二十笔实用成语 709

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二十笔实用成语 709

帖子 royl » 周四 10月 26, 2017 3:03 pm

二十笔实用成语 709

01. like/want nothing so much as to ..., would
定义: 非常想要..., 极想要做某事.
例句: I would like nothing so much as to break the old patterns, but they keep repeating the same process despite my best intentions. (我非常想要打破老旧的模式, 尽管我的一片好意, 他们却不停地重复使用相同的处理方法)

02. as likely as not, be
定义: 有可能, 大概会.
例句: He will as likely as not arrive without warning. (他有可能在无预警的情况下巧然而至)

03. likely to ..., be
定义: 有可能做+动词... (注: 有句话possible but not likely需要解释清楚: Possible是以概率来说是有可能虽然只有百万分之一, not likely以实际常理推断几乎是不可能的)
例句: The car is likely to break down soon. (这部车有可能很快就要抛锚了)

04. likely to be ..., be
定义: 有可能是+形容词... (注: 有句话possible but not likely需要解释清楚: Possible是以概率来说是有可能虽然只有百万分之一, not likely以实际常理推断几乎是不可能的)
例句: These new products are likely to be available in our city before long. (这些新产品有可能在不久的将来在我们城市销售)

05. likes and dislikes, one's
定义: (一个人的)喜恶之事或物.
例句: Don't let your own likes and dislikes get in the way of the job. (别让你个人的喜恶妨碍了你对这件工作的积极性)

06. limb of Satan/devil
定义: 调皮捣蛋小孩.
例句: You limb of Satan! I've been looking for you all morning. Where have you been? (你这个调皮捣蛋小孩! 我找了你一个早上. 你跑到哪儿了?)

07. limp as a noodle, be (as)
定义: 像面条般地软弱无力.
例句: Her handshake was as limp as a noodle and her hands were cold and damp. (她的握手软弱无力而且她的手又凉又湿)

08. line is busy/engaged, the
定义: 这条线在通话中, 被占用中.
例句: Every time I call them, the line is busy or they're "out to lunch." (每此我打电话给他们, 他们不是在通话中就是"外出吃中饭.")

09. line of duty, the
定义: 执行勤务或任务.
例句: The police officer was killed in the line of duty during the bank robbery. (这名警官在执行逮捕银行抢劫犯的任务时殉职)

10. line of least resistance, the
定义: 阻力最小或最容易的途径; 方便省事的作法.
例句: If you take the line of least resistance in a situation, you do what is easiest, even though you know that it may not be the right thing to do. (如果你在某个情况下采用方便省事的作法, 你会怎么不费力就怎么做, 即使你知道这样做是不对的. 注: 意指投机取巧的做法终归不是长久之计)

11. line of work/business, one's
定义: 行业, 职业或有兴趣的领域.
例句: In my line of work, I often wear a suit and heels. (干我这一行的, 我经常穿着套装及高跟鞋)

12. line one's pockets, to
定义: 某人赚大钱. (注: 经常是不义之财)
例句: These corrupt officials have been lining their pockets at the public's expense. (这些腐败官员一直捞取公款来中饱私囊)

13. line up like lemmings, to
定义: 盲目地追随, 像旅鼠一样地排队.
例句: In order to keep up with the Joneses, we line up like lemmings to get the latest smart phones, when our existing ones still work fine. (为了跟别人攀比, 我们盲目地追随潮流购买最新的智能手机, 虽然我们现有手机的情况良好)

14. line up, to
定义: 排队, 按级别排好, 排出阵容, 排好一条线, 安排或准备好.
例句: People have lined up for over an hour at the theater waiting to buy movie tickets. (人们在戏院前排了一个多钟头的队等待购买电影票)

15. lines of communication, the
定义: 冲突两方使用的交流管道.
例句: If you ever want to keep lines of communication open with your ex, do it with good intentions, not just to make yourself feel better. (如果你想要维持跟你分手的爱人或配偶之间的交流管道畅通,你这样做的出发点应该是出于你的善意而不只是让你自我感觉良好)

16. lingering doubt
定义: 挥之不去的疑虑.
例句: Residual doubt is any remaining or lingering doubt a jury has concerning the defendant's guilt despite having been satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt. (仍有遗虑是一个陪审团对于这名被告的犯罪行为仍然怀着任何没彻底信服的或者挥之不去的疑虑虽然其犯罪行为已经被无可置疑地确定了)

17. link between A and B, a
定义: 连接两件事(A及B)之间的关联.
例句: A prominent new study details the deadly link between sugar and cancer. (一个著名的新研究详述了食用糖和癌症之间致命关联)

18. lip off, to
定义: 口无遮拦, 不经思考就脱口而出.
例句: Did you hear him lip off the police? He called them pigs! (你听见了他口无遮拦地骂警察吗? 他骂他们是猪猡!)

19. lip praise, a
定义: 言不由衷的赞扬.
例句: He diplomatically said that I'm doing great and I have a great future. But for some reason, it sounds like lip praise to me. (他圆滑地说我做的很好, 我有一个光明的前途. 但不知为什么我总觉得他的赞扬言不由衷)

20. lip service, a
定义: 言不由衷的敷衍, 有口无心, 官样文章. (注: 对别人信誓旦旦的说要做什么但不会付诸行动)
例句: So far all we've gotten from him is lip service. (迄今为止我们从他那边所有得到的是言不由衷的敷衍)



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