二十笔实用成语 699

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二十笔实用成语 699

帖子 royl » 周三 7月 26, 2017 7:05 pm

二十笔实用成语 699

01. let something be known, to
定义: 确定人们明白某件事情; 告诉别人某事, 将某事公诸于世.
例句: I have let it be known that I'm a nice fellow, however, I refuse to be disrespected while doing my job. (我要大家明白我是个好人, 但是, 我拒绝在做我工作的时候受到无礼的对待)

02. Let the buyer beware.
定义: [警告语]买方当心, 消费者应当谨慎购买. (注: 意指消费者负有检查货物真假好坏以及充分了解卖方对此货物保证期和退货规定的责任)
例句: The rule in Georgia is let the buyer beware. It is a law that puts responsibility on the buyer to learn of any defects of the home. (乔治亚州的法规是买方当心. 州法将搜集这栋房子任何缺陷证据的责任归给买方)

03. let the cat out of the bag, to
定义: (不小心)将秘密泄露出来.
例句: Don't let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party for the boss. (别把我们给老板举行惊喜派对的秘密泄露出去)

04. Let the chips fall where they may.
定义: 顺其自然, 不计较后果如何; 不论它的结局是如何都愿意接受.
例句: I am not going to worry about whether or not the company will go broke or not. I will let the chips fall where they may. (我才不担心这家公司会不会破产. 我顺其自然, 不论它的结局是如何我都愿意接受)

05. let the genie out of the bottle, to
定义: 释放出无法遏止或无法控制的趋势或情势.
例句: With the wide availability of Internet, they really let the genie out of the bottle. People now have unlimited access to all manner of material. (有了人人皆可使用的互联网, 他们的确释放出无法遏止的趋势.人们现在可以无限制地获取各式各样的资料)

06. let the good times roll, to
定义: 尽情享受快乐时光.
例句: Uncle Harry welcomed us to the reunion. Then he said, "Let the good times roll!" (哈里舅舅欢迎我们来到家族团聚. 随即他说, "尽情享受快乐时光!")

07. let the side down, to
定义: 令己方尴尬, 让大家失望.
例句: No matter what, we'll put up a fight and won't let the side down. (不管怎样, 我们都会奋勇抵抗, 决不会让大家失望)

08. Let the truth be told.

09. Let them duke it out.
[成语句型]让他们斗吧. (注: duke it out: 打架, 拳架)

10. let them eat cake, to
定义: 让他们吃蛋糕, 饱汉不知饿汉饥. (注: 意指有如晋惠帝听到饿殍遍野之后所说的"何不食肉糜?")
例句: "The budget will allow each one of our managers to get a substantial holiday bonus." "And what about the rest of the employees?" "Let them eat cake!" ("这份预算将会给予每一名经理一笔丰厚的圣诞奖金." "那么其他的员工呢?" "让他们吃蛋糕!")

11. let this chance go by, to
定义: 让这个机会白白溜掉.
例句: This letter means that you are accepted for admission to Oxford. Don't let this chance go by. (这封信是一份你被牛津大学接受入学的通知. 别让这个机会白白丧失掉)

12. let to the discovery of something, to
定义: 导致某事或某物的发现.
例句: Although the patient had no symptoms, a routine school eye exam found a vision problem that let to the discovery of a brain tumor. (这名病人虽然没有任何症状, 一个例行的学校视力检查发现了视力问题并导致了一颗脑瘤的发现)

13. let up, to
定义: 对...宽容; 停止; 不强迫, 减轻, 放松, 放缓.
例句: The rain wouldn't let up for even a second to give me a chance to get off the car. (这场雨连一秒钟都不稍停让我没机会下车)

14. Let us know what you come up with.
[成语句型]当你找到(答案), 通知我们一声.

15. Let us proceed.

16. Let us put our heads together and find an answer.
[成语句型]让我们集思广益, 一起找出答案.

17. Let us throw a party for them this Saturday night.

18. let well enough alone, to
定义: 不宜过火, 适可而止, 见好就收.
例句: You should let well enough alone and be happy with your work the way it is. (你应该适可而止, 对你现有的工作也应保持满意. 注: 这里有个非英语的观念问题, 之所以劝人不要做一行怨一行, 对工作保持满意是因为如果一个人对自己的工作不满意那他每天上班是痛苦的)

19. let your heart rule your head, to
定义: 感情用事; 让感情支配理智; 让心想的冲昏了头.
例句: Don't let your heart rule your head. If you can't afford your dream new car, consider a nearly new car. (你别让心里想的冲昏了头. 如果你买不起你梦想的新车, 考虑一下几乎是新的车也可以啊)

20. let's be honest, to
定义: 让我们实话实说吧. (注: 意指面对现实, 承认某件事是真实的)
例句: Let's be honest, she's only interested in Mike because of his money. (我们实话实说吧, 她之所以对麦克有兴趣是因为他有的是钱)



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