二十笔实用成语 698

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二十笔实用成语 698

帖子 royl » 周六 7月 22, 2017 10:30 pm

二十笔实用成语 698

01. let off on, to
定义: 减轻, 放松.
例句: Let off on the gas so that we do not exceed the speed limit. (放松油门, 这样子我们就不会超速. 注: 这里的the gas等于the accelerator pedal也就是油门踏板或加速器踏板)

02. let off the hook, to
定义: 放某人一马, 让某人逃掉责备或不喜欢的责任.
例句: I'll let you off the hook this time, but never again. (我这次放你一马, 但是没有下一次了)

03. let off, to
定义: 让人下车; 解职; 放人一马; 饶恕某人免于处罚; 放炮, 爆炸, 放掉, 释放.
例句: "Please move and let me get off the bus." "Let her off!" ("请让一让路借过一下, 让我下车." "让她下车!")

04. let on, to
定义: 让某人上车; 承认, 确认; 透露秘密; 假装.
例句: He knows a lot more than he lets on. (这事情他所知道的程度远超过他所承认的程度)

05. let oneself go, to
定义: 行为放荡, 放弃顾忌; 不注意身体的健康或清洁或外表的整理.
例句: When I was depressed, I let myself go and was really a mess. (我沮丧的时候, 我就疏忽了生活自律, 健康情况欠佳, 不修边幅, 生活确实是邋遢)

06. let out, to
定义: 结束一个学期或工作; 释放, 发出; 放出去; 透露, 公开; 把衣服放宽放长, 绳子一点点放松.
例句: He let out a cry of pain and put his hand to his left lower back, twisting in pain. (他发出了一声痛苦的喊叫, 手扶着他左后背下方, 痛苦地扭曲身体)

07. Let people say what they wish.

08. let ride/slide, to
定义: 任由它去, 顺其自然, 令其自生自灭, 不与计较.
例句: Don't panic about low sales. Let it ride for a while till we see if business picks up. (别惊慌这个低迷的销售量. 让它顺其自然一阵子直到我们看看营业额是否提升再做改变)

09. let sleeping dogs lie, to
定义: 别没事找麻烦, 保持现状.
例句: "Should I ask the boss if he's upset at my coming in late in the mornings?" "If he hasn't said anything about it, just let sleeping dogs lie." ("我是不是应该问老板对我早上的迟到感到不满?" "如果他对这件事情什么话都没说, 你就别没事找麻烦.")

10. let slide by, to
定义: 让人轻易过关; 失去一个机会; 失之交臂.
例句: You need to be more rigorous. Don't let even one unqualified student slide by! (你须要更加严格. 即使一个不合格的学生都不可让他过关)

11. let slip by, to
定义: 失去一个机会; (时间)流逝.
例句: We were having so much fun, and let the time slip by silently in the meantime. (我们玩得太快乐了, 在此同时的时间却静巧巧地流逝而去)

12. let slip out, to
定义: 不经意泄露秘密.
例句: I didn't really let it slip out on purpose. It was a pure accident. (我真不是故意地泄露秘密. 这纯粹是个意外事故)

13. let slip through one's fingers, to
定义: 坐失良机, 未能抓住机会.
例句: This is my big chance to make a career in journalism and I can't let it slip through my fingers. (这是我在新闻事业上取得成就的大好机会, 我决不能坐失良机)

14. let slip, to
定义: 坐失良机, 未能抓住机会; 不经意泄露秘密; 由它去, 不要干扰, 顺其自然, 不与计较.
例句: Stupidly, I let it slip that they'd decided not to give him the job. (愚蠢地, 我不经意泄露了他们还没决定给予他这个工作的消息)

15. let someone down easy/gently, to
定义: 顾及其自尊, 婉言拒绝, 婉转地传达坏消息.
例句: I will talk to her tomorrow and try and let her down gently about her not getting the promotion. (我明天跟她谈一谈, 婉转地告诉她有关她没有被升职的事)

16. let someone have it, to
定义: 痛斥或责骂某人, 让某人好看.
例句: He really let the other man have it when they got into a fight on the bus. (他着实地将另一人痛骂了一顿当他们两人在公交车上吵起来了)

17. let someone in for something, to
定义: 将某人扯入某个情况.
例句: Jack didn't know what he was letting himself in for when he married that dreadful woman. (杰克不知道他自己娶了这个可怕的女子之后将自己卷入了什么样的棘手情况)

18. let someone know, to
定义: 告知某人.
例句: Let me know when you are ready to go to the movie. (你什么时候准备好要去看电影的时候就通知我一下)

19. let/leave someone stew (in their own juice), to
定义: 让某人面对他自己造成的后果; 别管他, 让某人自作自受, 作茧自缚.
例句: I could have said a few comforting words and made him feel better but I thought I'd let him stew a while instead. (我本可以说一些安慰的话, 使他好受一些但我想我应该让他面对他自己造成的后果才对)

20. let someone walk over you, to
定义: 让人践踏, 侮辱你的尊严.
例句: Don't let people walk all over you! You must learn to stand up for yourself! (别让别人随意践踏你的尊严! 你必须学会​​捍卫你自己!)



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