; 令某人被困留或进退维谷.
例句: My flight was canceled, and I was left stranded at the airport. (我的航班被取消了, 我被迫滞留在飞机场)

08. leave someone to it, to
定义: 让某人自行处理, 不要去干扰他.
例句: I hate to leave before the job is finished, but I'll have to leave you to it. (我很不愿在完工之前先离开, 但我只好让你自行完成它)

09. leave someone to twist in the wind, to
定义: 离弃某人于危难而不顾.
例句: Sometimes he loved her like there was no tomorrow, but sometimes he left her twisting in the wind. (有时候他爱她爱的好像没有明天似的, 不过有时候他又弃她于危难而不顾)

10. leave someone with no/little choice, to
定义: 让某人别无选择, 逼某人采取激烈手段.
例句: You leave me with no choice but to take more drastic actions. (你让我别无选择只好采取一些激烈手段)

11. leave someone's side, to
定义: 离开, 离弃某人.
例句: Her husband never left her side and was there if she needed him. They belong to each other. (她丈夫时时刻刻地陪伴着她, 守在她的身旁以备随时需要他. 他们生死相依)

12. leave something alone, to
定义: 不去干扰某事, 不理不睬某事, 任凭某事自由发展.
例句: Through the car stereo, the anti-theft system will warn the car thief to leave the car alone. (经由汽车音响, 这套防盗系统将会警告偷车贼别碰这部车)

13. leave something out of account, to
定义: 没有列入考虑; 拒绝列入考虑; 忽视.
例句: Don't leave your father's advice out of account. He knows what he's talking about! (别把你父亲的劝告当耳边风. 他说的话都是金玉良言. 注: 这里的第二句话如果按照字面意义翻译是"他知道自己在说什么", 然而他父亲人生历练非常丰富所以他提出的劝告都是金玉良言)

14. leave something to the imagination, to
定义: 讳莫如深, 让人自己去猜想. (注: 意指不告诉别人赤裸裸的细节, 留点想像空间)
例句: The movie's sex scenes leave nothing to the imagination. (这部电影中的性交场景把性行为细节赤裸裸地展现出来)

15. leave that up to someone, to
定义: 由某人去全权决定.
例句: I'll leave that up to him to make his decision as to what he wants to do. Good luck to him! (我将此事交由他去全权决定并按照他的想法去做. 祝他好运! )

16. leave the door open, to
定义: 仍然允许某事可能发生的机会; 打开协商的大门; 接受别人的回覆, 建议.
例句: I think that the matter is completely settled, although we have left the door open for one or two last-minute changes. (我认为这件事已经完全敲定好了, 虽然我们仍然允许 一至两项最后一刻修改)

17. leave to someone's tender mercies, to
定义: 任凭某人的摆布; 交由某人恶劣的对待.
例句: Should I kindly have a word with her myself or leave her to Tom's tender mercies? (我应该和和气气地亲自跟她谈一谈还是将她交由汤姆来折磨?)

18. leave town, to
定义: 离开; 出城; 逃逸; 死亡.
例句: As a suspect, prime witness, or as a defendant released on own recognizance, or on bail—one isn't supposed to leave town. (作为一名嫌犯, 首要证人, 或者一名被告被具结后释放, 或者被保释—此人不得离城逃逸. 注: 意指此人必须待在这座城市里, 听候法院传讯)

19. leave well (enough)alone, to
定义: 不宜过火, 适可而止, 见好就收.
例句: We should have left well enough alone when we had it working the first time. (在我们第一次把它修好之后, 我们本应见好就收. 注: 意指我们越弄越糟, 早知第一次修好了之后就不应该再碰它)

20. leave with someone, to
定义: 当你不在时请某人来照顾.
例句: Can I leave Jimmy with you while I run an errand? (我要去办点事情, 可不可把吉米留下来给你照顾?)



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