二十笔实用成语 696

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二十笔实用成语 696

帖子 royl » 周一 7月 17, 2017 11:25 pm

二十笔实用成语 696

01. lesser of two evils, the
定义: 两恶选其轻, 两个不好的选择中稍为好一点的选择.
例句: Many times I don't like either of the candidates, so I just try to choose the lesser of the two evils. (很多时候我不喜欢两名候选人任何一人, 因此我只好在两恶中选其稍微好的一人)

02. lesson learned the hard way, a
定义: 付出惨痛的代价所学到的经验, 教训.
例句: From time to time, after I've told my children not to do something a countless times, comes a lesson learned the hard way by my kids. I'm happy about it nonetheless. (有时候, 虽然我已经无数次地告诫子女切莫做某事之后, 我家小朋友仍要付出惨痛代价才学到教训. 我还是为此结果高兴)

03. lesson well learned, a
定义: 谨记在心的学习或教训; 从过去的错误学到了教训; 成功的学习.
例句: A lesson well learned is to always safeguard records and have backup copies stored off-site. (从过去的错误学到的教训就是随时对档案记录采取防护措施, 并且把档案副本储藏在办公室以外的地点. 注: 把档案副本储藏在办公室以外的地点是防止一旦办公室被火灾付之一炬档案原版和副本一起都被烧毁)

04. lesson you will never forget, a
定义: 令你永记在心或一生难忘的教训.
例句: Though this experience was painful, I learned a lesson I will never forget in my life and that is: "You must conduct a feasibility study before you start a business." (虽然这个经验苦不堪言, 我学到一个一生难忘的教训, 那就是: "在开办一家新事业之前你必须先做可行性研究.")

05. lest we forget
定义: 以免我们忘掉; 惟恐我们忘掉; 我们不能忘记. (注: 常指一个惨重的教训)
例句: Lest we forget, Japan notoriously tortured American POWs in WWII. The Japanese atrocities in the Pacific Theater were most horrific. (我们不能忘记的是, 日本于二次大战对美国战俘臭名远扬地凌虐. 日本在太平洋战场的暴行是史上最恐怖的)

06. let/cut a fart, to
定义: [不雅语]放屁.
例句: I let a fart in an elevator alone once. I thought I'd be fine but when it stopped at the 3rd floor, five people came in, and I was frozen in shock. (我曾经一个人乘电梯时放了屁. 我以为我不会有问题但是当电梯停在三楼时, 五个人走进来, 我被吓得傻在那儿)

07. let alone, to
定义: 更不用说; 不打扰某人.
例句: I can barely understand it, let alone explain it. (我连理解它都没办法, 更别提去解释它)

08. let bygones be bygones, to
定义: 不计前嫌, 既往不咎.
例句: We need to let bygones be bygones and forget about our past differences. (我们应该既往不咎并忘却我们过去的嫌隙)

09. let chances slip away, to
定义: 让机会白白溜掉.
例句: We can't let chances slip away because, sooner or later, we'll run out of them. (我们不能让机会白白溜掉因为迟早我们的机会将会流失殆尽)

10. let daylight through, to
定义: 将人身体射穿或刺穿. (注: 俗称将人捅个透心凉或白刀子进红刀子出就是这个意思)
例句: Stick up your hands or I'll let daylight through you! (把手举起来否则我将你捅个透心凉!)

11. let down one's guard, to
定义: 掉以轻心, 使自己易受伤害.
例句: Don't let down your guard, the street merchants see tourists like you as prey. Prey to be hunted! (别掉以轻心, 这些路边摊商人把像你这样的游客当成猎物. 被猎杀的猎物!)

12. let down one's hair, to
定义: 放下矜持, 敞开胸怀, 不拘下节, 表现轻松自在.
例句: Everybody at the party let down their hair and had a good time. (派对里的每个人都放下矜持, 敞开胸怀地玩得痛快)

13. let down, to
定义: 令人失望; 未能支持; 允许慢慢的下降或下跌.
例句: He let down his parents when he failed the university entrance exams. (他的大学招生考试没有考取任何一所学校令他父母失望)

14. let drop/fall, to
定义: 放下; 不经意地脱口说出或提示.
例句: I'll tell you what I know because I believe you can keep a secret, and I hope you'll not let drop a word until it becomes common knowledge. (我会告诉你我所知道的秘辛因为我相信你能够守口如瓶, 我希望你别在这件事成为众所周知的事情之前把秘密说出去)

15. let fly (with), to
定义: 抛掷; 发射武器; 口头上攻击; 动手打人.
例句: Gripping the arms of his chair, he let fly a barrage of offensive comments. (紧抓着他的椅子扶手, 他骂出一连串的脏话)

16. let go, to
定义: 放某人过关, 忽视不理; 辞退某人; 释放; 松手; 不再坚持, 接受事实; 释怀, 不再计较; 抛去束缚, 放荡不羁.
例句: Although I was angry at his remark I decided to let it go. (虽然我对他的言论忿忿不平我决定不跟他计较)

17. let grass grow under one's feet, to
定义: 怠惰懒散; 蹉跎时间; 拖泥带水.
例句: He is always working hard and is not the type of person to let grass grow under his feet. (他总是勤奋工作, 不是那种怠惰懒散之人)

18. let her rip, to
定义: 让汽车高速奔驰; 让机器高速运转; 精力充沛地干活; 开始吧, 继续吧, 不要停.
例句: He would get up early Saturday mornings, fire up the lawnmower, and let her rip. (他会在星期六大清早起床, 发动割草机, 让它飞速运转, 精力充沛地剪草)

19. let in on, to
定义: 透露秘密; 允许某人参与其事.
例句: The plan was so well guarded they only let three people in on it. (这部计划被严密地保护, 他们只让三个人知道)

20. let it all hang out, to
定义: 放轻松, 不做作, 不虚伪; 无顾忌的说出心里话, 放开手做自己想做之事.
例句: I tried to let it all hang out, but I still felt out of place. (我已经努力地放轻松, 尽量地表现自然但我仍觉得格格不入)



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