二十笔实用成语 706

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二十笔实用成语 706

帖子 royl » 周二 10月 03, 2017 11:29 pm

二十笔实用成语 706

01. like a headless chicken
定义: 抓狂; 像只无头苍蝇似地慌张乱窜.
例句: I've got so much work to do. I've been running around like a headless chicken all week. (我有太多的工作要做. 我一直像只无头苍蝇似地慌忙乱窜)

02. like a hot knife through butter
定义: 非常迅速地; 非常容易地.
例句: I'll show you how to get your marketing to cut through like a hot knife through butter. (我会教你如何把你的产品毫不费力地推广出去)

03. like a house afire; like a house on fire
定义: 很快地; 使出全力地; 充满活力地; 狂暴地, 狂怒地; 一拍即合.
例句: Out of nowhere, this crazed dog started charging at us like a house on fire! (突然毫无预警地, 这条发了疯的狗开始狂怒地扑向我们)

04. like a lamb to the slaughter
定义: 顺服地被带入危境而不自知; 无辜, 无助地任人宰割.
例句: Young men fighting in the war simply went like lambs to the slaughter. (在这场战争作战的年轻小伙们只不过是傻傻地被人领入杀戮战场而不自知而已)

05. like a moth to a flame
定义: 飞蛾扑火; (不顾危险地)被强烈吸引.
例句: Customers were drawn to the clearance sale like a moth to aflame. They came from all over and bought up everything in the store. (顾客们被这次的清仓甩卖强烈地吸引而蜂拥而至. 他们从各地赶来并且把店里的所有货物一买而空)

06. like a rat deserting a sinking ship
定义: 大难临头各自逃生.
例句: I knew the business was doomed when employees started quitting en masse, like rats deserting a sinking ship. (当公司的员工开始大量地辞职有如大难临头各自逃生的时候我了解到这家公司注定要完蛋了)

07. like a shot
定义: 马上; 毫不考虑.
例句: If they offered me the job, I'd take it like a shot. (如果他们提议要给我这个工作的话, 我会毫不考虑地接受它)

08. like a sitting duck
定义: 像个容易被攻击的对象, 成为易受伤害的牺牲者.
例句: The enemy's troops were like sitting ducks. They did not suspect an attack at all. (这批敌军部队像个容易被攻击的对象. 他们根本没有料到被人攻击)

09. like a streak of lightning
定义: 风驰电掣地, 疾快地.
例句: The kid grabbed the money and ran out of the shop like a streak of lightning. (这个小孩抓起钱就闪电般地跑离了这家商店)

10. like a well-oiled machine
定义: 合作无间地; 非常有效率地.
例句: Our company is like a well-oiled machine and we like it that way. Best of all, it makes us happy to be working here. (我们公司内部合作无间, 我们也喜欢这个样子. 最重要的是, 我们在这里工作很快乐)

11. like an open book
定义: 不做作, 不虚伪; 容易被人看出. (注: 常用于不难看出某人的想法或意图)
例句: Jane's is like an open book. I always know what she is going to do next. (珍是个率真的人, 不难知道她在想什么. 我总是能够掌握她要做的下一步)

12. like an oven
定义: 非常燥热.
例句: This place is like an oven. The worst part is its high humidity. (这个地方热得像个烤炉. 最糟糕的是它的高湿度)

13. like anything
定义: 非常, 猛烈, 强烈.
例句: I was hoping like anything that the weather would be good. (我还在强烈地希望天气会变好)

14. like as two peas in a pod, be (as)
定义: 非常相似的, 长得一模一样的.
例句: Betty and Jennifer are as like as two peas in a pod. No wonder people sometimes mistake them for sisters. (贝蒂和珍妮弗长得一模一样. 难怪有时候有人会误认为她们是姊妹)

15. like blazes
定义: 疾如烈火, 急速.
例句: He's a fat kid, but he moves like blazes. (他虽然是个胖小子, 但他的动作却无比迅速)

16. like carrying coals to Newcastle
定义: (向煤区送煤)多此一举; 完全没有必要.
例句: Mr. Soong is so rich he doesn't need any more money. To give him a gift certificate is like carrying coals to Newcastle. (宋先生非常富有他根本不需要钱. 送给他一张礼券就好像向煤区送煤, 完全多此一举)

17. like chalk and cheese, be
定义: 两者完全不一样的, 两者毫不相同的.
例句: I don't have anything in common with my sister. We're like chalk and cheese. (我跟我妹妹没有一点相同. 我们完全不一样)

18. like Chinese arithmetic, be
定义: 复杂的, 难以理解的.
例句: The biology final exam looked like Chinese arithmetic to me. I didn't do well at all. (这场生物学期末考试相当难以理解. 我考得一点都不好)

19. like clockwork
定义: 像钟表般地准确, 有规律.
例句: He is very predictable. He always eats at the same time, like clockwork. (他的行动很容易让人掌握到. 他总是同一个时间吃饭. 很有规律)

20. like crap
定义: 糟透了.
例句: I sing like crap. (我的歌唱得真难听)



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