二十笔实用成语 733

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二十笔实用成语 733

帖子 royl » 周日 2月 11, 2018 5:36 am

二十笔实用成语 733

01. make a mountain (out) of a molehill, to
定义: 小题大做, 大惊小怪, 把鸡毛蒜皮的事当大事.
例句: I spent $50, not $500! Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill. (我只是花了五十块钱不是五百块钱! 别把鸡毛蒜皮小事当成天大的事)

02. make a move, to
定义: 走一步棋; 出手行动; 展开追求异性; 欺敌行动; 对某人动手.
例句: We both know we like each other, now one of us just needs to make a move. (既然我们两人都意识到我们两情相悦, 现在所需要的是我俩任何一人开始行动)

03. make a muck of something, to
定义: 把事情弄糟或做坏了; 弄脏或弄坏; 搞的乌烟瘴气.
例句: I made a muck of the interview for that job. (我这次的求职面试表现得不好)

04. make a name (for oneself), to
定义: 功成名就, 出人头地, 闯出名号.
例句: The band toured the country making a name for themselves. (这个乐团在全国展开巡回演出, 闯出名号)

05. make a night of it, to
定义: 充分投入整夜工作或玩得痛快.
例句: Last Saturday we decide to make a night of it. First, we went to a KTV and then grabbed something to eat in an all-night restaurant nearby. (上周六我们决定整夜玩个痛快, 我们去了一家KTV唱K, 然后去附近一家通霄营业餐厅随便吃点东西)

06. make a noise, to
定义: 发出噪音; 吵闹, 吵杂之声; 捣乱; 啰嗦抱怨.
例句: People have been making a lot of noise about the price increases. (人们对这次的价格上涨发出许多的抱怨)

07. make a nonsense of, to
定义: 捣乱; 使其失去意义; 摧毁其效果; 使其便为荒谬可笑或毫无意义.
例句: The lack of police manpower makes a nonsense of the sobriety checkpoint. (由于警力的缺乏使得这个酒测检查站失去意义)

08. make a note of, to
定义: 记下来(备忘).
例句: I'm giving you a temporary password. Please make a note of it. (我给你一个暂时密码. 请你写下来)

09. make a nuisance of oneself, to
定义: 不停地烦扰别人; 惹事生非, 惹人讨厌.
例句: I'm sorry to make a nuisance of myself, but I do need your input on this matter. (真不好意思一直烦扰你, 但是我确实需要你对这件事的意见)

10. make a parade of something, to
定义: 显摆或炫耀…, 大肆宣杨自己的长处或成就.
例句: Denny is famed for making a parade of his wealth on social media. (丹尼爱在社交媒体上炫富是出名的)

11. make a pass at someone, to
定义: 调戏, 挑逗, 轻薄异性.
例句: Brian has made a pass at every girl in the office. (布莱恩把办公室里每个女同事都挑逗遍了)

12. make a pig of oneself, to
定义: 吃相难看; 抢一大堆食物; 大吃大喝, 吃太多, 吃撑了.
例句: You can eat what you want in small portions. Don't make a pig of yourself. (你可以少量地吃任何你想要吃的东西. 别吃撑了)

13. make a pig's ear of ..., to
定义: 把...办砸, 把...弄糟.
例句: I think I've made a pig's ear of repairing my laser printer. (我想我把我的激光打印机修坏了)

14. make a pile, to
定义: 赚大钱.
例句: He made a pile during the internet boom, lost it when the bubble burst, but then rebuilt his finances. (他在互联网欣欣向荣的时候赚了大钱, 却在它泡沫化之后亏损累累, 但随后又恢复他的财务荣景)

15. make a pitch for, to
定义: 推销, 说服.
例句: She handed him her resume and made a pitch for the job. (她把她履历表交给他并推销她能够胜任此工作的才能)

16. make a play for, to
定义: 引诱, 吸引, 诱惑.
例句: I know she's way out of my league, but I'm going to make a play for Stacy. (我知道我远配不上她, 但我还是要吸引斯黛西对我的关注)

17. make a point of ..., to
定义: 有意地, 特意地; 重视; 强调; 有目的地要做某事.
例句: From then on I made a point of avoiding her. (从那个时候起, 我有意地避开她)

18. make a poor fist of, to
定义: 做得不好, 办砸.
例句: My lawyer made a poor fist of advising me. I'll hire another one in the future. (我的律师给我的法律咨询糟透了. 以后我将会聘请另外一位律师)

19. make a practice of, to
定义: 形成习惯地做某事.
例句: I make a practice of checking fluid levels of my car before every long trip. (每次在远行之前, 我都例行检查各种车用液体是否短缺. 注: 车用液体包括机油, 煞车油, 变速箱液, 雨刷水, 冷却液, 等等)

20. make a promise, to
定义: 做一个承诺或允诺.
例句: I made a promise to myself to begin each day by finding at least one positive thought to focus on. (我向我自己做了一个承诺也就是在每一天的开头必须寻思起码一个积极正面的生活观作为今天关注的主题)

网友们, 第20笔成语的例句正好道出了我最近在生活上的一则心得并借此机会跟网友共享. 有时我们起床一刹那第一个想法是, 又要面对忙碌的一天, 难免会产生无力感. 在此软弱的一刻, 我们最需要的是一个积极健康的生活观. 它有如一剂强心针让我们整天过得轻松并无惧压力.



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