二十笔实用成语 704

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二十笔实用成语 704

帖子 royl » 周二 9月 05, 2017 12:06 pm

二十笔实用成语 704

01. lift the lid on, to
定义: 揭露秘密, 揭露或揭发真相.
例句: The investigation lifted the lid on corruption in the company. (这次调查揭露了公司内部腐败的真相)

02. lift up one's voice, to
定义: 拉高嗓门, 大声喊叫.
例句: He replied lifting up his voice angrily, "There was no call for you to behave so rudely!" (他拉高嗓门, 愤怒地大声回应, "你不应该表现出这么粗暴的行为!")

03. lift weights, to
定义: 举重.
例句: I have been lifting weights for the past year and I was interested to know if it would stunt my growth. (我已经练习举重有一年了, 我很想知道举重是否会阻碍我的发育)

04. lift/raise one's hand against, to
定义: 举起手威胁要打人或实际动手打人.
例句: She's never raised a hand against the children. (她从未举起手威胁要打小朋友)

05. light a fire under, to
定义: 敦促努力工作; 鼓动, 唆使行动.
例句: It's time you lit a fire under those guys or they'll never finish painting the house. (现在正是时候来敦促那些人加紧工作否则他们永远不会完成这栋房子油漆工程)

06. light as a feather, be (as)
定义: 轻如鸿毛, 轻飘飘.
例句: Carrying Jenny from the car to the house was no problem; she was as light as a feather. (把珍妮从车子抱到屋子里一点不麻烦; 她轻得很)

07. light at the end of the tunnel, a
定义: 希望的曙光. (注: 意指痛苦艰难的日子将要结束因为看到未来前景的曙光)
例句: Unemployment is still rising but analysts assure us there is light at the end of the tunnel. (失业率仍旧攀升但分析家向我们保证未来前景的曙光已经出现)

08. light dawns on someone, a
定义: 突然灵机一动, 想通了道理.
例句: They couldn't figure out where they went wrong, but then the light dawned – they'd turned right instead of left. (他们没法弄明白哪里出了问题, 但他们突然灵机一动, 想通了道理–他们应该向左转而不是向右转)

09. light into, to
定义: 严厉批评; 猛烈攻击.
例句: I lit into him for his indiscretion in his remarks. (我严厉批评他轻率的发言, 说了一些不该说的话)

10. light of one's life, the
定义: 你的至爱, 博你欢心的人.
例句: After forty years Bill said his wife was still the light of his life. (经历了四十年的婚姻, 比尔说他的妻子仍然是他所至爱的人)

11. light on your feet, be
定义: 灵巧地走动或行动; 身轻如燕.
例句: He's very light on his feet for such a big person. (以他这么大的个子他的行动算是灵巧的)

12. light on/upon something, to
定义: 落在人或物上; 碰巧找到或发现到某事或物.
例句: I was delighted to light on a new solution to the problem. (我好高兴在不经意之间发现了解决这个问题的方案)

13. light out, to
定义: 匆促地离开或逃走; 启动, 引爆.
例句: Three weeks before graduation Tom suddenly lit out for the West Coast and enlisted in the Navy when he got to San Diego. (在他毕业之前三个星期, 汤姆突然仓促地离开赶赴西海岸, 当他到达了圣地牙哥之后就加入了海军)

14. light sleeper, a
定义: 睡眠浅, 易醒的人.
例句: I'm a light sleeper, so when I travel I'm usually using earplugs and a good eyeshade. (我是个睡眠浅的人, 所以当我到外地旅游的时候我通常会戴着耳塞和一片厚实的眼罩入眠)

15. light up, to
定义: 突然变为喜乐, 生动活泼; 点燃香烟, 点火; 照亮.
例句: As soon as I told him about our summer holiday plans his face lit up and he started smiling. (当我告诉了他有关我们夏季假期计划之后, 他突然露出喜色而且开始展露笑容)

16. light-bulb moment, a
定义: 顿悟时刻; 灵机一动的刹那间.
例句: In a light bulb moment, I came up with the idea for the Thanksgiving menu. (在我灵机一动的刹那间, 我想出了感恩节晚餐菜单的主意)

17. lighten up, to
定义: 放宽心, 放轻松.
例句: Everything will work out fine, so stop worrying and lighten up. (一切事情都会顺顺利利地进行, 因此你别担心, 把心情放轻松)

18. lightning never strikes (the same place) twice
定义: [俗语]灾难不会再同一地方发生两次.
例句: "I'm scared to drive ever since that truck hit my car." "Don't worry. Lightning never strikes the same place twice." ("自从那部卡车撞击我的车子之后我对开车产生了恐惧." "你放心. 灾难不会再同一地方发生两次.")

19. lightning rod of, the
定义: 避雷针, 吸引众人注意的焦点; 众矢之的; 众人攻击批评的对像.
例句: You will be the lightning rod of their anger, frustration and disappointment. (你将会成为他们发泄愤怒, 挫折感和失望的对象)

20. lightning-fast reflexes
定义: 闪电般的反应, 闪电般的反射动作.
例句: Luckily I was pulled back in at the last possible moment by a worker with lightning fast reflexes. (幸运的是, 我在最后关键的一刻被一名带着闪电般反射动作的工人一把就把我拉进来)



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